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підручник англійська мова.docx
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Homeless, but not speechless

I am homeless


So I ask for your pennies


Are the times when I feel




to do anything


these heartless


who are clueless

to my

faceless existence

One penny

Your charity

is shameless

My life …


My journey ..


Don’t worry:

My passing will be


5 . Discussion

1. What does the title mean?

2. What does the writer mean by Your charity is shameless?

3. Explain the last line: “My passing will be painless”

4. What is done in your country to help homeless people?

5. Why are so many people homeless?

6 . Language

Write in a –less word from the poem with the definitions below:

1. no money = …………………..

2. ignorant = ……………………..

3. many= ………………….

4. unable to protect/defend yourself= ………………..

5. no care or feeling for others = ……………………….

6. anonymous, unknown = …………………………..

7. without purpose = ………………….

8. without value = ………………..

9. it won’t hurt = …………………

7 . Discussion

Would you give money or help in these situations?

1. A woman knocks at your door collecting money for homeless people. She has an official ID badge. How much would you give her?

2. A little boy offers to clean your shoes in the street for 20 pence.

3. A woman holding a baby asks you for money on the street. She is crying.

4. A rather dirty-looking person asks to “borrow” 5- peace for the bus.

5. You’re in a restaurant and a woman comes in with flowers and asks if you want to buy one for your boyfriend/girlfriend.

6. You meet someone on holiday in a Third World country and after chatting, you realize that with just a couple of your traveller’s cheques, you could pay for their child to go to university and have the chance of a completely different life.

7. You’re at some traffic lights and someone washes your windscreen, then asks for some money.

8. You receive a pack of Christmas cards through the post from a charity for the blind. There is no obligation to pay for the cards – you can keep them for free – but you are invited to send a donation.

8 . Project work

A. Write your own view on beggars in the same style as the Internet comments you read earlier. Pass your comment to another classmate. Then:

1. Read and see if you agree or disagree with the comment that has been passed to you.

2. Discuss it with another classmate (not the writer of the comment)

3. Discus the comments as a class.

B. Find the information about the life of the beggars in your country?

1. how many beggars are there in Ukraine.

2. tell about their lives.

3. What does the Government do to help these people?

Lesson 51.