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2. Соотнесите английские слова и словосочетания из текста с их русскими эквивалентами.

1. to come into being

a. уникальность

2. to identify forgery

b. системы для увеличения изображения

3. to establish the authenticity

c. появиться

4. to evaluate document evidence correctly

d. частота встречаемости

5. to uncover the history of a document

e. определить подделку

6. uniqueness

f. правильно оценить документ в качестве доказательства

7. frequency of occurrence

g. установить подлинность

8. systems for image enhancement

h. раскрыть историю создания документа

3. Согласитесь или опровергните утверждения.

1. The examination of questioned documents relies on the scientific study of the physical evidence of a document.

2. Physical traces that assist in the questioned document examination are left in a number of ways.

3. For typing the forensic document examiner observes various features: letter size, formation, and relative proportions, and letter slant, spacing, pressure, line quality, and connecting strokes.

4. For handwriting the document examiner observes characteristics of the typeface, font style, spacing between letters and lines.

5. A questioned document doesn’t imply a sheet of paper bearing handwriting or mechanically-produced text such as a ransom note, a forged cheque or a business contract.

6. The most common type of examination involves handwriting.

7. The process of examination usually includes three stages.

8. They are analysis, comparison and verification.

4. Переведите предложения. Подчеркните сказуемые предложений. Определите их форму.

1. Handwriting identification is based on some principles.

2. The questioned and known items are analyzed and broken down to directly perceptible characteristics.

3. The characteristics of the questioned item are then compared against the known standard.

4. Similarities and/or differences in the compared properties are evaluated by forensic document examiners.

5. Измените сказуемые, стоящие в активном залоге, на пассивный залог. (Возможно несколько вариантов).

1. They have given Bishop Tutu the Nobel Prize.

2. The police allege that Simpson robbed three banks last year.

3. The company says that the production figures have fallen short of expectation.

4. The police have given everyone two weeks to surrender any guns which they may possess illegally.

5. They say he was cleaning his pistol and carelessness caused his death.

6. Evidence shows that Jackson was inside the house at the time of murder.

7. Please, don’t come to the station with me. I hate people saying goodbye to me through the window of a train.

8. They say the Princess is staying at the Hilton.

6. Составьте предложения (слово, начинающее предложение, выделено жирным шрифтом) и переведите их на русский язык.

  1. documents in dispute, a means of, the authenticity of, is, Document Examination, and, identifying forgery, establishing.

  2. are, the information, physical traces, the writing instruments, the writer, assist, the history of a document, about, and, the writing surface, that, to uncover.

  3. graffiti on a wall, may, a sheet of paper, be, forged cheque, etc., a questioned document, a ransom note.

  1. the principle, individual features, handwriting identification, one person's writing, based on, from, is, distinguish, that, that of another, there are.

  2. in the process of, stages, there, analysis, three, evaluation, generally, comparison, are, examination, and.

  3. consisting of, the procedure, a fourth step, optionally, may, verification/validation, involve, peer review, or.

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