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10. Соотнесите русские эквиваленты с английскими словами и словосочетаниями из текста.

1. loanwords

a. превосходить численно

2. word formation

b. относящийся к моде

3. layering

c. сохранить названия

4. variety of language

d. имеющий отношение к власти и ее


5. to split into some meanings

e. играть важную роль

6. to lose the feeling of being foreign

f. словообразование

7. to enter the language

g. слова со схожими значениями

8. concerned with power and authority

h. расщепление на несколько понятий

9. related to fashion

i. выходить из употребления

10.to retain the names

j. адаптировать (приспосабливать) к английскому правописанию

11. to play a major role

k. вариант языка

12. words with similar meanings

l. входить (заимствоваться) в язык

13. to adapt to English spelling

n. образование новых значений слова

14. to outnumber

o. утрачивать ощущение инородности

15. to fall out of use

p. слова, заимствованные из других языков

11. Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

  1. Words have come into the English language from _______________

    1. American English

    2. different languages

    3. the Scandinavian language.

  2. Loanwords are ________________

    1. layering

    2. several or many meanings of the word

    3. words from other languages, regional dialect or another variety of English.

  3. Words can be created by _______________

    1. prestige

    2. word formation

    3. history.

  4. There are lots of French words in Modern English. For example, _____________

    1. carnival, banana, assistance

    2. parliament, government, crime, accuse, attorney

    3. cow, sheep, swine, help, book.

  5. Many Latin words were mainly part of the written language, such as ____________

    1. appendix, formula, curriculum

    2. music, poem, dress

    3. assistance, text, history, maturity, polite

12. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя ту или иную речевую модель. Исправьте неверные утверждения.

Models: a) I fully agree with this statement.

b) I am afraid I can’t agree with it.

  1. Words may enter English as loanwords.

  2. Words are not formed by taking existing words, or pieces of words, and putting them together to make new ones.

  3. Words can come from layering.

  4. Polysemous words have two or more different meanings.

  5. As some other languages, English has tried to prevent foreign words from coming into it.

  6. In 1266 numerous French words entered English.

  7. The words “parliament” and “government” are related to fashion.

  8. Since William the Conqueror invaded England existing English words disappeared.

  9. Latin was the language of the church.

  10. English, French, and Latin words with similar meanings are found side by side.

  11. Many Latin words tended to be intellectual in nature.

  12. Some Latin words were adapted to English spelling.

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