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21. Заполните пропуски в тексте следующими словами:

departments, sell, shop assistants, window displays, to run, choosing clothes, prices

I dream (1) a shop of my own. It will be-a shop for teenagers. I will name my shop Jacky after the name of my favourite magazine. I will (2) things that teens like. There won't be horrible dresses and skirts that my granny wore when she was young. I will have young (3).They will be able to give professional advice and to help teens in (4). There will be different (5) in my shop. And teens will be able to find everything they like: trendy clothes, computer games, CDs, sweets, books, gifts, toys. There won't be very high (6). Shop (7) will be bright and attractive.

22. Заполните пропуски словами a few or a little.

Fred is at the supermarket now. He is very upset. He put (1) oranges, (2) apples,

(3) milk, (4) ice-cream,(5) eggs into his bag. He also put (6) оnions, (7) bananas, (8) rice,(9) cheese, (10) lemons, (11) fish, and (12) meat. He was going to pay for these foods but couldn't find the money. He left it at home.

No wonder he's upset.

23. Заполните пропуски словами pound(s), ounces, a loaf, packets.

Ann came from school. She was going to cook Shepard's Pie. She opened the fridge. But there were no foods she needed according to the recipe. Ann sat down & wrote a shopping list. She needed two (1) of meat, three (2) of oil, a half (3) of peas, one (4) of tomatoes. Besides, there was little bread, butter and tea at home. So she wrote: (5) of bread, two (6) of butter, two (7) of tea.

24. Выберите подходящее слово.

  1. The goods are laid out on the ... (shop windows/counters).

  2. You can buy these goods. They are ... (for sale/in stock).

  3. When something costs a lot of money we say it's ... (expensive/priceless).

  4. When the article is good and very cheap we say it's a ... (bargain / reduction).

  5. When you have bought something you get a ... (bill / receipt).

  6. We can pay at the ... (cash desk/checkout).

  7. They weigh things on ... (scales/cash desk).

  8. When an article is good we say that it's of... (good quality/super quality).

  9. When an article is not in the shop we say it's not... (in stock/supplied).

25. Представьте, что вы ищите следующие вещи. Спросите, в какой магазин вам идти.

Model: - See, Ann, I need to get a couple of airmail envelopes. Where do you think I should buy them?

- Well, envelopes are sure to be in Central Post-office in Skaryna avenue as well as in smaller local post offices in every region.

food for your dog an electric shaver newspapers

a second-hand guitar a diamond ring cigarettes

a pair of high boots a soccer ball medicines

a set of wine glasses a two-piece suit scissors



Активная лексика в таблицах Переведите на русский язык




Graduate from university

A graduate

A graduate of Oxford university/ a graduate In economics

A postgraduate

He's a postgraduate student

An undergraduate

Undergraduates receive a grant

A fresher

Life can be difficult for freshers

Level of degrees



A first degree

The degree undergraduates do

A bachelor's degree

A synonym for a first degree

A master's (degree)

He is doing a master's in politics

A PhD or a doctorate

Only a few students go on to do a PhD

notes and common mistakes

• you can only receive a degree for a full course at university; do not use "diploma" and "certificate" to mean degree

• the piece of paper you receive when you graduate is a certificate

Types of education

Type of education


Higher education

University education

Further education

Normally for more vocational courses and may start from the age of 16

Adult education

This is normally for non-degree programmes and often is part-time


• if you receive a degree from a university, you are in higher education

• if you receive a diploma or certificate, you are in further education

Types of course



A Full-lime degree course

Most students follow a full-time degree course

A part-time degree course

if you are in full-time employment, a part-time may be more suitable

A distance course

In the age of the internet, more and more people are studying by distance

A sandwich course

if you want practical experience, a sandwich course is the best option




A faculty

Part of a university which specializes in the teaching of one subject, e.g. 'the Law Faculty"

A college

Part of a university in British English which students belong to for social activities

A college of further education

An alternative to university. Where you normally study something vocational

A polytechnic

An alternative word for university in some cultures; sometimes one step below university

Law school

where you study law after you graduate and before you start practising law

Medical school

The name of the medical faculty in many universities

Forms of learning

Learning process



The students make notes and listen to the lecturer. There may be a question and answer session at the end.


Often led by a student on a particular topic. Normally, the idea is everyone gets the chance to talk. Often follows a lecture


Sometimes teaching one-to-one with a tutor and sometimes the same as a seminal

notes and common mistakes

• a lecturer gives or delivers a lecture and is sometimes used as a rank of university teacher

• a tutor is in charge of a seminar or tutorial

• we don't use "class" or "lesson" in university education (although Americans do use "class")





She won a scholarship for her dissertation.


Because she came from a poor background, she was given a grant by local government


Almost all British undergraduates now have student loans that they need to repay when they start earning


• a scholarship is won for academic merit

• typically a grant is awarded either for a particular project or to allow a student to follow a course

Types of writing

Form of writing



The paper you write at the end of your PhD


The paper you write at the end of your master's (and some first degree courses)


This is the university equivalent of homework

Some informal "university" verbs - useful in speaking




I'm doing law at Bristol University


I'm studying maths at Beijing University


I'm majoring In English


I'm at the LSE.


He's going to university next year


I left university 20 years ago.


I'm going to finish my course next year

  • To fail means that you did not pass your test. Failure is the noun form. '40% of students failed the test. The other 60% passed.'

  • Retake means to take an exam you  failed in the past for a second time. As a noun retakes mean the exams which are held again for students who did not pass them the first time around. 'Retakes will be held in February for all those students who did not get 40% on the last test.'' Don't worry you will be able to retake this exam if you don't pass.' To revise means to study before a test. Revision is the noun form. 'I'm going to stay in tonight and revise for Monday's test.'

  • Semester / Term are used to mean the periods of the school year. The school year is usually divided into three terms / semesters: Spring, Autumn and Winter. 'At this school each semester is 12 weeks long.' Admission to colleges and universities

  • To admit — to allow entry; to give entrance or access

  • To be admitted to a university, to be accepted by a university

  • Admission — the act or process of admitting

  • To apply for admission She applied for admission to Moscow University.

  • Applicant/a candidate

  • Apprenticeship – training in an art or a trade

  • To major – to specialize in (a particular academic field)

  • A major – the main field of study in which a university student specializes

  • To minor – to have a secondary specialization in (a particular academic field)

  • A minor – the secondary field of study in which a student specializes

  • B.A. – Bachelor of Arts, an undergraduate degree in a humanities-related subject

  • B.S. – Bachelor of Science, an undergraduate degree in a science-related subject

  • Master’s – the graduate degree after a bachelor's and before a Ph.D. There are also different kinds of master's, including M.A. (Master of Arts), M.S. (Master of Science), M.B.A. (Master in Business Administration), etc.

  • Ph.D. – doctorate, highest graduate degree

Higher Education Vocabulary for U.S.

Type of School

Student is called...

Degree Earned

University has graduate school & undergraduate school: freshman to doctorate in one institution

a graduate student an undergraduate student

Graduate Degrees Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy Ed.D. = Doctor of Education . M.A. = Master of Arts M.S. = Master of Science ------------------------ Undergraduate Degree Bachelor's Degree B.A. = Bachelor of Arts B.S. = Bachelor of Science

College = 4-Year-College

a senior a junior a sophomore a freshman = an undergraduate student

Bachelor's Degree B.A. = Bachelor of Arts B.S. = Bachelor of Science

Junior College = Community College = 2-Year-College

a sophomore a freshman

Associate's Degree A.A. = Associate of Arts A.S. = Associate of Science

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