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2. Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1. prestressed beams and floors; 6. to combine strength with plasticity;

2. cast in a mould; 7. ordinary reinforced work;

3. tensile strength; 8. floor-to-floor heights;

4. danger of corrosion; 9. the precise degree of prestress;

5. efficient and attractive solution; 10. unobstructed space

3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1. предварительно напряженный 6. сопротивление разрыву;


2. железобетон; 7. отливать в опалубку;

3. свободное пространство; 8. многоэтажный дом с автостоянкой;

4. процесс выдержки бетона; 9. предварительно напряженные

балки и междуэтажные перекрытия;

5. большой пролет; 10. быстро затвердевающий цемент.

4. Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык.

1. deserve 6. force

2. stress 7. hard

3. attract 8. save

4. interrupt 9. large

5. potential 10. apply

5. Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения).

6. Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: формы и функции инфинитива, инфинитивные конструкции (сложное дополнение, сложное подлежащее), существительное в роли определения, функции слов one (ones), that (those), условные предложения:

1. It can be said to combine strength with plasticity.

2. Its ability to sustain shearing forces is also fre­quently inadequate.

3. The purpose of reinforcing is to provide a material with a high tensile strength.

4. This means that for econom­ical operation the concrete must gain sufficient strength to allow the prestressing to be done as early as possible.

5. One of the most successful multistorey car parks houses some 800 cars on six floors, many more similar car parks being planned.

7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. When did reinforced concrete really come into its own?

2. What is the outstanding characteristic of concrete?

3. In what way does the addition of reinforcement affect con­crete?

4. What is the purpose of reinforcement?

5. What are the advantages of prestressed concrete?

6. On what does prestressed concrete depend for its reliability?

7. Is pre­stressed concrete suitable for factory production?

8. Составьте аннотацию к тексту (2-3 предложения).

9. Составьте реферат текста (10-15 предложений).

10. Составьте план текста и перескажите текст. Вариант 6

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:


Concrete Shell Roof Technique. An interesting new technique for constructing concrete shell roofs has been developed by the structural engineering department at the Purdue University. The technique is the result of four years of experiments with thin shell models, and eliminates complicated formwork for the concrete shell as well as the falsework normally required to support the forms. At the same time, the weight of the shell is reduced and its insulation properties increased.

Basically, the technique consists of placing slabs of foamed polystyrene on a wire grid, stretched between its ribs and edge beams. The slabs act as permanent formwork and as a vapour barrier and provide very good insulation. A fur­ther grid of wires is then placed over the polystyrene slabs, and next the reinforcement, the whole being covered with a thin layer of lightweight concrete.

This system of construction has been put into practice at a new club house which is a 64 ft square structure. The building is roofed over by a thin hyperbolic paraboloid shell supported by four reinforced concrete buttresses each 6 ft high. Four ribs of structural steel rise to the central apex of the roof, dividing the roof into four equal hyperbolic pa­raboloid sections; the edge of the roof being also framed in steel sections. High tensile wires were then placed between the ribs and edge beams so as to form a network upon which the polystyrene slabs were laid.

The slabs were fixed together and put between the ribs and edge beams so that they were tightly compressed to form a hyperbolic paraboloid surface. A grid of wires on top helped to maintain a true surface. A 1/2 in thick stiffening coat of mortar was next placed and carefully cured. Finally, bar reinforcement was positioned directly on the stiffened insulation, and 3 in of lightweight concrete placed on top and finished.

Rapid-Hardening Cement. Rapid-hardening cement has been developed at the Zdolbunov Cement and Tile Factory. Its formula includes sand and minerals which contain oxides of aluminium, iron cal­cium and magnesium, the mix being fired in kilns to clinker.

The new cement owes much of its quality to the combina­tion of the constituent minerals and the manufacturing pro­cess. The setting time of the new cement is about 40 minutes. In the case of repair of a foundation, for example, the struc­ture is ready inside 48 hours. Furthermore, the new cement makes it possible to fabricate reinforced concrete products of high strength in field conditions.

The new material will effect a considerable saving in materials. At least 200 lb less cement will go to make every cubic yard of stiff concrete. As a result reinforced concrete products will become lighter. The new cement will have many structural applications and will soon be available on a commercial scale.

Precast or in-situ concrete? The evolution of construction so as to build more rapidly involves a very large number of changes of technique. Perhaps the greatest change is in the proportions of constructional work on the site and in the factory, reducing the former to a minimum and increasing the latter to a maximum. This means the manufacture of larger and larger prefabricated units within the limits of transport. It is an easy matter to make the complete house in the factory, but it is not easy, in fact it is practically impossible to transport it to the site.

In this maximum factory work and minimum site work there is, of course, a much greater proportion of precast con­crete and less in-situ concrete, while in the assembly of units dry methods are increasingly employed in preference to the traditional wet methods. But it may be questioned whether even now, dry methods of assembly are sufficiently employed and whether there is not still too much in-situ concrete work which cannot contribute so much to speedy construction as the employment of precast units.

So often when a building is erected by a prefabricated sys­tem with large units transported from the factory and quickly assembled the foundations and ground floor are of in-situ concrete. In many cases it probably takes as long to prepare the ground for concrete as to erect the skeleton of the build­ing. Is it not possible more often to use precast units for the ground floor, and to employ a system by which the building is lifted on piers so making the use of site concrete un­necessary?

In buildings where a good deal of accommodation is pro­vided below ground in a series of basements, or in a very high building, a good deal of site concrete work is necessary, but in buildings of a lighter type all above ground there would be advantages in speed by lifting them off the ground with a few supporting piers at intervals. In that way precast units could always be used for the ground floor, and thus make an important contribution to a dry building.

What is necessary in all building today, if the greatest speed is to be obtained, is to reduce wet methods on the site to a minimum and to aim at a maximum of dry assembly.