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  1. Напишите имена членов вашей семьи. Задайте вопросы о семье студентов вашей группы.

Who's Juan?

He's my brother.

Who's Silvia?

She's my aunt. She's my mother's sister.

  1. How did you two meet?

Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке.

□ They got married. □ They chatted for a long time.

□ They fell in love. □ They had two children. □ Wilma and Carl met at a party. □ They kissed.

□ He invited her to meet his parents. □ They got engaged.

  1. Famous people

Посмотрите на информацию об У. Шекспире и заполните пропуски в тексте.

Name William Shakespeare

Job writer

Town Stratford

Country England

Born 1564

Wife’s name Anne Hathaway

Children Susannah (1582), Hamnet and Judith (1585)

William Shakespeare was a (1) writer. He (2) in Stratford, England, in (3). His wife's name (4) Anne and his children's names (5) Susannah , Hamnet, and Judith. Susannah (6) in 1 582, and Hamnet and Judith (7) in 1585.

  1. Обсудите в группе.

Find out who has got any brothers and/or sisters.

  1. Who has got the most? How many? Do they like having lots of brothers and sisters?

  2. Has anyone got a twin brother or sister? Do they like being a twin?

  3. Is anyone in the class an only child? Do they like being an only child?

  4. How many children have you got/would you like to have?

  5. What size is the perfect family?

  6. Would you like to have twins?

  7. How old are people when they leave the family home?

  8. How old are people when they get married?

10. Расставьте слова по порядку.

1. your there are in many people How family?

2. my family. people in There five are

3. you have? many do brothers How

4. are your in Who family?

5. you Are married ?

6. daughter? have a Do son a you or

7. your family does live? Where

8. sisters? Have got you any

9. uncle your married? Is

10. do? does wife your What

11. Выберите предложения, подходящие для описания семьи a и семьи b.

  1. Jenny is thirty-two years old and has got a job in a post office in a small village.

  2. Peter is thirty-nine years old and he is an architect in London.

  3. He is married to Elizabeth and they've got four children: three sons and a daughter.

  4. She's divorced and has got an eight-year-old daughter, Cilia, and a three-year-old son, Jamie.

  5. She's got a small house with a big garden in the village.

  6. They live in a big house near London.

  7. She's got a lot of friends in the village.

  8. Elizabeth looks after the children and has a part-time job in a school near her home.

  9. Jenny's mother, Kate, lives in the same village.

  10. Peter's parents, Fiona and Michael, live in the country and come to stay with the family in the holidays.

  11. They have a comfortable life and they are a happy family.

  12. She helps Jenny with the children when she's at work.


Активная лексика

household duties

домашние обязанности

keep house

вести хозяйство

do (tidy up) the room

убирать комнату

do (make) the bed

убирать постель

make tea (coffee)

заваривать чай (кофе)

do the cooking


do the shopping

делать покупки

sweep the floor

подметать пол

water the flowers

поливать цветы

lay the table

накрывать на стол


вытирать пыль

clear away the dishes

убирать посуду

polish the floor

натирать пол

keep the room tidy

поддерживать рядок в комнате

do the laundry

стирать (белье)

wash up

мыть посуду

cook (make) smth

готовить (стряпать)

bake pies

печь пироги

look after

присматривать, заботиться

iron (press)

утюжить, гладить











dry cleaner's



сапожная мастерская


фотография (shop)

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