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Текст 6

Dublin is the capital of Ireland. It has a population of about half a million. Dublin is famous for its beautiful historical buildings and friendly people but it is quite polluted. The weather is mild with average temperatures around 10°C and around 6 centimetres of rain every month. In Dublin a bottle of water costs $1.29 and a bus ticket about $2.50.

Singapore is a very modern city. The population is about 3.5 million. Singapore is famous for being a very clean city with lots of modern buildings, but some people think these buildings are ugly. The weather is hot and wet, with average temperatures of 20°C and about 20 centimetres of rain every month. A bottle of water costs $1 and a bus ticket about $1.20.

Согласитесь или не согласитесь.

  1. The population of Singapore is smaller than Dublin.

  2. The buildings are more modern in Singapore.

  3. Dublin is cleaner than Singapore.

  4. The buildings in Dublin are more beautiful than in Singapore.

  5. Singapore is hotter and wetter.

  6. Singapore is more expensive.

Текст 8


London had the worst traffic in the UK and was one of the worst cities in Europe. Drivers spent 50% of their time in traffic jams, and pollution was terrible. In 2003, the mayor of London made a new law to help reduce traffic. It costs £8 (€10) a day to drive in central London. More people use public transport and bicycles now in London because of this law. Traffic is bad, but not too bad now.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  • What do you think of the congestion charge in London?

  • Is it a good idea?

  • Is there something similar in your country?

Текст 9


Cape Town is one of South Africa's most beautiful cities. Cape Town is famous for its beaches, mountains and wine. There are lots of things to do and see during your visit. We have collected here a small sample of the best Cape Town has to offer.

The most exciting thing to do

Cape Town sits next to the beautiful Table Mountain. Table Mountain is 1,086 metres high and is the most famous mountain in South Africa. If you visit Cape Town, you must take a cable car up to the top of the mountain. (1) .You can also go walking around the top of the mountain.

The most frightening activity

The ocean near Cape Town is famous for sharks. On special adventure tours you can go diving with a great white shark. (2).This is an experience that you will never forget!

The best shopping

For many reasons the Victoria and Albert Waterfront is the best and most popular shopping centre in the city. You can find cheap jewellery, good books and quality clothes at the shopping centre. If you want African paintings and souvenirs, go shopping at the Green Point Market on Sundays. (3). There are hundreds of little shops at the market, and some are cheaper than others.

The most expensive place to stay

The Cape Grace is a five-star hotel next to the sea in Cape Town. At Cape Grace you can go swimming in the pool, relax in the spa or read in the library. (4) . The hotel bar has more than 420 different kinds of whisky!

The most historical place

If you want to go sightseeing, you must go to Robben Island. Robben Island was one of South Africa's worst prisons during apartheid. (5) . Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, spent 27 years in prison on Robben Island.

The wildest night out

Cape Town is home to the biggest nightclub in South Africa, the Dockside. (6). The giant building has a dancefloor for 5,000 people.

Вставьте предложения a-f в пропуски 1-6 в статье.

a A special cage protects you from the most dangerous animal in the world.

b The 360° views are incredible.

с It is now a national memorial and museum.

d This is the best place to go dancing and have a good time.

e The 122 rooms have beautiful furniture, satellite television, internet connection and lots of space,

f Some advice: you should always compare prices before you buy.

Выполните задание:

Imagine you have a free trip to Cape Town but you can only see three things. Which of the places in the brochure would you like to visit most?

Симона и Ники путешествуют по Кейптауну. Вставьте прилагательные в скобках в превосходную форму.

1 What about this souvenir for my brother?

I don't know. It's…souvenir in the shop! (expensive)

2 Look at this place! I think it's the …club in town, (big). It's also very expensive, and I don't like dancing. Let's go to a different place.

3 Why don't you want to go?

Because it's…thing in the guide book! It's also… (crazy, dangerous)

4 The guidebook says this is… part of Cape Town.

Wow. You can see everything from up here, (high)

5 Who is Nelson Mandela?

He's…person in modern South African history! (important)

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