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Vocabulary focus

4. Match each word or phrase on the left with the correct equivalent on the right:

1) be vital

2) surprisingly

3) division head

4) overcome difficulties

5) be compatible

6) become successful

7) excellence

a) преодолевать трудности

b) добиваться успеха

c) совершенство

d) иметь важнейшее значение

e) удивительно

f) быть совместимым, совпадать

g) начальник (руководитель) отдела

5. Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right:

1) employee a) a system of beliefs or set of rules that influences someone's decisions and behavior

2) competition b) the aim that someone wants to achieve, or that something is intended to achieve

3) philosophy c) having achieved a result that a person wanted

4) challenge d) a plan of activities for achieving something

5) successful e) something that needs a lot of skill and energy to achieve, especially something that you have never done before and will enjoy doing

6) program f) aperson who works for someone else

7) purpose g) the activities of companies that are trying to be more successful than others [7], [8]

6. Match the synonyms:

1) employ

2) familiar

3) frequently

4) framework

5) employer

6) best

7) profit

8) worker

a) income

b) hire

c) employee

d) owner

e) often

f) excellent

g) known

h) structure

7. Match the antonyms




















8. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Why do employees need to be accomplished at what they do?

2. What personal qualities do general managers need to be successful?

3. What personal quality is, in your opinion, the most important one? Why?

4. Who must be viewed as being vital to the operation? Why?

5. What are the main management functions?

6. What is a key to keeping employees happy, according to Dorm Takahashi?

9. Use proper words and phrases in the box below to complete these sentences.

1. A successful GM tends to hire ____.

2. Workers who are _____ need to be very experienced and loyal.

3. One of the most often quoted _____ of GMs is patience.

4. ____ of all hotels is to sell rooms and ensure that guests have a perfect stay.

5. Cutting turnover is __to the performance of any hotel.

hired; the primary objective; personal qualities; vital; the best experts

10. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

1. Nearly all general managers have to make certain sacrifices in or­der to become successful.

2. New employees do not have to be compatible with the whole group.

3. All companies give detailed general manager profiles.

4. A successful GM deliberately hires experts who know more about what they are hired for than he does.

5. To achieve excellent results, all employees must be viewed as be­ing vital to the performance of a hotel.

6. To be successful a GM should fire his best workers and send them to competing hotels.

7. Mutual respect among a GM and an owner is a key to keeping all employees happy.

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