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Unit 1 History of Aviation

1.1 Aviation History…………………………………………………………..


1.2 Eurocontrol………………………………………………………………..


1.3 Supplementary Reading Texts…………………………………………….


1.4 Topics for Discussion ……………………………………………………..


Unit 2 Air Traffic Service

2.1 Air Traffic Service………………………………………………………..


2.2 How Air Traffic Controllers Operate……………………………………..


2.3 English is the Language of Communication………………………….......


2.4 Supplementary Reading Texts…………………………………………….


2.5 Topics for Discussion …………………………………………………….


Unit 3 Aircraft Types and Construction

3.1 Principle Structural Units of the Aircraft…………………………….........


3.2 Heavy Wide-body Transport Aircraft……………………………………..


3.3 Supplementary Reading Texts ……………………………………………


3.4 Topics for Discussion …………………………………………………….


Unit 4 Airport Design

4.1 Airport Design…………………………………………………………….


4.2 Baggage Carriage…………..……………………………………………..


4.3 Classification of Air Transportations……………………………………..


4.4 Carriage of Dangerous Goods…………………………………………….


4.5 Airport Vehicles………………………………………………..…………


4.6 Landing Area………………………………………………………………


4.7 Taxiways…………………………………………………………………..


4.8 Supplementary Reading Texts…………………………………………….


4.9 Topics for Discussion ……………………………………………………..


Unit 5 ATCO’s Workload

5.1 ATC Centre. Air Traffic Control Specialist……………………………….


5.2 Controller’s Automated Workstation……………………………………..


5.3 Simulator Training of Aviation Specialists……………………………….


5.4 Supplementary Reading Texts …………………………………………….


5.5 Topics for Discussion ……………………………………………………..


Unit 6 Human Factors

6.1 The Meaning of Human Factors…………………………………………..


6.2 Human Factors Within Systems…………………………………………..


6.3 Speaking over the Telephone……………………………………………..


6.4 Controller Proficiency…………………………………………………….


6.5 Supplementary reading Texts……………………………………………..


6.6 Topics for Discussion …………………………………………………….


Unit 7 Health Problems in Aviation

7.1 Health as One of the Criteria of Air Traffic Controller Professional Selection………………………………………………………..…………


7.2 Holistic Medicine……………………………………………………….....


7.3 Supplementary Reading Texts…………………………………………….


7.4 Topics for discussion ……………………………………………………..


Unit 8 Geography

8.1 The Earth. Volcanoes. Volcano Activity Warning System for Pilots…….


8.2 The Effects of the Weather on Aviation…………………………………..


8.3 Natural Catastrophes………………………………………..…………….


8.4 Supplementary Reading Texts……………………………………………


8.5 Topics for Discussion …………………………………………………….


Unit 9 Non-Standard Situations

9.1 Transponders Were Switched of to Prevent Aircraft Being Tracked by Air Traffic Control……………………………………………………..


9.2 Status Report………………………………………………………………


9.3 Loss of Separation…………………………………………………………


9.4 Controlled Flight into Terrain…………………………………………..…


9.5 Flight Chaos Across Europe after Air Traffic Control Strikes…………….


9.6 Airplane Hijacking……………………………………………………..…


9.7 Supplementary Reading Texts…………………………………………….


9.8 Topics for Discussion ……………………………………………………..


Unit 10 Emergencies

10.1 Drama as Pilot Is Sucked out of Plane at 23.00 FT……………………...


10.2 Communication Failure………………………………………………….


10.3 Distress and Urgency Messages……………………………………........


10.4 What is a Near-Miss? ……………………………………………………


10.5 Supplementary Reading Texts …………………………………………..


10.6 Topics for Discussion ……………………………………………………


Word List …………………………………………………………………


Subject Index …………………………………………..………………..


References …………………………………………………………...……



Даний навчальний посібник з авіаційної англійської мови з успіхом використовується в учбовому процесі протягом двох років під час професійної підготовки курсантів – майбутніх диспетчерів з метою формування навичок надійного управління повітряним рухом англійською мовою.

Апробація вміщених в посібнику матеріалів виявила їх актуальність та адекватність. Добірка тем віддзеркалює широкий підхід до диспетчерської праці. Після ретельного вивчення посібника курсанти здатні досить вільно вести бесіду за темами, пов’язаними з наданням послуг у сфері організації та планування повітряного руху, історії авіації, типів літаків та їх конструктивних особливостей, аеропортів та аеродромів, впливу людського фактору на виконання польотів та інших тем.

