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7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Графология — область знания о почерке и методах его исследования с точки зрения отражающихся в нем психических состояний и особенностей личности пишущего.

  2. Принято считать, что первые наблюдения принадлежат мудрецам южной Индии и Китая, оттуда они пришли в Древнюю Грецию приблизительно 4000 лет тому назад.

  3. Появление первых научных разработок, связанных с возможностью изучать личностные качества человека по почерку принадлежат французскому аббату Жану Ипполиту Мишону (1806-1881).

  4. Графологией заинтересовались в Германии, затем в Англии и США, многие известные писатели, поэты и политики посвятили немало времени, изучая проблему связи между почерком и характером человека, среди них писатели В.Шекспир, Э.По, О. де Бальзак, В.Скотт, Жорж Санд, А.Дюма.

  5. Результаты современных исследований подтверждают имеющуюся взаимосвязь почерка с некоторыми психическими особенностями человека.

  6. Например, «острые углы», как правило, ассоциируются с такими качествами человека, как упорство, резкость, неуступчивость, что, зачастую, находит свое отражение в написании букв.

  7. Одно и то же можно написать большими или маленькими буквами и при этом с большим или меньшим нажимом.

  8. Графологическая экспертиза широко используется в современной практике отбора кадров, например, в кадровых агенствах США.

  9. Основные признаки почерка, анализируемые графологом: размер букв: (очень маленькие, маленькие, средние, крупные); наклон букв: (левый наклон, легкий наклон влево, правый наклон, резкий наклон вправо); направление почерка: (строчки ползут вверх, строчки прямые, строчки ползут вниз).

  10. В США широко распространены специальные графологические бюро, специализирующиеся на анализе профессиональных и личностных качеств претендентов на различные управленческие должности по их почерку.

8. Подготовьте презентацию своего заключения по графологической экспертизе записки, написанной президентом США, Бараком Абамой. Для этого внимательно изучите записку с пометками, сделанными профессиональным графологом, и справочные материалы и инструкции, приведенные ниже, с помощью которых Вы сможете дополнить психологический портрет презедента. Составьте свое экспертное заключение и представьте его группе.

Handwriting analysis of US President Obama reveals at least nine characteristics common place among previous world renown leaders of commerce, politics, and the arts.

  • Large capital letters in signature show a healthy ego, confidence;

  • An open loop on the letter h indicates a mind open to different philosophies;

  • The short stem on the d's reveals an independent thinker;

  • A figure-8 shaped g designates one with fluid thinking; and

  • A clean letter о points out his openness and bluntness.

A person's handwriting is as unique as their personality, and there's good reason to look for traces of their personality in their handwriting. Have you ever wanted to analyze handwriting? Here's how to start your lucrative career in graphology

Look at the pressure of the strokes. A high pressure means the person has a high Emotional Energy. People with a high Emotional Energy have a lot of enthusiasm for life and are often very successful. People with a low Emotional Energy find most situations draining and will try to avoid them.

Look at the size of the letters. Large letters mean the person is outgoing and extraverted; small letters mean the person is reclusive and introverted. There are many aspects to the size of writing and alone it doesn’t indicate many things. Size (and especially the relative size of letter parts) needs to be considered along with other factors. There are some simple indicators however. Small writing is generally a strong indicator of a detailed, technical personality. Large rounded and dominant central case letters indicate a friendly and sociable personality.

Look at the slope of the strokes. Is there a consistent slope to the letters and therefore the words in the sample? Check by drawing lines through the up and downward strokes. Backwards slopes indicate an introverted personality; forward slopes are extraverted. Upright strokes indicate a personality who is motivated by factors other than people, (i.e. neither extrovert nor introvert). The degree of slope reflects the degree of extraversion or introversion. The degree of consistency of the slope (i.e. parallel strokes) indicates the degree of emotional consistency.

Look at the line slope. Writing which rises to the right shows optimism and cheerfulness. Sagging to the right shows physical or mental weariness. (This applies to signatures sloping-downwards also.)

Look at the flow. One of the essential indicators, but like any other factor not to be used on its own. Generally, restraint is indicated every time the pen leaves the paper, and the converse applies. Gushing, eager, impulsive people have a more continuous flow of writing. Flowing writing has linked letters and sometimes linked words. Thoughtful, considered people will have fewer linked letters and no linked words. Artistic and conceptual people who like space and time around them will often have completely separated letters. (It follows that pressure at school on some children to ‘write joined-up’ - because the common view is that to do otherwise is ‘not grownup’ - is unnatural and often counter-productive. In any event continuity of flow does not correlate to intelligence.)

Look at the spacing. Space between words indicates social attitude to others. Close words are a sign of sociability. Large spaces between words indicate the person is comfortable alone, and may even distrust others. Spacing between letters shows artistic spatially aware character, (artists, etc.)

Look at the decoration and distortion. Don’t confuse the two. Decoration is intended; distorted is malformed and unintentional. Both are different to unfinished letters, which is a different indicator. Decoration is generally a sign that the writer wishes to be noticed more than he or she is at present. Malformed letters indicate a variety of things which must be dealt with individually. Unfinished words can be a sign of intelligence and impatience.

Look at some more characteristics of handwriting.

ANALYTICAL THINKINGv-wedges for m, n-bottom baseline intersections

sorts and separates information in assessing their value, evaluates information and supporting patterns


increasingly heavy downward and forward middle final

brings matters to a conclusion and thrusts it upon others


wide e-loop

liberal self-viewpoints, free of bigotry


small writing

focuses attention on one activity ignoring all other influences


middle letter printed as capital

integration and discrimination of creative artistic and structural systems into one's mode of living


heavy average stroke pressure

possesses strong libido and passions, abundance of available energy and vitality, proactive


missing t-bars

inability to recall information or planned action, absentmindedness


initial wavy upper area down stroke to baseline

the contrast between reality and assumed values provokes amusement


inflated triangular forward inverted upper circle

open hostility towards authority and for any form of discipline, belligerent


tall t, d-stem height

excessively high regard of ones conduct demonstrated through a sense of superiority

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