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Диалог 1

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A. I want a one-way ticket to Springfield. When does the next train leave?

B. There's a train at four-ten. There's also another at seven-twenty this evening.

A. Are they both through trains?

B. Yes. The four ten is a fast train and makes only one stop in New Haven. It arrives in Springfield at nine-thirty. The second is a local and takes about an hour and a half longer.

A. Is there a dining car on both trains?

B. There's a diner on the four-ten. The seven-twenty has just a cafe. You can get there sandwiches and coffee, drinks, etc.

A. What is the price of a ticket?

B. A seat on the four-ten will cost you ten dollars.

A ticket for the seven-twenty is cheaper: it will cost you only six dollars and eighty cents.

A. I think I'll have a ticket for the four-ten. It will be more expensive, but I'll save time.

B. As you like. Here is your ticket.

A. Thank you.

Диалог 2

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Peter Bennett is buying a railway ticket from the booking-office at a small local station in the suburbs of Birmingham.

Peter Bennett: I want a ticket to Birmingham, please. Second class.

Booking Clerk: Single or return?

Peter Bennett: Return, please.

Booking Clerk: Second return, Birmingham, one pound and nine­ty pence, please. (Peter gives him a five-pound note). Three pounds and ten pence change, please. Thank you.

Peter Bennett: Could you tell me what time the next train goes?

Booking Clerk: 9.30, platform 2.

Peter Bennett: What time does it reach Birmingham?

Booking Clerk: You should be there at 10.15, but they are run­ning late today.

Peter Bennett: Thanks. ,

Susan Bennett is at the left-luggage office at Victoria Station.

Susan: I want to leave some luggage here until this afternoon, is that all right?

Clerk: Yes, of course. That'll be quite all right. Is it just one bag? Susan: No, there are these two suitcases and this trunk. My hus­band will call for them during his lunch break. Clerk: Very well. What's your name, please? Susan: Mrs Bennett.

Clerk: Right. Here's your ticket. That will be 32 pence, please.

(Susan gives him a pound note) 68 pence change. Thank you.

Susan: Thank you.

Peter and Jane Bennett are travelling by train to see Jane's parents.

Peter: I booked seats for us because trains at this time are usual­ly crowded. We have numbers A-26 and A-30. These are corner seats in a non-smoker, one seat facing the engine. Is that all right?

Jane: That's great, Peter. I would hate going a long way in a smoker. May I sit facing the engine?

Peter: Of course! You take whichever seat you like. As a matter of fact, I really prefer sitting with my back to the engine.

Now let's look for our seats.

Jane: Here's our carriage A, and here's our compartment. We can get on the train.

Peter: I'll go and see that our luggage has been put into the van, and I'll book two seats in the dining car for lunch if you don't mind.

Jane: That's a very good idea.

Диалог 3

At the customs

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(Speakers: two passengers)

  • Have you filled in the immigration card?

  • Yes. Have you?

  • I don't need to. It's only for non-British citizens.

Oh. yes, of course. Is this the way?

- No, I go through here — "British Passport", you see. I'm afraid you have to go over there. It says "Commonwealth and EEC Passports".

- All right. See you outside the baggage claim area.

(Speakers: custom officer and passenger)

  • Can I see your passport?

  • Certainly, here it is.

  • Have you anything to declare?

  • Nothing.

  • What's the purpose of your visit?

  • I'm attending a conference in London.

  • Well, would you mind opening this bag, please.

  • There you are.

  • Thank you. Right. That's all. You can go through now.

  • Thank you.

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