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4. Listening comprehension

You will hear a radio report about the continental crust. Answer statements 1-10 by writing T (for True) and F (for False):

  1. Continents are huge landmasses above the level of ocean basins.

  2. There are five main continental masses.

  3. All in all, the continental crust forms 30% of the Earth.

  4. Ocean crust is thicker and denser than the continental crust.

  5. The top layer of continental crust contains all the rock types.

  6. The lower continental crust has only igneous and metamorphic rocks.

  7. Geologists consider that continents have three main structural components.

  8. The structural components of the continent are shields and sedimentary basins.

  9. Shields or cartons are deformed crystalline rock masses.

  10. Linear mobile belts include old fold mountains.

11 Sedimentary basins are deep depressions with sedimentary rocks.

12. Sial is the collective name for the oceanic crust

5. Discussion

(R.P – 8.2.7, 8.2.8, 8.2.9)

The topic of our discussion – Orogenesis. There are two groups. Each group discusses the following monitoring packet. The monitoring packet consists of 4 parts.

Part 1 checks vocabulary by means of reading comprehension.

Part 2 detail reading: questions that ask for specific details (using diagrams).

Part 3 main idea: check the student’s comprehension of the topic.

Part 4 interpretive questions: requires the students to understand, analyze and infer from the text.

You have 10-15 minutes, after which you must make a mini-report and present it

Part 1

Complete the following sentences with the words below.

Part 1

Complete the following sentences with the words below.

1. Mountains occurring in rows are called …

1. Related mountain chains and ranges make up …

2. Mountain building is …

2. Mountain belting belts occurring along mobile belts are known as …

3. Belts of fold mountains are …

3. Slabs of alien rock are …

4. The Andes and American Cordillera are …

4. Orogenic belts mostly rim …

5. Places where colliding lithosperic plates disrupt the continental crust are …… ranges, orogenesis, orogenic belts, mountain chains, mobile belts

5. Parallel ranges and intervening plateaus form …

mountain systems, orogens, terranes,

continents, chains

Part 2

Answer the following questions according to the text.

Part 2

Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. How many mountain building processes are there?

1. What are the major mountain building processes?

2. What process created the Aleutian Islands?

2. What produced the Andes?

3. In what way were the Alps and Himalayas formed?

3. What made up the Alpine- Himalayan and Circum-Pacific systems?

4. What is an example of orogenic belts?

4. What do the mountainous western North America consist of?

5. What is the Tethyan?

5. Where did the Ural Mountain orogenic belts occur?

Part 3

Give an explanation to the diagram. Use short and exact sentences.

Part 3

Give an explanation to the diagram. Use short and exact sentences.

Part 4

Discuss the following problem.

Part 4

Discuss the following problem.

How were mountains formed?

What are the main stages in the process of mountain building?


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