Достатньо уваги приділено проблемам, пов’язаним з робочим навантаженням на диспетчера, а також організації його робочого місця і роботи в цілому у випадку виникнення нестандартних та аварійних ситуацій.

Теми авіаційної медицини та проблеми, пов’язані зі здоров’ям авіадиспетчерів відображають реальні випадки, які відбуваються у професійній діяльності авіаційних спеціалістів.

Десять розділів-модулів охоплюють великий обсяг фактичного матеріалу для полегшення засвоєння якого розроблена низка різноманітних вправ, побудованих за принципом від простого до складного. Цінним є те, що посібник супроводжується докладним словником авіаційної термінології та загально уживаної лексики. Таким чином, користувачі посібника мають змогу в значній мірі опрацьовувати матеріал самостійно.

Для зручності користування посібник забезпечений предметним покажчиком.

Додаються компакт-диски з аудіотекстами, що значно підвищують рівень навичок аудіювання текстів авіаційної спрямованості й допомагають досягти IV рівня мовної підготовки за шкалою ІКAO.

Unit 1 history of aviation

1.1 Aviation History

Exercise 1.1.1 Read and translate the text.

In 2003 we celebrated the 100-th anniversary of the beginning of air activity by mankind. Otto Liliental, the German engineer is considered to be a forerunner of air activity; in 1891 he started making controlled flights on glides of his own design. He learnt the nature of aerodynamic lift force and ways of controlling it from his own practical experience.

The Wright brothers were the first to join airframe to the engine and to provide its controllability in the flight. For the first time in the world on the 17-th of December 1903 they performed four controlled flights on their Flyer 1 airplane, a biplane of canard configuration on ski landing gear. Canard configuration (with front horizontal empennage) is most effective for creating sufficient attack angle at minimal take off run speed. They proved that flights of heavier-than air aircraft were possible, and thus made their great contribution into the progress of mankind.

The boom of aviation has begun in France after the Brazilian Alberto Santos-Dumont, resident in Paris, circled the Eiffel Tower on his airplane in 1906. In 1908 he built Demoiselle, one of the word’s first airplanes of normal configuration, which includes tail units. Normal configuration planes dramatically reduced death rate among the aerospace exploration pioneers.

Aviation penetrated from France into the Russian empire via Ukraine. On the 8-th of March 1910 Mikhail Yefimov performed the first demonstrative flights in Odessa. He was the first professionally qualified pilot in Russia.

One week later the self-taught pilot Sergey Utochkin performed his flight over the same hippodrome in Odessa. Later on Yefimov and Utochkin performed demonstrative flights in Kharkov, Kiev, St. Petersburg, Moskow and other cities of Ukraine and Russia.

In 1909 – 1912 over 40 types of plane were created in Kiev, which more than in any other cities of Russia.

Ihor Sikorsky (1889 – 1972) was the most talented pilot and aircraft designer. He constructed the first multi-engine Russian plane, designed Ilia Muromets, the best plane of the World War I till 1939 designed 15 types of aircraft and created about 10 types of helicopters.

Kiev was the place where Petr Nesterov (1887 – 1914) the father of aerobatics, performed the loop.

Oleg Antonov was an outstanding designer. His Design Bureau created about 30 types of glides and 15 types of aircraft from the smallest up to the largest ones in the world. These planes created the market of super heavy cargo transportation services in the world civil aviation. Ruslans and Mria (AN – 225 aircraft) subdued the air world. In 2003 12 countries of the NATO made a decision to use AN-124 aircraft in their missions.

Now aviation is one of the world’s major industries, involving business and leisure activities on a grand scale, providing employment to many millions of people.

Airspace is especially busy with thousands of aircraft crossing the region every day. The inevitable involvement of technology in the form of computers, satellites and data transmissions, is changing the entire approach to ATC.

In the foreseeable future controllers will become airspace managers.

Exercise 1.1.2 Answer the questions.

1. What did we celebrate in 2003?

2. Who is considered to be a forerunner of air activity?

3. What year did Otto Liliental start making controlled flights?

4. Who designed his gliders?

5. What do you know about the Wright brothers?

6. When did they perform their first flight?

7. What can you tell about their plane?

8. What happened in Paris in 1906?

9. What year did Mikhail Yefimov perform his first demonstrative flight?

10. What can you say about Sergey Utochkin?

11. What was Ihor Sikorsky?

12. What is Petr Nesterov famous for?

13. What do you know about Oleg Antonov?

14. What Antonov’s aircraft do you know?

15. Why do his aircraft subdue the air world?

16. Why is aviation one of the world’s major industries?

17. What factors are changing the approach to ATC?

18. How can you see ATC controllers in the future?

Exercise 1.1.3 What do the following abbreviations stand for.


