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  1. Расставьте предложения в диалоге в правильном порядке.

Ann goes to the ticket office.

A Hello. A return to Bristol please,

A A day return.

С How do you want to pay?

A OK, thanks very much. Goodbye.

С Here's your change and your ticket

С You want platform 1 over there.

A Here's a twenty-pound note.

С Day return or period return?

A Cash, please.

С That's eighteen pounds.

A Thank you. Which platform is it?

  1. Дополните каждый диалог нужным вопросом.

When can we see each other again?

Did you have a good honeymoon?

Did the announcement say gate 4 or 14?

Have you got much hand luggage?

1A Listen! ... BA 516 to Geneva. That's our flight. B ________________________?

A I couldn't hear. I think it said 4.

В Look! There it is on the departure board. It is gate 4.

A OK. Come on! Let's go.

2 A Can I have your ticket, please?

В Yes, of course.

A Thank you. How many suitcases have you got?

В Just one.

A And ?

В Just this bag.

A That's fine.

В Oh ... can I have a seat next to the window?

A Yes, that's OK. Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight!

  1. A Rod! Marilyn! Over here!

В Hi! Judy! Great to see you!

A It's great to see you too. You look terrific!


В Fantastic. Everything was fantastic.

A Well, you haven't missed anything here. Nothing much has happened at all!

4 A There's my flight. It's time to go.

В Oh no! It's been a wonderful two weeks. I can't believe it's over.

A I know. ?

В Soon, I hope. I'll write every day.

A I'll phone too. Goodbye.

В Goodbye. Give my love to your family.

  1. Вспомните о своём самом захватывающем путешествии и ответьте на вопросы.

  1. Where did you go?

  2. Who was with you on the journey?

  3. When was it?

  4. When did it start and finish?

  5. What did you visit?

  6. How did you travel?

  7. Where did you stay?

  8. How long was the journey?

  9. What did you like?

  10. What didn't you like?

  11. Why was it ‘a great journey'?

  1. Расставьте слова в предложениях в правильном порядке.

  1. airport / , please / to the / A single

  2. tell me / , please / the time of the next train / Could you / to Bristol ?

  3. a five-pound note / Have you / change for / got / , please?

  4. we get to / , please / tell me when / York Road / Could you?

  5. a cab for / Dorset Road / I'd like / , please / in Ealing

  6. get a taxi / around here / anywhere / Can I

  1. Вставьте пропущенные глаголы в текст.

get off








When I landed, I decided to (1) the bus into town. I thought I had lots of time. Unfortunately I (2) the bus and had to wait twenty minutes for the next one. When it came, I got on, but the traffic was terrible. So I decided to (3) and I (4) a taxi instead. I asked the driver to take me straight to the meeting. After 40 minutes in the taxi, it was clear I was going to be late. I asked the driver to (5) me by the Pont Neuf, a bridge by the river Seine. I wanted to (6) to the meeting because of the terrible traffic. I thought it would (7) about twenty minutes, but I was wrong.

The streets were full of people and I was carrying two heavy bags. I finally (8) at the building an hour later and it was shut. Then I realized it was 1st May and a public holiday in France! The meeting wasn't until the next day! What an idiot!!

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