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10. Пользуясь любой картой, догадайтесь, где находится ваш друг.

A re you at the corner of the street?

near the church?

opposite the theatre?

between the flower shop and the post-office?

on the left?

on the right?

in front of the club?

behind the museum?

in Oxford Street?

in the bus?

under the tree?

at the crossing?

11. Отгадайте, где живет ваш друг.

D oes she live near the cinema?

opposite the flower shop?

far from the theater?

near the market?

between the bank and the post-office?

in front of the museum?

behind the church?

on the roof?

under the bench?

12. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What is your native town?

  2. Where is it situated? Is it far from Moscow?

  3. What is your native town famous for?

  4. Are there any architectural monuments in your town? What are they?

  5. What famous people lived here?

  6. Which is the main street in your town?

  7. Who is it named after?

  8. Are there any industrial enterprises in your native town?

  9. What goods do they produce?

  10. How do people spend their leisure time in your town?

  11. Are you proud of your native town?

13. Поставьте слова в скобках в нужную видовременную форму.

A Letter from London

Dear Alice,

Hi! I'm on holiday in London. I 1(stay) with my friend, Jane. She 2 (live) in the centre of London, near Hyde Park. I 3(be) here since Saturday and I 4(already, do) lots of things. I 5(visit) the Tower of London, the British Museum and Madam Tussaud's. I 16 (go) to Madam Tussaud's on Monday. It 7(be) terrible. When I 8 (enter) the Chamber of Horrors, 19(scream).

Yesterday Jane and I 10(go) shopping. I 11(want) to buy some souvenirs. But while I 12(pay) for a T-shirt, someone 13(steal) my bag. Luckily, I 14 (spend, already) nearly all my money.

There 15(be) a lot of things I16 (not, do) yet. I 17(not, be) on a boat trip down the Thames yet, I 18(not see) the Millennium Dome. If the weather 19(be) fine tomorrow, I 20 (go) on a boat trip. I hope Jane 21(keep) me company. I 22(like) London very much. I 23 (never, see) such a beautiful city. You 24(must) visit it some day. I 25 (be) back in a week, so I 26 (call) you then.

Love, Ana

14. Соотнесите прилагательные 1-6 со словами a-f. Составьте путеводитель по вашему городу, пользуясь полученными заголовками. Places to visit:


1historical a food

2 cheap b things to do

3friendly с traffic

4interesting d people

5dangerous e buildings

6noisy f at night

15. Выберите правильное слово.

  1. This is the better / best place to stay.

  2. Be careful! It can be dangerous / safe at night.

  3. The people is / are very friendly.

  4. You should go by / in bus.

  5. You should go sightsee / sightseeing. There are lots of things to see.

  6. You must / mustn't smoke in the restaurants.

16. Выберите подходящее слово.

When people compare the capital city in their country with other cities, the capitals often get very negative comments. Lots of people say that capital cities are (1) cheap / expensive places to live. They are very (2) noisy / quiet because of all the traffic, and the air is (3) clean / polluted. Many cities are (4) dangerous / safe places and often the people are seen as (5) friendly / unfriendly. But not everything is negative. Capital cities usually have lots of (6) historical / modern buildings that are C7) beautiful / ugly places. Because there are lots of things to do these cities are (8) boring / interesting places to live.

Закончите предложения о своём городе.

  1. The people where I live are… .

  2. It's…to walk on the streets at night.

  3. The place is…because there is a lot to do.

  4. The air and streets are very… .

  5. There are lots of…buildings which are very

  6. I live in a…part of town.

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