Exercise 1.1.4 Write T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.

1. Otto Liliental, the German engineer is considered to be a forerunner of air activity.

2. In 1891 he started making controlled flights on planes of his own design.

3. The Wright brothers were the first to join airframe to the engine and to provide controllability in the flight.

4. Canard configuration is the least effective for creating sufficient attack angle at minimal take off run speed.

5. Flights of heavier-than-air aircraft were possible.

6. The boom of aviation began in France.

7. Alberto Santos-Dumont circled the Eiffel Tower in 1909.

8. In 1910 Mikhail Yefimov performed the first demonstrative flights in Odessa.

9. M. Yefimov was the first professionally qualified pilot in Russia.

10. Sergey Utochkin was a self-taught pilot.

11. Ihor Sikorsky was one of the most talented pilots and aircraft designers.

12. Odessa was the place where Petr Nesterov performed the loop.

13. Petr Nesterov was the father of aerobatics.

14. Oleg Antonov was an outstanding designer.

15. Aviation is one of the world’s major industries, involving business and leisure activities on a grand scale, providing employment to many millions of people.

16. In the foreseeable future controllers will become airspace managers.

Exercise 1.1.5 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Праздновать годовщину; начало воздухоплавания; человечество; первопроходец; контролируемые полеты; планер; природа аэродинамической подъемной силы; собственный практический опыт; обеспечить управляемость в полете; создать достаточный угол атаки; доказать что-то; внести огромный вклад в; хвостовое оперение; пионеры исследования воздушного пространства; первые показательные полеты; квалифицированный пилот; пилот-самоучка; тип самолета; авиаконструктор; многодвигательный самолет; вертолет; мертвая петля; выдающийся; мировая гражданская авиация; сверхтяжелые грузовые перевозки; принять решение; в большом масштабе; обеспечивать занятость (работу) многим миллионам людей; неизбежное внедрение новых технологий; в ближайшем будущем.

Exercise 1.1.6 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and word combinations.

A founder of; is regarded to be; to study; to write; to conduct a flight; greatly; to lower, to decrease; a famous designer; a kind of an aircraft; the biggest planes; to conquer the air world: a skilled pilot; the world’s main industries; in the near future.

Exercise 1.1.7 State what part of speech the following words belong to.

1. forerunner

a) verb b) noun c) adverb d) adjective

2. aerodynamic

a) adverb b) pronoun c) verb d) adjective

3. perform

a) noun b) verb c) preposition d) adverb

4. controllability

a) verb b) pronoun c) adverb d) noun

5. providing

a) noun b) participle c) verb d) preposition

Exercise 1.1.8 Match the words and word combinations in column A with those in column B.



1. to make great contribution (into)

a. человечество

2. for the first time

b. осуществлять полет

3. lift force

c. принять решение

4. mankind

d. ближайшее будущее

5. aircraft designer

e. петля

6. the foreseeable future

f. много-моторный

7. to perform a flight

g. внести большой вклад в …,

8. loop

h. подъемная сила

9. to make a decision

i. впервые

10. multi-engine

j. конструктор самолетов

Exercise 1.1.9 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. Otto Liliental, the German engineer is _____________ (respected, believed, considered) to be a ___________ (founder, creator, forerunner) of air activity.

2. The Wright brothers were the first to ____________ (unite, tie, join) airframe to the engine.

3. On the 17th of December 1903 they ____________ (conducted, made, performed) four controlled flights on their Flyer 1 airplane.

4. Flight of heavier-than air aircraft were ____________ (practicable, feasible, possible).

5. Normal configuration planes ____________ (greatly, significantly, dramatically) reduced death rate among the aerospace exploration pioneers.

6. Aviation _____________ (came, penetrated, broke into) from France into the Russian empire __________ (through, via, along) Ukraine.

7. Mikhail Yefimov was the first professionally ____________ (skilled, qualified, trained) pilot in Russia.

8. Over 40 types of planes were ____________ (designed, built, created) in Kiev.

9. Oleg Antonov was an ____________ (outstanding, intelligent, interesting) designer.

10. Ruslans and Mriya __________ (conquered, surprised, subdued) the air world.

11. Many countries of the NATO made a decision to use AN-124 aircraft in their ____________ (aims, purposes, missions).

12. In the ______________ (coming, near, foreseeable) future controllers will become airspace managers.

Exercise 1.1.10 Fill in the gaps with the related words.

1. He learnt the nature of aerodynamic lift force and ways of __________ (CONTROL) it from his own ______________ (PRACTICE) experience.

