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3. Разделитесь на три группы:

  • Представители администрации города

  • Представители общества молодежи

  • Представители коренного населения (жители в возрасте 45-65 лет)

Прочитайте следующую информацию и подготовьте предложения для решения перечисленных ниже проблем.

  • Parking

  • Fees for beaches

  • Behaviour of young people

  • Lack of facilities for older people

  • The proposal to sell an aquarium

Group 1: Representatives of town administration.

You don’t have a lot of money to spend on large projects so you want to:

  • Keep charging people to use the beaches – they are an important source of income.

  • Sell town’s aquarium because it’s losing money and in poor conditions. You want to use the money to build a new sports and swimming pool centre.

  • Charge more for parking to encourage people to use the excellent bus service.

  • Make residents happier without spending too much money.

Group 2: Representatives of youth society

You are happy in Belleview. You want to:

  • Use the beaches without paying fees.

  • Persuade the administration to sell the aquarium. It is in poor conditions and fewer people go there nowadays. This money can be used on building a new sports and swimming pool centre.

  • Have a new venue for visits by pop singers.

  • Have free travel on buses for people under the age of 21

Group 3: Representatives of local population aged 45-65

You are unhappy in Belleview. You want to:

  • Persuade the administration not to sell the 80-year-old aquarium. They should spend a lot of money on the aquarium to bring it up to the standards as it is one of the most famous sights of the town.

  • Have more facilities in the town for older people (think of some examples).

  • Have free parking for all resident car owners.

  • Propose stricter penalties for bad behaviour by young people.

  1. Выберите председателя собрания и составьте повестку дня.

  2. Каждая группа выбирает человека, который будет вести протокол.

  3. После обсуждения обменяйтесь протоколами и обсудите их в своей группе.


1. Работа в парах. Обсудите вопросы с коллегой. Расскажите, что нового Вы узнали о его/ее опыте общения по телефону.

  1. How often do you make phone calls?

  2. In what situations do you prefer to use your phone?

  3. When was the last time you called an organization for information? What happened?

  4. Do you like recorded information or do you prefer to speak to a real person?

  5. Have you ever had problems while talking over the phone? What kind of problems?

  6. Have you ever made a phone call in English? Was it easy or difficult for you?

  7. Why might it be difficult to make a phone call in English? What problems can arise?

2. Прочитайте высказывания о проблемах, которые могут возникнуть при попытке установить контакт с собеседником по телефону. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки. Расскажите о ситуациях, в которых вы сталкивались с подобными проблемами.

transfer, return, get (4), play, put, call, repeat, take, listen

  1. You constantly __________ through to a voice mail system.

  2. You __________ cut off in the middle of the call.

  3. They __________ irritating music when you are put on hold.

  4. People you call ___________ a long time to answer.

  5. People don’t _________ your calls.

  6. They ________ you on hold and forget about you.

  7. You __________ an answer phone.

  8. They __________ you to another person and you have to ____________ your enquiry.

  9. They don’t _________ properly to what you are saying.

  10. You continually __________ an engaged tone when you _________ somebody.

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