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Часть 1 методического пособия (1).doc
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II. Discussion Points

Answer the questions:

  1. What’s your favourite dish?

  2. Are you a good cook? What is your speciality?

  3. What do you usually have for breakfast (dinner, supper)?

  4. Do you like to eat out? Where?

  5. What’s you favourite cafй (restaurant)?

  6. Have you ever used cookery books (AmE cookbook)?

  7. Do you watch TV programmes on cooking?

  8. What’s your favourite national cuisine?

  9. Do you like soups? Which ones?

  10. What do you prefer for the main course?

  11. What do you usually prefer for dessert?

  12. What are your favourite soft drinks?

  13. What strong drinks do you know?

  14. What’s the difference between a regular and a self-service restaurant?

  15. What fruits do you like?

  16. What is healthy food? What is junk food?

  17. What food can you buy at a school (University) cafй?

  18. Can you do without meat (chocolate, porridge)?

  19. Do you use spices? Which ones?

  20. What do you or your relatives cook for special occasions (your birthday party, New Year, Christmas, Easter)?

Exchanging Ideas:

  1. Is going to a restaurant a usual thing with you?

  2. Can you name unusual things which are eaten in different countries?

  3. What is the national dish in your country?

  4. Have you got a speciality? Share your recipe with your groupmates. Make extensive use of the verbs below:

to peel

to grate тереть на терке

to chop

to slice

to dice порезать кубиками

to carve

to roast

to fry

to grill

to boil

to stew

to squeeze

to stuff sth with sth

to toast подрумянить

to sift/sieve

to whisk взбивать

to drain/strain

to knead

to roll out

to crush

to mash

to mix

to sprinkle

to spread

  1. Have you ever been on a diet?

  2. Why do people sometimes celebrate their birthday or other events at restaurants? Is it popular in this country?

  3. There are some common ideas about food. Read them and say whether you agree with them or not:

A cup of tea revives you.

A cup of hot milk with honey helps you to sleep.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Fish is good for the brain.

Eating carrots is good for the eyes.

III. Make up and Act out Dialogues:

  • Speak about your favourite dishes.

  • Speak about eating habits of your relatives.

  • Discuss the problem of healthy eating.

  • You are at a restaurant. Call the waiter and have a talk with him.

  • You have dined at a restaurant:

    1. you enjoyed your meal;

    2. the meal was awful.