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Table 5. Classification of Common Sedimentary Rocks

3.3.1 Match the Russian terms with the English ones in the right column

1. земная кора

a. sandstone

2. растворяться в воде

b. fine-grained sand

3. песчаник

c. the Earth’s crust

4. уплотненные осадки

d. exposed rocks

5. изверженные породы

e. to dissolve in water

6. мелкозернистый песок

f. like gypsum

7. затвердевать

g. consolidated sediments

8. подобно гипсу

h. igneous rocks

9. обнаженные породы

i. to solidify ( to consolidate)

3.3.2. Match the English terms with the Russian ones in the right column

1. coarse-grained sand

a. разрушительная сила воды

2. siltstone and shale

b. стратифицированные отложения

3. destructive action of water

c. доледниковый период

4. existing rocks

d. крупнозернистый песок

5. chemical decay

e. частицы вещества

6. sedimentary rocks

f. алевролит и глинистый сланец

7. stratified deposits

g. существующие породы

8. pre-glacial period

h. осадочные породы

9. particles of a substance

i. химический распад

3.3.3. Match the words from column a with the words in column b.

A. B.

1. to consist of

a. solidified

2. to differ

b. stratified, layered

3. bedded

c. to realize

4. consolidated

d. to transform

5. to change

e. matter

6. substance

f. to be ;like

7. to be similar (to)

g. to finish

8. to complete

h. to vary

9. to understand

i. to be composed of

3.3.4. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

a. Consolidate consolidation consolidated unconsolidated

  1. __________ is the process of cementation of loose fragments of sedimentary rocks.

  2. As is known, sedimentary rocks __________under pressure of overlaying beds.

  3. Limestone, for example, is the ___________ rock, which occupies vast areas of the Earth’s surface.

  4. Gravel, sand and clay form the group of ________ mechanical sediments because they consist of loose uncemented particles.

b. stratify stratification stratified

  1. Bedding or __________ is the most characteristic feature of sedimentary rocks.

  2. Coal is a __________- deposit that has been developed from plant remains.

  3. Coals ________by the decay of organic material.

  4. As a result of physical, chemical or biochemical changes vegetable remains are __________- and changed into peat or coal, micro-organisms remains changed into mineral oil, bones into phosphorite, etc.

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