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9. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

1. It is fairly difficult to service a large number of guests.

2. The backstage bar is used specifically to service all the catering and banquet needs of the hotel.

3. Catering and banquet bars can stretch any operator to the limit.

4. Lobby bars, when well managed, are a good source of income.

5. Banquet bars do not require inventory control.

6. Both the restaurant and room service are often serviced by the restaurant bar.

7. Sports bars are small, refrigerated bars in guest rooms.

8. Conrad Hilton wanted even his vast hotel lobby to work at a profit.

9. Traditionally, the lobby bar is away from the hubbub of the lobby.


10. Try to identify the type of a hotel bar on the basis of the following information about it:

• it is rather small but well-refrigerated

• both soft and strong drinks are available in it at any time of the


• it is checked and replenished on a daily basis

• charges for beverages used are automatically added later to the guest folio

After having done the task describe this type of bar in detail.

11. Define ways of making a catering and banquet bar to function at a profit. The following words and phrases will come in handy:

• to service all the catering and banquet needs of the hotel

• to avoid stretching operators to the limit

• cash wines

• before the appetizer

• to go well with iced beverages

• to pull the money just before the bar closes

• breakdown

• if possible

• on the spot

• to prevent pilferage

12. Work in pairs:

a) Look at the following words and phrases and think of a story that might combine them all. You may reorder them in any way you like using any form of the verb:

  • different types of bars

  • will become a good source of income only when well managed hired an experienced bar person and operators control on the spot played a significant role

  • worked in close cooperation with the hotel GM was necessary especially pilfering

  • had already developed their servicing skills found new opportunities, too difficult

  • made the critical decision responded to the demands of the guests

b) When you have decided upon the story, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points.

13. Entitle the paragraph beginning with the words:

The banquet bar needs...

14. Divide the text into other logical parts and entitle each of them.

15. Give a summary of the text.

Case Study norwegians ban smoking in bars


Following a similar move in the U.S., Tanzania, South Africa, Ire­land, and the Netherlands, Norway has also introduced its ban on smok­ing in March. It has already hailed the move as a success despite the fact that about 26% of Norwegian adults are smokers. Bar and restaurant owners are facing hard tunes.

1. Read the supporting article and provide detailed answers to the case questions below.

Norway has introduced a nationwide ban1 on smoking in restaurants and bars — following a similar move in Ireland.

The Norwegian government says the ban is needed to protect people who work in the catering industry2 from the effects of second-hand smoke3.

Opinion polls4 suggest5 the majority of Norwegians support the change, which permits smoking outdoors.

Ireland introduced its ban in March, and has hailed the move as a success. Other countries including Tanzania, South Africa and the Neth­erlands, as well as parts of the US, have also introduced bans or restric­tions.

Norwegian Health Minister said the change was not conceived6 to reduce smoking, but that it would be a positive secondary effect. About 26% of Norwegian adults7 are smokers, high above the World Health Organisation's7"3 recommended maximum of 20%.

A BBC7"b correspondent in Oslo says street-side restaurants8 have mushroomed9 to cater for smokers during Norway's long summer nights.

«We hope that business won't be hit10», an Oslo nightclub manager told Reuters news agency.

«It'll take a few months to find out, but the biggest uncertainty is how the law will be applied. Will we lose our licence11 if someone has a ciga­rette and we can't persuade 12 them to stop?», he added.

Bar and restaurant owners are responsible for upholding the ban,13 and face hefty fines 14 for allowing smokers to keep puffing15 [5].


  1. nationwide ban - запрет, действующий на всей территории госу­дарства; доcл, общенациональный запрет;

  2. catering industry - массовое питание как сфера сервиса;

  3. second-hand smoke - дым от сигарет, выпускаемый курильщика­ми и невольно вдыхаемый окружающими;

  4. opinion polls - опросы общественного мнения, социологические исследования;

  5. . to suggest - зд. свидетельствовать, показывать;

  6. the change was not conceived - изменение (нововведение) не было задумано (запланировано);

  7. adults - взрослые;

7-a. World Health Organisation (WHO) - Всемирная организация здравоохранения (функционирует под эгидой ООН; штаб-квартира в Женеве, Швейцария);

7-b. BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) - Британская радиове­щательная корпорация (Би-Би-Си);

  1. street-side restaurants - ресторанчики, расположенные прямо на тротуарах;

  2. have mushroomed - выросли, как грибы. От сущ. mushroom (гриб) образован глагол to mushroomсобирать грибы, ходить по грибы; пе-рен. расти, распространяться; вырасти внезапно и быстро;

  3. business won't be hit - бизнес не пострадает; to hitнаносить удар;

  4. will we lose our licence...? - будет ли у нас отобрана лицензия...?

  5. to persuade (smb. to do smth.) - беждать (кого-либо сделать что-либо);

  6. upholding the ban - соблюдение запрета; to upholdподдержи­вать, защищать; поощрять;

  7. .hefty fines - очень суровые штрафы;

  8. to keep puffing - продолжать курить (букв, «дымить», «смо­лить»); to puffвыпускать дым [5].

Case questions:

1.Why has Norway introduced a nationwide ban on smoking in restaurants and bars?

2.How did the Norwegian government explain this move?

3.What proves that the majority of Norwegians have supported the change?

4.What maximum of smokers does the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommend?

5. Why have street-side restaurants mushroomed in Norway?

6. Who is responsible for upholding the ban — bar owners or cus­tomers?


Pretend you own a bar in Nizhny Novgorod. Earlier this year, the City Duma has introduced a region-wide ban on smoking in restaurants and bars — following a similar move in Norway. At the same time, it has imposed a ban on drinking beer while walking along streets or sitting in the open air. You are afraid that your business will be hit. What steps would you take to go on working at a profit?

While making your decision consider the following issues:

• smoking while drinking alcohol is customary both in Russia and in some other CIS-countries;

• it is fairly natural that bar customers normally smoke;

• non-smokers would not object to other customers smoking;

• it is unlikely that militia will take to arresting people merely for smoking;

• smokers would not be scared even of hefty fines;

• you personally will be responsible for upholding the ban;

• you are going to take advantage of the ban on drinking beer out­side bars;

• to attract more customers you intend to sell beer at a lower price.

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