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Текст 2

Nizhny Tagil

Nizhny Tagil is situated some 25 kilometers east of the border between Europe and Asia. It is the second city in the Sverdlovsk region by population.

It is one of the oldest mining centers of both home and world metallurgy. It was the former land of the Demidovs, the famous dynasty of plant and mine owners and founders of the mining and metallurgical industries in the Ural.

Rivers and ponds take up one third of the city's territory. Nizhny Tagil spans 22 km from north to south and 21 km from east to west. The city is built around the Lisya Mountain (“the Mountain of the fox”), an extinct volcano. This mountain, with a watch-tower on its top, is a symbol of the city. Another mountain, Medved-Kamen (“Bear-Stone”), is located in the northern part of the city, and is 100 meters high.

The city was founded on October 8th, 1722 among settlements connected to the construction of the Viyskiy copper smelting plant. Over the following decades, the city developed as one of the early centers of Russian industrialization.

In the center of the Theatrical Square, there now is a bronze monument where the locomotive stands. The city is also known not only for its first steam locomotive in Russia, but also for invention of the bicycle. Some believe that the copper for the Statue of Liberty was mined and refined in Nizhny Tagil.

Nizhny Tagil was granted city status on August 20th, 1919 by the resolution of the Sverdlovsk military revolution committee.

Nizhny Tagil is a large industrial center with highly power-intensive industries. During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1045), the city works produced more than 30,000 T-34 tanks. Now, the industries of Nizhny Tagil give 7% of cast iron and 6% of steel products in Russia. “Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Plant” (NTMK) is a leading Russian steel company.

“Uralvagonzavod” (UVZ) is well-known for its tanks and other military equipment. Nizhny Tagil is home for the international exhibitions “Russian Expo Arms” and “Russian Defense Expo”.

Nizhny Tagil is famous for its professional theaters: the National Academic Drama Theater by Mamin-Sibiryak, a Puppet theater and community theaters. There is also an actor department of Nizhny Tagil College of Arts that trains actors and actresses for Nizhny Tagil and the region.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What is NT famous for?

  2. What is the symbol of the city?

  3. When was NT founded?

  4. Name the leading Russian steel company.

  5. What exhibitions are held in NT?

  6. What theatres in NT do you know?

Текст 3

Town or country mouse?

by John Russell

This simple tale shows that what may be a good place to live for one person, may not be good for another. Are you a town mouse or a country mouse?

Once upon a time, there were two mice – cousins. One lived in the town and the other in the country. The town mouse was a very superior mouse, who thought that living in the town was better than living the country. So one day, he invited his country cousin to stay with him in his town house and experience the civilized lifestyle of the town. They sat down to a meal, which to the country mouse was a feast. “Goodness me” he said. “If I was in the country, I would be having only simple bread and cheese in the quiet of my peaceful home.” Suddenly, there was a loud noise at the door. “Don’t worry,” said the town mouse, “that’s just my neighbour - the dog, he wants to join us for dinner.” The country mouse ate a little faster. Another noise was heard outside, even louder this time. “Oh dear” said the town mouse, “the cat who lives facing my house wants to join us too.” Quickly eating the last of his meal, the country mouse said, “thank you, but I think I will return to the peace and quiet of my own house after all!” Then he ran back home as fast as his legs could carry him.

A modern version of this story might look like this:

Maria lives in a big city surrounded by the speed and convenience of urban life. She works in an office with 1000 other employees, and travels to and from there on a crowded Metro. Her home is a flat overlooking a busy city-street, which is always alive with the sound of traffic and people passing by. After work she meets with friends in a bar or restaurant before going on to a disco or nightclub. Weekends are spent in the shopping mall with its numerous shops, multi-screen cinemas, fast food and entertainment complexes.

Alex, however, lives in a small village in the countryside. He cycles to work every morning, the sound of tractors, birds and animals in his ears. In the evening, he relaxes at home in front of the fire with a good book to read. At weekends, he goes for long walks in the fields with his dog.

But life is not as simple as stories make it. A lot of today’s ‘town mice’ such as Maria would be happy to live in the country. Many modern cities have very large populations (Tokyo or Mexico City - over 25 million) and can be crowded, dirty and dangerous places to live. More than half the world’s population now lives in cities. About 1 billion people there are living in slum conditions – overcrowded and unhealthy.

Yet, a modern country life is not without its problems; poor transport, lack of access to hospitals and education, and services such as large shops, banks and entertainment. But the internet and other mass media have linked country areas to the world.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Are you a town mouse or a country mouse?

  2. Why was the country mouse frightened in the town?

  3. Where does Maria live? Does she enjoy her lifestyle?

  4. Where does Alex live? Does he enjoy his lifestyle?

  5. What problems do big modern cities have?

  6. What problems do modern villages have?

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