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Lesson 20.

  1. Reading

Read the text:

The Artist’s Sketchbook

A rtists often keep track of their ideas by sketching images from their daily lives. These sketches of patterns and details provide inspiration for future paintings. Later, in their studios, artists craft their sketches into finished works on canvas. Such drawings are known as the artist’s studies. They are visual diary entries—a journal of the artist’s everyday impressions.

Artists do not usually intend their studies to be put on exhibition or offered for sale. The studies of some well-known painters however have become as famous and highly valued as the final masterpieces.

When the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh spent time in a French hospital, he spent hours in the hospital garden. There, he especially admired a plot of spring flowers in a sunny corner. He set up his easel and prepared a palette with paints in shades of purple, gold, and greens. Van Gogh painted Irises as a study on which to base a future canvas. Although he did not consider the work a finished painting, Irises has become a treasured masterpiece.


1. What nine-letter verb from the reading

means “making a simple, rough drawing

of something”? s ________________________

2. What eleven-letter plural noun from

the reading means “effects produced on

the mind”? i ________________________

3. What eight-letter plural noun from the

reading means “shapes and figures that

form a design”? p________________________


First unscramble the words from the reading. Then solve the crossword puzzle with the unscrambled words that complete the sentences.


1 . The artist drew simple_____ of the street scene.

4. We picked a bouquet of _____, knowing that the purple spring flowers would cheer up the room.

5. An artist often paints a final work on stretched, heavy fabric called _____.

6. Ideas, thoughts, and feelings may be recorded in a daily _____.


1. Artists’ collections of sketches and ideas for future works are called their _____.

2. Something that can be seen is said to be _____.

3. To think about something is to _____ it.


Notice the boldface word in each passage from the reading. Then find and underline a synonym for the word in the same passage.

1. In their studios, artists craft their sketches into finished works on canvas. Such drawings are known as the artist’s studies.

2. Sketches are visual diary entries. They make up a journal of the artist’s everyday impressions.

3. Some studies of well-known painters, however, have become as famous and high-valued as final masterpieces.

4. Some well-known painters’ studies have become as famous and highly valued as their final works. Although Van Gogh did not consider the work a finished painting, Irises has become a treasured masterpiece.


Underline the compound word in each of the following sentences.

1. An artist’s sketchbook often contains drawings to use as ideas for future works.

2. The sketches are often scenes from the artist’s everyday life.

3. Van Gogh is one of the world’s most well-known painters.

4 . A painting called Irises is one of Van Gogh’s great masterpieces.