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Package scent as product preference driver

Aroma can be an intoxicating 1) ______ motivator. Aroma is the final sense to be 2) ______ in packaging. Few marketers have yet to integrate aroma’s powerful emotional 3) ______ into their branding efforts. Brand managers may want to take another look at this so-called “smart” packaging 4) ______. Aroma stimulates the limbic system—the brain’s emotional center—where creativity, impulses, and memory are 5) ______.

Smell is the most powerful sense. You relate it to past 6) ______ and it does stimulate purchases.

Scented packaging 7) ______ branding impact at six stages in the consumer product-purchase cycle:

• Merchandising on the 8) ______

• 9) ______time when the package is opened

• During preparation for 10) ______

• At the point of consumption

• The “afterglow” point 11) ______ after consumption

• During repeat purchase

Many citrus growers, bakeries and coffee shops have understood the power of aroma as a purchase 12) ______ for years. Here’s why. About 90% of taste results from the sense of smell. Aroma both makes people 13) ______ and lets them know they are satiated.

Many consumers smell food 14) ______ to eating it to determine whether they will like it.

experiences each pull purchase immediately processed motivator conquered prior carries shelf consumption hungry technology



Work individually. Study the information below.


A gerund is a form of a verb that is used in place of a noun or a pronoun. It has the same form as the present participle (simple form + ing). A gerund can be active or passive, simple or perfect (the simple gerund refers to the present or future, the perfect gerund shows that the action of the gerund happened before the action of the verb).

Tense \ Voice





being read


having read

having been read

Rules to remember:

  1. Gerunds can be the subject (Swimming is my favourite sport), the object of a preposition (The student is good at speaking) or the object of a verb (Helen enjoys reading).

  2. Like nouns, we can use gerunds with adjectives (including articles and other determiners): pointless questioning, a settling of debts, the making of Titanic, his drinking of alcohol.

But when we use a gerund with an article, it does not usually take a direct object: a settling of debts (not a settling debts), Making "Titanic" was expensive. The making of "Titanic" was expensive.

  1. If we want to use a verb after a preposition, it must be a gerund: I will call you after arriving at the office. Please have a drink before leaving. I am looking forward to meeting you. Do you object to working late? Tara always dreams about going on holiday.

  2. We use gerund form after certain verbs:

admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, go (for activities), give up, can't help, imagine, involve, keep (= continue), mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prevent, recollect, report, resent, resist, risk, can't stand, suggest, understand, etc.

  1. We use gerund form after expressions such as: be busy, it’s no use, it’s (no) good, it’s (not) worth, there is no point (in), have trouble, etc.

  2. Some verbs can be followed by the gerund form or the infinitive form without a big change in meaning:

begin, continue, hate, intend, like, love, prefer, propose, start:

I like to play tennis. I like playing tennis. It started to rain. It started raining.

  1. Some other verbs are followed by both of them, but the meaning changes.


You could replace all the above gerunds with "real" nouns: I will call you after my arrival at the office. Please have a drink before your departure. I am looking forward to our lunch. Do you object to this job? Tara always dreams about holidays.

Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in box.

go play eat be make smoke sing cook dance swim get make

  1. He is good at ______.

  2. She is crazy about ______.

  3. I don't like ______ cards.

  4. They are afraid of ______ in the sea.

  5. ______ fruits and vegetables is good for your health.

  6. You should give up ______.

  7. Sam dreams of ______ an actor.

  8. ______ fun of other people is not polite.

  9. He is interested in ______ friends.

  10. My mother is afraid of ______ by plane.

  11. She insists on ______ the dinner herself.

  12. ______ a good job is not easy.

Read the sentences. Make a gerund or gerund phrase from the first sentence. Put that gerund in the second sentence. The gerund replaces it, this, that, these, and those in the second sentence. The first one has been done for you.

  1. I watch airplanes take off. It is very relaxing.

Watching airplanes take off is very relaxing.

  1. Jack got hit by the ball. That sent Jack to the hospital.

  2. You should brush your teeth twice daily. This is what all dentists recommend.

  3. Franklin was warned about drinking and driving. It forced him to be much more careful on the highway.

  4. She wants to be a journalist. It is her dream.

  5. You have to take the TOEFL. It is the only way to get into that college.

Fill each of the gaps with suitable words. The first one has been done for you.

  1. I can't help ______ worried about the situation in the Middle East.

I can’t help feeling worried about the situation in the Middle East.

  1. I think most people prefer ______ in comfortable cars to going on foot.

  2. She loves ______ in the ocean.

  3. After ______ my homework I usually go for a walk.

  4. Don't keep on ______ like that; you will wake up the baby.

  5. I enjoy ______ in the afternoon after ______ my homework.

  6. I hate ______ examinations for fear of ______ them.

Form perfect gerund from verbs in brackets. The first one has been done for you.

  1. I don’t remember (to meet) having met her before.

  2. He mentioned (to hear) __________ it in the day’s news.

  3. I don’t remember (to discuss) ________ the matter.

  4. He admitted (to commit) ________ that crime.

Choose the correct answer.

  1. Stop ______ me how to run my life.

a) tell b) telling c) to tell

  1. ‘I can’t decide what ______to the party.’

‘Why don’t you wear your black dress?’

a) wear b) wearing c) to wear

  1. We were hungry and I suggested ______ to go to a Chinese restaurant.

a) go b) going c) to go

  1. ‘Did you go to the disco last night?’

