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3.5 Тестовые задания

Тест 1. Выберите правильный предлог.

1. You can rely her being honest.

  1. for

  2. on

  3. in

2. We were waiting the taxi to drive to the door.

  1. for

  2. on

  3. to

3. It's not very easy me to translate it.

  1. for

  2. on c)to

4. Do you know the way making good coffee?

  1. for

  2. of

  3. to

  1. Do you know the way making good coffee?

  1. for

  2. of

  3. to

6. There is a nice book you to read.

a) for



7. She was looking her notes.

  1. about

  2. after

  3. through

8. What are you looking ?

a) about b)for c) after

Тест 2. Выберите правильный предлог:

1. Не came in and looked the room.

a) about b)at c) for

2. Hello, how are you getting ?

  1. in

  2. on

  3. at

3. Please, everybody get bus. We are starting.

  1. at

  2. on

  3. out

4. Are you getting the next stop?

  1. on

  2. of

  3. off

5. The bus was so crowded that we could hardly get

  1. in

  2. on

  3. over

6. Are you interested working for us?

  1. at

  2. in

  3. of

7. I am not very good learning languages.

  1. at

  2. in

  3. of

Тест 3. Выберите нужный предлог.

1. What are the advantages having car?

  1. at

  2. in

  3. of

2. I was afraid getting burnt.

  1. at

  2. in

  3. of

3. They gave me a form and told me to fill it .

  1. at

  2. in

  3. to

4. Sorry, I am late. My car broke on the way here.

  1. up

  2. down

  3. about

5.1 have never heard Tom Madely.

  1. of

  2. about c)by

6. You are always asking me money.

a) for b)~

c) about

7. Could I speak Mr. Martin?

a) with



Тест 4. Выберите правильный предлог:

1. Barbara plays the piano well

a)on b)at c)-

2. Learn this poem heart.

  1. on

  2. by

  3. about

3. At last I opened the can a knife.


  1. with

  2. through

4. My aunt lives the ground floor.

b)at c) in

5. According the forecast the weather will be better.

a) to b)-c) with

6. What was the reason his absence?

  1. to

  2. through c)of

7. Shakespare died 1616.

  1. on

  2. in

  3. about

Тест 5. Выберите нужный предлог:

1. Bye, see you Tuesday!

a) on b)at

c) around

2. The train starts 8.50.

  1. at

  2. on

  3. in

3. He lives Chicago.

a) through b)in c) near

4. I've never been Paris.

a) in b)at c) to

5. Pour some water the kettle, please.

  1. in

  2. into

  3. to

6. I like to listen music everywhere I go.


  1. to

  2. on

7. I can look___ your baby while you go shopping.

  1. through

  2. along

  3. for

Тест 6. Выберите нужный вариант предлога:

1. Не is brilliant Geography.

  1. to

  2. with

  3. at

2. Somebody is knocking the door.

a) on b)at

c) through

3. Please, return this book Wednesday.

  1. by

  2. on

  3. above

4. Have you read "Robinson Cruso" D.Defoe?

  1. with

  2. under c)by

5. How long have you been waiting the bus?

a) for



6. This place is famous it's view.

a) with b)by

c) for

7. the holidays he read many funny stories.

a) during b)at c) for

Тест 7. Вместо русских предлогов выберите из рамки английские предлоги, чтобы получился связный рассказ.

Dog's race.

  1. The dog stands (перед) the school ( предлог творительного па­дежа чем?) its front legs (на) the line.

  2. It runs (сквозь) a gate, ( через) a road, (вокруг) a tree.

  1. The dog climbs (вверх) a wall and jumps (со) the wall (в) ______the garden.

  2. Now it is (внутри, в) the garden.

  3. The dog crosses (через) the bridge (в середине) the garden.

  4. It runs (из) the garden.

  5. The dog runs (между) the trees and (позади) a wall.

  1. It runs (под) a bridge.

  2. It runs (к) the kennel.

10.Now the dog is (около) the kennel.

a) between

b) from... into c) through

d) across

e) inside

f) behind

g) near h) towards

i) out of


k) in front of

1) with m) on

n) round

o) over

p) under

q) in the middle of