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42. Планування навчального процесу з іноземної мови. Наведіть приклади виховної мети

The teacher needs two kinds of plans to work successfully: the plan of a series of class-periods for a lesson or unit of the textbook or a unit plan and for a particular class-period.

In compiling a unit plan the teacher determines the difficulties of the lesson, namely, phonetic difficulties, grammar difficulties, vocabulary difficulties.

He then distributes these difficulties evenly over the number of class-periods allotted to the lesson in the calendar plan.

  1. The teacher starts by stating the objective or objectives of each class period that is what can be achieved in a classroom lesson.

Pupils coming to the lesson should know what they are to do during the lesson what performance level is required of them and how it can be achieved.

  1. The teacher distributes the linguistic material throughout the class-periods according to the objectives of each period, trying to teach new vocabulary on the grammatical material familiar to pupils and to teach a new grammar item within the vocabulary assimilated by pupils or he first teaches pupils listening and speaking on the new material presented and then pupils use this in reading and writing.

  2. The teacher selects and distributes exercises for class and homework using various teaching aids and teaching materials depending on the objectives of each class-period.

The teacher starts by studying the author’s recommendations. He takes the textbook and the teacher’s guide and table for material.The teacher tries to adapt the unit plan to his pupils. He may either take it as it is and strictly follow the author’s recommendations or he may change it a bit.

The unit planning permits the teacher to direct the development of all language skills on the basis of the new linguistic material the lesson involves. He can lead his pupils from reception through pattern practice to creative exercises and practice to creative exercises and in this way perfect their proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. He can vary teaching aids and teaching materials within the class-periods.

Careful unit planning helps the teacher to keep pupils’ progress in language learning under constant control and use of teaching aids and teaching materials more effectively.(мета з конспекту)

43. Проблема навчання письма і писемного мовлення. Види вправ

Since pupils should be taught penmanship, spelling and composition it is necessary to know the difficulties our pupils find in learning to write English.

The writing of the letters does not present trouble because these are a lot of similar letters in both languages: a, o, e, n, p, c, x, M, T, H. only a few letters such as S, r, h, l, f, d, t, j, G, Q, N may be strange for the pupils. Training in penmanship may be made easier if we adopt the scriptwriting suggested by Marion Richardson in which the capital letters in script have the same form as the printed capital letters.

The most difficult thing is English spelling. We are to take into account:

  • Historical or conservative principle e.g. busy, drought, daughter;

  • Morphological principle e.g. answered, asked;

  • Phonetic principle e.g. leg, pot, pen;

The discrepancy that exists in the English language between pronunciation and spelling may be explained by the fact that these are more sounds in the language than these are letters to stand for these sounds.

Teaching writing should be based on such methodological principles as a conscious approach to forming and developing this skill, visualization and activity of pupils. Pupils learn to write letters, words, sentences in the target language more successfully if they understand what they write, have good patterns to follow, and make several attempts in writing a letter until they are satisfied that the work is well done.

Teaching writing includes 3 stages:

  1. Mastering penmanship;

  2. Acquisition with the patterns , used in oral and written speech;

  3. Mastering writing as a means of communication;

The teacher may propose junior pupils:

  • To answer the questions on the text;

  • To make up questions to the text;

On the middle stage:

  • To answer the questions and to makeup questions on the text;

  • To make a plan to the text;

  • To retell according to the plan;

  • To write a letter to a pen - friend, to retell the text;

For the senior pupils:

  • To write a letter to a pen - friend;

  • To write annotation to an article;

  • To describe a picture;

  • To make up a dialogue;

  • To give the gist of a story;

  • To write an article to a newspaper.