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Диалог 8

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Reserving a room at the hotel.

-Hello. Northern Star Hotel. Can I help you?

-Yes. I d like to reserve a single room with bathroom, for three nights, from Wednesday, the 12th of February, to Friday, the 14th of February, inclusive.

-Let me see. Yes, sir. A single room for three nights with English

breakfast, is that right?

-Yes. That is right.

-What is your name, please?

-It is not for me, it is for Mr. Klimenko.

Could you spell it, please?

-Yes, of course. K-L-I-M-E-N-K-O.

-Thank you, sir.

-Shall I send a deposit?

-No. It is not necessary, sir.

-Thank you very much.

Диалог 9

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At the hotel

-Good evening, sir. What can I do for you? -Good evening, I have a room reserved at your hotel. -What is your name, please?

-Just a moment, 111 check. Yeath. A single room with private bath and English breakfast for three nights. Is that right, sir? -Yes, that is right.

-Just a moment. 111 sing the register. Thank you. Here is your key. Room three-o-seven, it is on the the third floor. The lift is over there. 111 have your things sent up.

-Thank you. What is the time for breakfast?

-Any time between 7 and 9.30. Where are you going to have your

breakfast, sir? In your room or in the restaurant?

-I d rather have it in my room.

-What time, sir?

-At 8 о clock.

-О. K. Anything else, sir?

-I d like to eat here this evening. When is the restaurant closing?

  • At 9. 30, so you have got two hours to have your dinner, sir.

  • Fine. Thank you.


  1. Заполните пропуски вопросительными словами из таблицы.



what who


how much

how long

Friend Oh,… are you going?

Eddie I'm going to South Africa. It's my first lime.

F Oh you're so lucky!...are you leaving?

E I'm leaving next Monday morning. F …are you going with?

E I'm not going with anyone. Just me and my rucksack.

F …are you going to stay?

E Well, I'm staying with friends in Cape Town. Then I'm going on safari, I'm going to sleep in a tent.

F Fantastic! And…are you going to travel?

E By plane to Cape Town, of course, and then by jeep when I'm on safari,

F By jeep! How exciting. And…are you going to stay?

E Just two weeks. I'd like to stay longer but I can't. It’s too expensive.

F …is it going to cost?

E About £2,000.

F Mmmm, that's quite a lot. Well, have a great time. I can't wait to see your photos.

E Oh, yes, I'm going to take a lot of photos.

2. Прочитав определения, догадайтесь о чем идет речь.

1. a journey by water, especially a long one in a ship 2. a large box with a hinged lid, for clothes, etc. while travelling 3. a number of wagons 4. a car with a meter which may be hired for journeys 5. a person, whose work is to carry luggage 6. a station at the end of a railway line 7. a list or statement of details, esp. of times for doing things; programme or time-table for work 8. to get a free ride by signalling for one (from a passing car, lorry, etc.) 9. trunks, suitcases, etc. and their contents taken on a journey 10. an office for the sale of tickets 11. a long walk in the country 12. something said, written, printed to make known what has happened or ( most often) what will happen 13. going away 14. a written or printed piece of card or paper giving the holder the right to travel in a train, bus, ship, etc. 15. an office where you can find all the necessary information 16. a kind of aircraft, able to take off and land in a very small space 17. flying through the air 18. height, esp. above sea level 19. a place where roads, railway lines or sections of an electric circuit meet or diverge 20. a machine that converts energy into power or motion 21. a ship's kitchen 22. all the persons working on a ship, aircraft, train, etc. 23. a part of a ship below a deck, where cargo is stored 24. a wooden or stone structure at which ships are moored for (un)loading cargo 25. a ticket giving a traveller the right to go to a place and back to his starting point 26. a sleeping place in a train.

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