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2. Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1. foamed polystyrene; 6. concrete shell roofs;

2. a wire grid; 7. thick stiffening coat of mortar;

3. ribs of structural steel; 8. rapid-hardening cement;

4. high tensile wires; 9. precast con­crete;

5. stiffened insulation; 10. traditional wet methods

3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1. покрытие в виде свода-оболочки; 6. электротехника;

2. монолитный бетон; 7. проволока с высоким

сопротивлением разрыву;

3. сборный бетон; 8. жесткая изоляция;

4. быстро застывающий цемент; 9. поддерживающая опора;

5. проволочная решетка; 10. железобетонная продукция.

4. Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык.

1. construct 6. insulate

2. normal 7. tight

3. careful 8. build

4. final 9. fabricate

5. stiff 10. sufficient

5. Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения).

6. Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: формы и функции инфинитива, инфинитивные конструкции (сложное дополнение, сложное подлежащее), существительное в роли определения, функции слов one (ones), that (those), условные предложения:

1. The slabs were tightly compressed to form a hyperbolic paraboloid surface.

2. A grid of wires on top helped to maintain a true surface.

3. Furthermore, the new cement makes it possible to fabricate reinforced concrete products of high strength in field conditions.

4. The evolution of construction so as to build more rapidly involves a very large number of changes of technique.

5. In that way precast units could always be used for the ground floor, and thus make an important contribution to a dry building.

7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What does the concrete shell roof technique consist of?

2. Where has this system been put into practice?

3. What does rapid-hardening cement formula include?

4. What is the setting time of the new cement?

5. What will the new material effect?

6. What is the traditional wet method changed into?

7. How does precast concrete speed construction?

8. Составьте аннотацию к тексту (2-3 предложения).

9. Составьте реферат текста (10-15 предложений).

10. Составьте план текста и перескажите текст.

Вариант 7

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:


Safe labor at such object as a nuclear power plant is of great importance for both the people working in an enterprise, and for the public since any event is perceived by public consciousness as danger of the nuclear power industry. Therefore, the Smolensk NPP pays great attention to organization of labor safety and safety pre­cautions - this work is aimed, first of all, at preservation of human life and health.

A basis of all the work in the field of labor safety is a labor safety inspection system (SUOT), which was developed according to the "Regulations for SUOT of the Concern "Rosenergoatom". Primary goals of the system are the following:

* Preservation of human serviceability and health during work;

* Safety of production processes and equipment;

* Prevention of industrial traumatism and occupational diseases;

* Improvement of working conditions and labor safety;

* Introduction of best labor safety prac­tices.

In the framework of the system, a num­ber of the actions that allow to continuously monitor the labor safety status at the plant, to quickly and precisely correct infringe­ments, and to perform the work on indus­trial accident and occupational diseases prevention, is implemented.

An advantage of the system is obligato­ry participation in this process of not only managing and technical officers of the plant, and all the personnel, but also of workers of the contracted organizations operating in the Smolensk NPP. A plant system of the three-stage mon­itoring operates very effectively and includes the following:

* The daily inspection of a condition of labor safety at a team or section level;

* The monitoring at a department level that is to be performed by its head twice per month, with involvement of labor safety experts and inspectors;

* Quarterly detours by the LS central committee lead by the plant manager, or his deputy - in case the manager is not available.

Based on inspection results, meetings of the heads shall be held where all cases of infringements of labor safety rules shall be in detail reviewed; heads those divisions where infringements occur, shall report. Based on results of the meeting, the related instructions and orders shall be issued.

In 2002 the Concern "Rosenergoatom" implemented the fourth stage of the administrative public monitoring of labor safety conditions. In this October, in Smolensk NPP a commission of Concern operated - they familiarized carefully with a labor safety system, and made the comments. The implementation of the fourth inspection stage by the General Inspection enhances the staff responsibility for quality of labor safety related works.

One of the most effective methods for prevention of infringements of labor safety rules is an individual responsibility system (SIO). Its primary goal is maintenance of personal registration and responsibili­ty for infringements of safety rules and norms for each employee by means of individual perforated-line warning coupons. The labor safety certificate with three warning coupons is given to each employee. In case of infringement by the employee of LS and precau­tionary rules, one coupon is to be removed, and the relat­ed measures are to be taken towards the troublemaker. First time it can be an inter­view, second - extraordinary examination etc.

Annually, in the Smolensk NPP, a labor safety competi­tion between the divisions is organized. Regulations are developed in the beginning of a year. Results are recorded quarterly. The best divisions are marked by the plant man­ager order.

For implementation of the tasks and co­ordination of the labor safety activities, the Smolensk NPP established a labor safety department to organize the work accord­ing to the "Regulations for labor safety department". As an independent division that operates separately from the radiation safety service, this department operates since November 1998.

Ms. S. Mushketova is a head of the department - she has a wide experience in the area of labor safety at the NPP since she used to work as the senior labor safe­ty inspector, trade union technical inspec­tor for the Smolensk NPP, and the chief of a labor safety office.

One of the primary targets for a team of the department set by Mr. S. Krylov, for­mer plant manager, was strengthening of activities as to accident prevention. In the framework of implementation of the given task, the department experts together with heads of the plant divisions carried out the enormous work that allowed to achieve positive changes in reduction of a number of injuries. One of the basic directions of the preventive work is enhancement of the personal responsibility of officials for pro­ductions activities, which, in particular, can be implemented with the following measures:

* Reports of the division heads at meetings with the plant chief engineer, in order to sum up results of the labour safety days;

* Regular inspections by experts of a labour safety department;

* Inspections of workplaces by the plant management;

* Duly modification and additions to the existing instructions at issue of new documents;

* Training of the personnel at issue of new regulatory documents;

* Inclusion by the LS department of labor safety activities into the monthly division plans.

The labor safety department registers continuously infringements of the plant and contracted personnel. All infringements are systematized and analyzed - as a result, concrete preventive measures are to be taken.

A pledge of success in any business is qualified experts. Therefore, huge atten­tion is paid by the Smolensk NPP to train­ing of the personnel, and improvement of professional skills. It concerns both the LS experts and the plant staff.

An important element of prevention of departures from the LS rules, and of indus­trial traumatism is informing workers of the enterprise about labor safety status and propagation of safe methods and tech­niques of performance of the works that are focused on development of skills on strict observance of the LS requirements. The personnel are informed of each infringement or accident, and inspection results. For this purpose, the electronic panel, target briefings, and interviews are used. All this yields the positive results. In 2002 a decrease of a number of accidents and industrial traumatism is observed.