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підручник англійська мова.docx
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  1. The school buildings.

Match the different places with their definitions:

  1. classroom

  2. hall

  3. playground

  4. gym

  5. playing fields

  6. staff room

  7. chemistry/physics lab

  8. library

  1. where you play football and other sports

  2. the teachers’ room

  3. where students go during breaks

  4. a quiet place to read or look things up

  5. where you have most of your lessons

  6. a special room where you can do experiments

  7. a big room where the whole school can meet for assembly

  8. where you do PE

  1. Remembering your schooldays.

Complete the text below with these words:









School was very different when I was young. We all had to wear a school (1) ….. . There were lots of (2) ………. and the teachers were very (3) …….. . We had to stand up whenever a teacher came into the room. Once a week we had a (4) …… and anybody who got a (5) ………. D or E had to do extra work during the lunch (6) ……. . My favourite subject was art, but we only had that for one (7) …….. a week. Schools are more relaxed nowadays, but when you look at the problems in society, I think perhaps we should bring back some of the (8) ……… .

  1. Being good or bad at school

Put the phrases below into the correct list:

  1. work hard

  2. always do your homework

  3. get into trouble a lot

  4. play around in class

  5. pay attention all the time

  6. pick things up really quickly

  7. skip lessons

  1. If you are good at school, you……………………………………………………………………………….

  2. If you aren’t a good student, you ………………………………………………………………………….

  1. School staff.

Match the following school staff with their job descriptions:

head teacher

head of department

PE teacher

learning support assistant



deputy head

lab technician

  1. I teach football and hockey and other sports.

  2. I run the English department.

  3. I provide extra help in the classroom.

  4. I make sure the doors are locked at night.

  5. I’m the boss!

  6. I’m in charge of the library.

  7. I’m number 2!

  8. I help the science teachers prepare their experiments.

  9. R eading

Read the text and answer the questions:

T he right to education is guaranteed by the Constitution (Article 53). Every boy or girl must get general secondary education; it means that general secondary education is compulsory in our country. The Ukrainian educational system consists of such elements:Preschool education, General secondary education and Post-secondary education.

Since the 1990-th active educational reform has occurred in Ukraine. Ukraine strives to join European educational space and is modernizing the educational system according to the European demands.

Preschool educationis not compulsory and it is fee-paying. Preschool is subdivided into nursery school and kindergarten. Children, aged 6 month to 3 years, enroll (зараховуються) in nursery school. Children, aged 3 to 6 years, enroll in kindergarten. In nurseries and kindergartens children play and learn the basics of reading, writing, arithmetic and, sometimes, foreign languages.

General secondary education includes primary and secondary education. It is received in the secondary comprehensive school of three levels: primary school, basic school and upper school.

Primary school ("younger" or elementary school) provides primary general education. Schooling at the primary schools begins from six and lasts 4 years, comprising forms 1–4. Pupils at the primary schools learn reading, writing, Arithmetic, native and foreign languages; get basic knowledge in Mathematics; learn about a native Land, mastering working skills.

Basic school ("middle" school) provides basic general secondary education. It lasts 5 years, comprising forms 5–9. In the basic schools pupils get knowledge and skills in science and humanitarian subjects: History, Ukrainian and Foreign Literature, Ukrainian, English (French, German), Physics, Maths, Geography, Biology, Computer Study, Social Education, Visual Art, Music plus Physical Education (PE).

Primary general education and basic general secondary education form the compulsory education in Ukraine. Forms 1-9 are called Incomplete Secondary Education. After successful completion (завершення) of the basic secondary education and passing the final examinations, school-leavers of the basic schools receive Certificates about basic general secondary education(an Attestat of Incomplete Secondary Education). Such certificates give the right:

  • to continue schooling at the upper secondary school;

  • to continue schooling and to receive some profession in the basic vocational


  • to enter the higher educational institutions of the I-st and 2-nd accreditation levels.

Upper school ("high" school) provides complete general secondary education. It lasts 3 years. Forms 10–11 are called Complete Secondary education. At grade 12 students take Independent Government Tests (IGTs), which allow them to enter university without taking separate entrance exams.

There are state schools where education is free of charge and private primary and secon­dary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies. Also new types of schools have appeared recently. They are gymnasiumsand lyceums which offer programmes giving a profound knowledge in some field of study.

As each citizen of Ukraine has the right to get secondary education in the mother tongue, there are schools for national minorities in which pupils study their native language. In most of them all the school subjects are taught in that language.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the right to education guaranteed by?

  2. What education is compulsory?

  3. What elements form the Ukrainian educational system?

  4. What pre-school institutions are there in Ukraine?

  5. Is pre -school education compulsory and free of charge?

  6. When do most children begin their education?

  7. At what age do children enter school?

  8. What does General secondary education consist of?

  9. Where can one receive General secondary education?

  10. What are three levels of the secondary comprehensive school?

  11. What subjects are obligatory in the secondary school?

  12. What examinations did you take when leaving school?

  13. What types of schools are there in Ukraine?

  14. Is education free in all types of secondary school?

  15. What is the task of secondary education?

  16. What type of school have you completed?

  17. What education have you got?