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24 Rewrite these sentences using a present participle or a past participle.

  1. After the package was examined by the lab group, it was considered to be appropriate.

  2. The bottle that stands on the table is our new package model for Cola Company.

  3. The young man who helps the Project team Leader works at Marketing Group.

  4. The pet food was packaged three months ago. Is it safe to feed a cat with it?

  5. When you are designing a new package, you should consult with other members of the Project Team.

  6. People who do it must keep the whole information in secret.

  7. While we were staying in Milan, we had a chance of meeting our future partners.

  8. A defect was found in a package after the product had been already launched.

25 If possible, change the relative clause in these sentences to an -ing, past participle or being + past participle clause as appropriate. If it is not possible, write X after the sentence.

Ex.: The people who are being asked to take early retirement are all over the age of 60. ...people being asked to take ,...

  1. The man who invented the testing program came from China.

  2. The Marketing Group representatives who visited us last week have sent us a new detailed description of a marketing's objective that we should take into consideration creating a package.

  3. The workers who are being moved to another department all have Master’s degree in engineering.

  4. The results of new package experiments that were carried out a month ago have been checked by the other group.

  5. An agreement between the trade union and the Lotta company has been signed to protect the workers who are being fired all over the country.

  6. The secretary scraped through the crowd of people who were hurrying to get to the laboratory.

  7. The results of experiment that she wanted to borrow were not available in the laboratory.

  8. If you know of anyone who would like to sell shares of the Lotta company, let me know.

  9. The company has recently obtained new equipment which will allow far more packages to be produced and more money to be saved.

26 Read the jokes and comment on them using as many participles as you can. Choose any joke and paraphrase it using the Present and the Past Participle.

▒To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

▒This one compares mechanical and civil engineers:

Question — What's the difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers?

Answer — Mechanical Engineers build weapons and Civil Engineers build targets.

▒Marketing and engineering have trouble understanding each other: An engineer was leaving the office late one evening when he saw the marketing manager standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand.

“Listen,” said the marketing manager, “this is a very sensitive and important document here, and my secretary has gone for the night. Can you make this thing work?”

“Certainly,” said the engineer. He turned the machine on, inserted the paper, and pressed the start button.

“Excellent!” said the marketing manager as his paper disappeared inside the machine. “I just need one copy.”

27 Give a short account of something interesting that happened to you once, for example: a difficult journey, an unusual incident in the street, a memorable holiday. Include as many participles as you can.


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