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Упражнение 9. Вставьте, где необходимо, артикль, обращая внимание на упот­ребление артикля с именами собственными.

1. My name is ____Helen.

2.___ Johnsons lived there two years ago.

3. Newton was buried in__Westminster Abbey.

4. I have often wondered if Tim was really__Burton.

5. Poor Mary was at ___ loss.

6. Is ___ mother at home?

7.___ Aunt Polly was kind.

Упражнение 10. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо, обращая внимание на упот­ребление артикля с географическими названиями.

1. _______London is on ____ Thames.

2. _______ Urals separate_____ Europe from _____ Asia.

3. Mississippi is longest river in _____ world.

4. What is ____ capital of ____ Spain?

5.__ Volga is ____ very important waterway. It flows from__ Valdai Hills to _____ Caspian Sea.

6.___ Hague, a city in ___ Western Netherlands near__\North Sea is the seat of the Dutch Government.

7. _____Sahara is the greatest desert in ______ North Africa, extending from __ Atlantic Ocean to _____ Nile.

Упражнение 11. Вместо пропусков вставьте артикли, где необходимо, обращая внимание на употребление артикля с именами собственными.

1. You can't visit _____ London without seeing _____ Buckingham Palace.

2. What's your address? I live in _____ Montague Road, number 27.

3. ____White House is the official residence of __President of_____ USA, located at ____ Pennsylvania Avenue, 1600.

4. _____ Westminster was a separate community named for its position in relation to _____ City.

5._____Kremlin is the symbol of ____ Moscow.

6. _____ Trafalgar Square is____ geographical center of ___ London.

7.After dinner we went to a play at ___ Globe Theatre.

Упражнение 12. Вставьте артикль, обращая внимание на употребление артикля со словами: town, school, work, church, college, university, hospital, prison, bed.

1. a) We never stay in____ town in summer.

b) I bought this book in__ town in Scotland.

2. a) Where shall we go? — Let's go to____ sea. I've never seen it at dawn.

b) Martin Eden went to__ sea to earn some money.

3. a) Pushkin and Goncharova were married in __church.

b) Do you know where__ church is?

4. a) The tour of_____town included__ university.

b) Peter is interested in__ Biology and he dreams of going to ___ University after leaving____ school.

5. a) John has to go to___ hospital to have his appendix removed.

b) I can't go on the excursion with you. I am going to___ hospital to visit John.

6. Voinich first saw his future wife Lillian when he was in__ prison in Warsaw. She was standing in the square looking up__ prison and he saw her through the window.

7. Stevenson was a sick child and had to spend a lot of time in__ bed. His mother would often sit in an armchair by___bed and read to him.

Упражнение 13. Вставьте, где необходимо артикль, обращая внимание на упот­ребление артикля с существительными в устойчивых выражениях.

They were sitting and talking in__ low voice.

In___ afternoon we went on.

My sister can play____ violin very well.

She always takes ___part in concerts.

I haven't seen you for___ ages!

Traveling by___ air is comfortable.

It's____ pity, he wasn't at home.

Упражнение 14. Вставьте, где необходимо, артикль:

Не had_ toothache that night.

They usually have____ breakfast,____ lunch and_____ dinner.

I have read this book in__ original.

We must take___ care of______ nature!

It's____ pleasure to be out of___ doors in_____ fine weather.

Am I dealing, young people, with_ case of love at_ first sight?

We've had already some tea on__ board__ yacht.

1.7 Тестовые задания

Тест 1. Выберите правильный артикль:

1. ___Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy.

a) a

b) the

c) -

2. ___Jack London is a well-known American Writer.

a) a

b) the

c) -

3. On___ Monday we open at 9 o'clock.

a) a

b) the

c) —

4. ___tea is cold.

a) a

b) the

c) -

5 ____English are reserved.

a) a


c) -

6. It was__ cold day.

a) a

b) the

c) —

7. What__ picturesque valley!

a) a

b) the

c) ---

Тест 2. Вставьте нужный артикль: a) a; b) an; c) the; d) —.

1. That's___ good suggestion.

2. I'm looking for__ job.

3. This is_ very important news.

4. Here is_ picture of____ town I was born.

5. Maria has____ dog.

6. ___ dictionary is a special book that is used for finding the meaning of words.

7. There is___ plane in sky.

Тест 3. Выберите правильный артикль: a; an; the; —.

1. This is_ yellow pencil.

2. I have always wanted to be____ librarian.

3. ___girl over there is my sister.

4. The girl gave him____ angry look.

5. Please, close___ door!

6. Where is____ money mother left for me?

7. In___ North the wind is blowing and in_ South it's hot.

Тест 4. Выберите нужный артикль: a) a; b) an; с) the; d) —.

1. What__ strange bed!

2. ___moon moves round earth.

3. ___Mr. Brown is___ driver.

4. There were a lot of police at___ prison.

5. We need __home for this little dog.

6. He likes to listen to____ radio.

7. Children went for____ walk. They are in __park.

Тест 5. Выберите необходимый артикль: a) a; b) an; с) the; d) —.

  1. What is___ glass made of?

  2. Today I had two boiled___ eggs for ___breakfast.

  3. There are so many__ salads on the menu.

  4. I'll go to the kitchen and have a look at __\dinner.

  5. ___Moscow was built on _ _ Moskva River in ____ twelfth

  6. century.

  7. ___America was discovered by ___Christopher Columbus.

  8. I bought ___ new hat yesterday. __Shop-assistant said it was ___ latest style.