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Score level criteria

Excellent: relevant to assigned phonostylistic peculiarities

Good: mostly relevant but articulation and pitch patterns distortion at times

Fair: inadequate pitch patterns, lack of accuracy in timing, weak articulation skills

Poor: not enough to evaluate

Score Mark

20-19 – 5

18-16 – 4

15-12 – 3

11-… - 2

Module 4


I. Input materials

1.1. Rhetoric strategy.

Advertising is an important means of promoting the goods that are being produced already as well as new lines in business. Different kinds of mass media-TV, radio, newspapers, cinema, journals, magazines, posters are used for advertising goods. The choice of media for advertising depends on the kind of goods and on the local conditions and people’s habits: sometimes TV and radio ads are best.

Advertising performances are designed to extend emotional influence on the listeners. This sort of exercise is overloaded with all sorts of tricks and characterized by various contrasts in all prosodic features to produce a complex vocal effect. Thus, the purpose of advertising is to stimulate the listeners, arouse enthusiasm and interest in them.

Ways of Advertising

      1. A poster on a boarding or billboard.

      2. A newspaper ad.

      3. A TV commercial.

      4. A cinema advertisement.

      5. Sponsorship.

      6. Radio commercial.

      7. Classified advertisement in newspaper.

      8. Sandwich-board man (TV and radio commercials).

1.2. Style forming factors

  • the purpose of communication – promoting new goods and lines in business

  • the speaker’s attitude – involved, emotionally coloured

  • the form of communication – monologue, dialogue performances

  • the degree of formality – depending upon the ads script

  • the degree of spontaneity – prepared in advance and acted out

1.3. Questions for preliminary exercise

a) What makes an advertisement memorable?

- humour? - originality? – the use of famous actors or personalities?

– endless repetition? – nudity? – other elements?

  1. Do you find the advertisements on television generally:

  • Informative? – persuasive? – amusing? – well-made? – artistic?

– worth watching? – an annoying interruption to the programmes?

  1. Give examples of ads that you have enjoyed.

  2. Give examples of ads that have persuaded you to buy the product.

  3. Are you able to ignore commercials on television?

1.4. Invariant phonostylistic peculiarities

  • P itch patterns (tunes)

P itch patterns (tunes)

(pre-head) Low level Head + High Fall complete with initial Rise

(pre-head) + Descending Sliding Head + High emphatic Fall with initial Rise

High Head + Low Fall incomplete

Scale with a drop + High Fall with initial Rise

High level Head (emphatic stress) + High Fall (complete, incomplete) emphatic

Heterogeneous Head + High (Low) Fall, complete (incomplete) emphatic

(pre-head) + Ascending Head + High Fall with initial Rise (emphatic)

(pre-head) + Descending Scandent Head + High Fall with initial rise emphatic

Low level Head + Low level nucleous

(pre-head) + Low level nucleous

High one peak head + level-Rise (mid)

  • Rhythm –

the interplay of properly organized and arythmic recurrence of stressed and unstressed syllables

  • Rate (tempo) –

variable, necessitated by the purpose of performance

  • Pauses –

varieties, predictable by the emotional setting and semantic appropriateness

  • Loudness (volume) –

varied according to the message and emotional setting