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6 . Reading: choose the right job

The four people are talking about themselves. Read and complete the column about interests in the table below. Suggest two or three possible jobs for each person. Complete the Possible Jobs and Reasons column in the table below.

a . Hi. My name’s Morgan and I’m from Australia from place called Brisbane. I’m still at high school. I love all the usual things really like music, going to the movies but most of all I love people, I’m really interested in people and making friends. One day my ambition is to do something that can really help people, I’d like to study for that.

b. Well, I’m Luke. I’m from England. I’m twenty years old. Money is quite important to me when it comes to work. Also I’d like to work for myself. I don’t want to work in an office, I’m not really into computers and that. I like to be more independent. I don’t want to be in one place all the time.

c. My name is Carmen and I come from Mexico. I’m at college right now studying English and French. I want to meet people from all over the world, that’s why I study languages. I like reading too and meeting people. I want to go to every continent, maybe learn some more languages maybe Chinese or something …

d. Hi. I’m Jong. I am twenty-three years old, from Seoul in South Korea, and I am studying hard now. I am studying real hard and trying to improve my English. When I finish my studies, I hope I will get a good job. I want to maybe become a millionaire one day. I like to work hard, I ’m a very ambitious person.



Possible jobs






Read about the job they want to do in real life. Are you surprised by any of their answers?

a. Yeah, ultimately I want to become a psychologist and maybe help people that way.

b. I’m doing a course to become a plumber, and I’d like to have my own business one day.

c. I want to be a translator.

d. I’d like to work as a trader on the stock market … make a lot of money … I hope!

7 . Vocabulary

A. On a piece of paper write down three jobs you’d love to do, three you wouldn’t mind doing and three you’d hate to do. Keep the paper, but do not show it to anyone yet.

B. Check the words and phrases in bold in your dictionary. Then divide the phrases into the three categories below.

 I wouldn’t like a job like this.

 I wouldn’t mind doing a job like this.

 I wouldn’t want a job like this.

You have to be physically fit.

You have to be good with money-numbers.

You need good people skills.

You have to be very well-organised.

You have to be very creative.

You need special training and qualification.

You have to work long hours.

It’s very secure.

It’s well-paid.

It’s badly-paid.

It’s stressful.

It’s very competitive.

It’s challenging.

There’s a lot of responsibility.

There are lots of opportunities to travel.