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1.3. Pragmaphonetic modeling

The phonetic organization of fairy tales creates the stylistic effect of euphony, which implies sound harmony and melodious flow of phonation. But the most functionally relevant feature of euphony is the rhythmicality created by the alternations of tone, loudness and tempo characteristics.

The rhetorical strategy of this sort of expressive discourse determines comprehensive pragmaphonetic modeling, which necessarily presupposes the variation of phonetic dimensions (tone, loudness, tempo, voice colouring) to the best advantage. There is no denying the fact that tone, tempo, loudness as well as voice timbre variations lead to special rhetorical effects of irony, horror or just sweet sadness and affection which a story may imply.

Along with the even measured flow of narration we find contrastive data in the phonetic parameters which help create vivid images of characters and their actions.

But above all the English fairy tale due to its rhythmicality becomes an expedient material for teaching practice. Discourse which affects listeners, which moves, delights and teaches has a rhetorical aim and exercises rhetorical language resources to perfection (M.Dvorzhetska). According to David Brazil, in rhythm of discourse only syllables which are prominent because of their selective significance will be the focus of special speaker and listener attention. Prominent syllables need to be attended to both for their sounds and their significance as sense selectors. Sounds targeted with precision make up regular pulses of discourse rhythmicality.

The rhythmic appropriateness and intelligibility is achieved through effective instruction in rhythm techniques. Here are the strategies promoting fairy tale modeling, namely,

    1. selection of key words for rhythmic prominence

e.g. A Character 1: - *I’ll make the *porridge

Character 2: - *I’ll pour the *milk

Character 3: - *I’ll set the *table | *I set the *table

Chorus: *Baby set the *table

*Mama poured the *milk

*Papa made the *porridge

And they *all sat *down

They *all sat *down

They *all sat *down and *started to *eat.

    1. formation of rhythmic units relevant for the meaningful processing

e.g. B Chorus: And they *all jumped *up and *danced around the table to show they are *hot | *hot | *much too *hot.

    1. rhythmic pattering correlated with pausation and tempo making the process of the message transmission and perception quickly running and effective

e.g. C Character 1: - *Ah | *wow | *hot *hot *hot |

Character 2 - *Ah | *wow | *hot *hot *hot |

Character 3 - *Ah | *wow | *hot *hot *hot |

4) rhythmic focusing on textual structure (the trebling of characters)

e.g. D Presenter: *Once upon a *time there were *Тhree *Bears

Chorus: *Three *what?

*Three *Bears?

Presenter: *Once upon a *time there were *Тhree *Bears

Chorus: *How many Bears?

Presenter: *Three Bears

One | Two || Three Bears,| etc.

Deliberately strict rhythm serves as a means of creating the image of action dynamism so typical of this variety of expressive discourse. We must admit, however, that rhetoric studies through purposeful modeling of the language resources in teaching English to school students play an important role in the process of language acquisition creating excitement in the classroom.