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13. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значения фразового глагола ‘look’.

1. The forensic scientist looks for is the way the lines form the letters.

2. When analyzing writing style, the forensic scientist looks at the handwriting in general.

3. He looks at strokes, pressure, slants, heights, loops, letter spacing, dotted "i's" and crossed "t's".

4. A forensic scientist also looks to see if people make ornaments such as circles.

5. He looked through the questioned document.

6. Look ahead! This laboratory experiment is very dangerous.

7. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

14. Выберите соответствующий предлог и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Who is going to look ___ the child while her mother is away?

a. after

b. for

c. at

  1. When she got the promotion, she started to look ___ on the people she used to work with.

a. up

b. for

c. down

  1. At this moment, it's nonsense to look ___ results.

a. about

b. for

c. in

  1. We must look ___ all the applications before we decide to hire someone.

a. for

b. up

c. over

  1. People looked ___ him as a great leader.

a. on

b. forward

c. in

  1. I'm looking ___ to visiting my relatives in California

a. for

b. forward

c. up

  1. He is really lucky! He got a room that looks ___ on the sea.

a. up

b. over

c. out

  1. I'm sure you have written that down. Look ___ your notes and you will find it.

a. round

b. at

c. together

  1. Students usually look ___ the counselor to help them choose a career.

a. at

b. to

c. into

  1. If you don't know the word, look it ___ in the dictionary.

a. up

b. for

c. at

15. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Судебное почерковедение изучает почерк, разрабатывает методы его исследования с целью раскрытия преступлений или установления конкретных обстоятельств по гражданским делам.

2. Общие признаки почерка характеризуют почерк определенного лица в целом и включают наклон, размер букв, нажим и т. д.

3. Частные признаки почерка отражают особенности движений при написании отдельных букв и их элементов (штрихов).

4. Для проведения экспертизы, ученые отбирают образцы почерка лиц, подозреваемых в подлоге.

5. Эксперты утверждают, что по почерку можно определить эмоциональное состояние человека, его настроение.

6. Криминалисты, исследуя документ, анализируют его стиль, орфографию, пунктуацию, грамматику, общие и частные признаки почерка.

16. Работа в парах. Выступите в качестве эксперта. Проанализируйте образцы почерка, демонстрирующие разную степень связанности и выработанности почерка. Обсудите образцы, задавая друг другу вопросы, используя ключевые слова из рамки и подрисуночные подписи.

Model: - I think, the handwriting sample in figure 2.2. is accomplished by a poor writer.

  • Why do think so?

  • I think so because there are no connected strokes and ……..


1. Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. Why is there a need for questioned document examination (QDE)?

  2. What physical traces can assist to the forensic document examiner?

  3. How can the forensic document examiner investigate handwriting/typing?

  4. What types of documents are usually disputed?

  5. How many stages are there in the process of examination? Name them.

  6. What optional stage may be used by the examiner?

  7. How has the work of the forensic document examiner been simplified nowadays?



Document Examination, as an established field of scientific study, came into being early in the 20th century as a means of identifying forgery and establishing the authenticity of documents in dispute. It grew out of the need of the Court to be able to correctly evaluate document evidence.

The examination of questioned documents relies on the scientific study of the physical evidence of a document. Physical traces that assist in the questioned document (QD) examination to uncover the history of a document are left in a number of ways: the writing instrument, i.e. pen and ink, pencil, typewriter, computer and printer, etc., the writing surface, such as paper, and information about the writer (or typist), such as physical position and physical, emotional, or mental state. For handwriting, the forensic document examiner observes various features: letter size, formation, and relative proportions, and letter slant, spacing, pressure, line quality, connecting strokes, etc. For typing, the document examiner observes characteristics of the typeface, font style, spacing between letters and lines, and association of a document with a particular machine or type of machine, i.e., typewriter, printer, or copier.

Common criminal charges involved in a document examination case include identity theft, forgery, counterfeiting, fraud, or uttering a forged document. A questioned document may be a sheet of paper bearing handwriting or mechanically-produced text such as a ransom note, a forged cheque or a business contract. It also includes things like graffiti on a wall, stamp impressions on meat products, or covert markings hidden in a written letter, among other things.

The most common type of examination involves handwriting. Handwriting identification is based on the principle: there are individual features that distinguish one person's writing from that of another. Generally, there are three stages in the process of examination:

Analysis: The questioned and the known items are analyzed and broken down to directly perceptible characteristics.

Comparison: The characteristics of the questioned item are then compared against the known standard.

Evaluation: Similarities and/or differences in the compared properties are evaluated and this determines which ones are valuable for a conclusion. This depends on the uniqueness and frequency of occurrence in the items.

Optionally, the procedure may involve a fourth step consisting of verification/validation or peer review.

Modern day questioned document problems are becoming more complex. Fortunately with the advent of specialized photographic techniques, computer-based systems for image enhancement, and recent developments in relative ink and paper dating by forensic chemists, the arsenal of analytical tools continues to expand with more conclusive determinations being made by the competent expert who is familiar with their proper applications and uses.

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