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12. Навч усн. Мовл. На поч.. Етапі на осн. Мовл. Зразків.

The syllabus requirements for oral language are as follows: 1. To understand the language spoken; 2. To carry on a conversation and to speak a foreign language within the topics and linguistic material the syllabus sets.

This is the practical aim in teaching oral language. But oral language is not only are aim in itself, it is also a mighty means of foreign language instruction. It is a means of presenting linguistic material: sounds, words and grammar items. It is also a means of practicing sentence patterns and vocabulary assimilation. It is also used for developing pronunciation habits and skills and, therefore, for reading and writing since they are closely connected with pupils’ ability to pronounce correctly what they read and write. Thus speaking is the most important part of the work during the lesson. The psychological aspect of speech was investigated by such scientists as L.S. Vygotsky, A.K. Luriya, M.I. Zhinkin, O.O. Leontyev, T.V. Ryabova, I.O. Zimnya. Since “language” is not a substand , it is a process (N. Brooks) and “language does not exist. It happens” (P. Strevens) we should know under what conditions “it happens”. What are the psychological characteristics of oral language? They are as follows: 1 Speech must be motivated, i.e. the speaker expresses a desire to inform the listener of something interesting, important or to get information from him. At first the inner speech appears and then the sound speech is reproduced. 2 Speech is always addressed to an inter locutor (a classmate, a class, but not the teacher or the ceiling). 3Speech is always emotionally coloured for a speaker expresses his thoughts, his feelings, his attitude to what he says. 4Speech is always situational for it takes place in a certain situation.(while teaching speaking real and close – to – real situations should created to stimulate pupils’ speech. Oral speech as compared to written language is more flexible. 1.The use of incomplete sentences in responses. 2.The use if contracted forms: doesn’t, won’t, can’t, isn’t, etc. 3.The use of some abbreviations : lab, mike, maths, p.m., etc. 4.The use of conversational tags (“well, they’re those things you know, which don’t mean too much).

13 Осн. Форми навч. Іноз.М. Вимги до уроку Types and structure of the lessons.

According to the American methods of teaching you can develop your lesson plans by following these steps:

Review ,presentation, Practice, Application

These are two types of lessons: the first type – lessons aimed at forming speech habits to use the material. The formation of the abilities to use the material in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The second type – lessons aimed at developing speech habits. The practice of speech activity dominates.

The structure of lesson is determined by the contents and the place mined by the series of lessons. The structure of the lesson


The beginning of the lesson

  1. Organization ofthe class

  1. Speech/phonetic exercises


The main part

  1. Presentation of the new material

  1. Speech training

  1. Practice

  1. Systematization

  1. Control (testing)

  • Current

  • Consolidating


The conclusion

  1. Home task

  1. Summering up

The peculiarities of planning depending on the stage of teaching.

The Primary Stage

The teacher gives basic knowledge of the English language to the students (listening skills, short stories, take part in discoursing smth). Reading aloud is practiced, to make short written notes. The teacher must take into account the psychological peculiarities of the children.

The Middle Stage

On this stage the teacher should finish forming the basic knowledge for the active use of the material. Communicative approach to all kinds of the pupil’s activities.

The psychological peculiarities of the teenagers.

The Middle Stage

It is the finishing store of forming pupil’s skills and habits in communication. Great attention is given to reading. Individualization of the teaching process.