‘No my mom made me ______ for the exam instead.’

a) study b) studying c) to study

  1. I want to buy a car as I hate ______ for the bus every day.

a) wait b) waiting c) to wait

  1. ‘Why did you go to the library?’

______ some books to read.

a) get b) getting c) to get

  1. ______ Robert that he had lost his job was the most difficult thing that I've had to do as a manager.

a) tell b) telling c) to tell

  1. ‘Shall we go to a café this evening?’

‘I’d rather ______ at home. I’m very tired.’

a) stay b) staying c) to stay

  1. We used ______ to the south every summer.

a) go b) going c) to go

  1. There is no point in ______ for the sky.

a) reach b) reaching c) to reach

  1. We can't think of ______ a new house as we haven’t sold the old one.

a) buy b) buying c) to buy

Study the difference in the meaning of the verbs given in the table below.

+ Infinitive

+ Gerund


= forget what one has to do

I forgot to set my alarm.

= forget what one has done / what has happened I’ll never forget meeting him for the first time.


= remember what one has to do

Did you remember to lock the door when you left?

= remember what one has done / remember what has happened I remember locking the door when I left.


= make an effort; attempt to do smth difficult

I'll try to finish my report by tomorrow morning.

= make an experience / do smth to see what will happen If you want to lose weight, try exercising and eating healthy food.


= be sorry for what one is going to say We regret to tell you the meeting is cancelled.

= be sorry for what has happened

I don't regret resigning from that position.


= make a break/pause in order to do smth I was preparing for my exam at home, and I stopped to watch my favourite TV program.

= stop what one is doing / what one does He stopped drinking spirits last year.

go on

= change; move on to do smth new After university, he went on to study political science.

= continue what one has been doing I want to go on studying here.

What are these people saying? Complete their sentences using a verb from the box in the correct form.

panic promise do pull see examine play inform

People think that elephants never forget Sorry! I regret ______ so hard.

______ anything. The truth’s much simpler.

I remember ______ this face before, Now let’s go on ______ you. Relax the

but I’ve forgotten the name. doctor will begin your hearing test in

just a moment.

I will never forget ______ in the rock band I regret ______ you that we can’t

when I was young. accept you for employment.


Discuss the following questions in pairs.

  1. Don’t you think that sometimes the amount of packaging is ridiculous?

  2. Can you give any examples of excess packaging?

  3. What advantages and disadvantages of multi-level packaging can you think of?

  4. Who needs good packaging more a manufacturer or a customer?

Choose some product and work out its package design. Prepare your argument to justify the market opportunity for such a product.

You should consider:

  • target users/consumers, for example young, old, sporty, health conscious

  • people’s lifestyles e.g. breakfast on the move, commuters and travelling

  • materials and manufacture-related costs

  • market competition from other branded or generic goods

  • range of retail outlets e.g. garages, corner shops, tuck-shops, gyms, etc.

  • recommended price bracket and profits

  • environmental issues and concerns.

You are to present their argument to the rest of the class using any visual aids, facts and figures to support your position.

Make up a discussion on the topic ‘Ways of connecting to consumers.’

Useful language

Asking for an opinion:

What’s your attitude to this problem?

What’s your point of view on this question?

Giving an opinion:

The way I see it…

As far as I know…

In my view…

As far as I know… This is a crazy idea, if you ask me.

Adding information:

In addition to that…

What’s more…




Asking for agreement:

Do you agree?


Wouldn’t you agree with that? / Don’t you agree with that?


Read the following extract from a letter to the newspaper, in which the writer expresses his feelings about the importance of proper packaging. Write an essay discussing the points raised and expressing your own views (200-250 words).

Follow this strategy:

  • Read the information carefully. Underline any points you need to cover in you essay.

  • Decide whether you are going to write a balanced or one-sided argument.

  • Write an outline of your essay. Indicate paragraphs and make sure you an introductory to the topic and a conclusion in which you summarize your arguments.

  • Write your essay, following your outline closely.

  • W

    I’m convinced that product packaging influence a consumer's buying behaviour, although unfortunately, not always in a positive way. Here are some particular packaging features which would persuade me to add a specific product to my shopping cart:

    An attractive and harmonious colour scheme is important. I don't meaning glaring, fluorescent hues which scream at your eyes from six feet away, but a tasteful, cheerful blend of shades which might make you remark to yourself, "That's a pretty box," (or package, or bottle, or container).

    The manufacturer's name in medium-sized, easy-to-read lettering is helpful. If the product is made by a company I am familiar with and trust, that provides me with an added incentive to purchase it.

    In the same sized, easy-to-read lettering, "Made in Canada" or "Made in the United States" should be clearly visible. These last few years, we've all been given reasons to doubt the quality and safety of some imports.

    Packaging sufficient to keep the product clean and sanitary is important. This is especially important when buying food or personal care items. Who wants a bottle of breath mints which someone could easily have opened and sampled, or a lipstick which might have been applied to someone else's lips to see if the colour complimented her skin tone?

    On the other hand, sometimes the amount of packaging is ridiculous. In these days when everyone is environmentally conscious, and we are expected to recycle all paper, plastic and cardboard packaging, you'd think some of the manufacturers just arrived from Mars.

    business. He may even save money by eliminating excess packaging.

    Proper packaging is important to the consumer. It attracts their attention, and confirms that the product was made by a trusted producer in a trustworthy nation. After the first sale, if the product lives up to its promise and the purchaser is not overwhelmed in unnecessary packaging, they'll probaly return for more on the next shopping trip.

    Happy producer, happy consumer! Proper packaging is important.

    hen you finish, check your work for grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes.


Sustainable packaging



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