2. The Wright brothers were the first to join airframe to the engine and to provide its ____________ (CONTROL) in the flight.

3. The flights of ___________ (HEAVY)-than-air aircraft were possible.

4. In 1910 Mikhail Yefimov performed the first ___________ (DEMONSTRATE) flights in Odessa.

5. Yefimov was the first professionally ____________ (QUALITY) pilot in Russia.

6. Over 40 types were _____________ (CREATE) in Kiev.

7. Oleg Antonov’s Design Bureau created about 30 types of gliders and 15 types of aircraft from the ________ (SMALL) up to the _________ (LARGE) ones in the world.

8. The planes created the market of super heavy cargo _____________ (TRANSPORT) services in the world civil aviation.

9. Now aviation is one of the world’s major industries, providing ___________ (EMPLOY) to many millions of people.

10. The ___________ (INVOLVE) of technology is changing the entire approach to ATC.

Exercise 1.1.11 Fill in the prepositions if necessary.

1. The Wright brothers were the first to join airframe ___ the engine.

2. The boom ___ aviation has begun ____ France.

3. Aircraft designers have made great contribution ___ the progress of mankind.

4. Normal configuration planes dramatically reduced death rate ____ the aerospace exploration pioneers.

5. ____ 1909-1912 over 40 types of planes were created ____ Kiev.

6. Airspace is especially busy _____ thousands of aircraft crossing the region every day.

7. Antonov’s Design Bureau created _____ 30 types of glides and 15 types of aircraft.

8. Aircraft designed from Antonov’s Design Bureau created many types of aircraft ______ the smallest ______ the largest ones in the world.

9. Many countries of the NATO made a decision to use AN-124 aircraft ___ their missions.

10. _____ the foreseeable future controllers will become airspace managers.

Exercise 1.1.12 Make up sentences using the given words.

1. The / of / heavier-than-air / flights / possible / aircraft / were.

2. Petr Nesterov / loop / the / in / Kiev / performed.

3. Ihor Sikorsky / the / was / most / pilot / aircraft / and / talented / designer.

4. Antonov / boom / of / in / France / began / the.

5. Oleg Antonov / an / was / designer / aircraft / outstanding.

6. Now / aviation / of / the / one / is / major / industries / world’s.

7. Is / airspace / with / busy / especially / aircraft / of / thousand.

8. In / controllers / the future / become / will / foreseeable / airspace / managers.

Exercise 1.1.13 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Несколько лет тому назад мы отмечали столетнюю годовщину начала полетов человечества.

2. Отто Лилиенталь считается основоположником воздухоплавания.

3. В 1891 году он начал осуществлять контролируемые полеты на планерах своего собственного дизайна.

4. Он хорошо изучил природу аэродинамической подъемной силы.

5. Братья Райт были первыми, кто присоединили корпус самолета к двигателю и обеспечили (осуществили) его управляемость в полете.

6. Впервые в мире 17 декабря 1903 года они осуществили (сделали) четыре управляемых полета на своем самолете.

7. Они внесли огромный вклад в развитие процесса человечества.

8. В 1908 году бразилец Альберто Сантос-Дюмоние построил один из первых в мире самолет нормальной конфигурации.

9. Такие самолеты значительно уменьшили количество смертных случаев среди первооткрывателей (пионеров) исследования воздушного пространства.

10. Авиация проникла в Россию из Франции через Украину.

11. 8 Марта 1910 года Михаил Ефимов осуществил свои первые показательные полеты в Одессе.

12. Ефимов был первым летчиком-профессионалом в России.

13. Неделю спустя, Сергей Уточкин, летчик-самоучка, сделал свой полет в Одессе.

14. Ефимов и Уточкин осуществляли показательные полеты в Харькове, Киеве, Санкт-Петербурге, Москве и других городах Украины и России.

15. Свыше 40 типов самолетов было создано в Киеве в 1909-1912 годах, что было больше, чем в любом городе России.

16. Игорь Сикорский был самым талантливым пилотом и конструктором.

17. Он создал первый многомоторный русский самолет.

18. «Илья Муромец» был самым лучшим самолетом Первой Мировой войны.

19. До 1939 года И. Сикорский создал 15 типов самолетов и около 10 типов вертолетов.

20. Петр Нестеров, основоположник высшего пилотажа, выполнил свою петлю в Киеве.

21. Олег Антонов был выдающимся авиаконструктором.

22. Его КБ создало около 30 типов планеров и 15 типов самолетов от самых маленьких до самых огромных в мире.

23. Самолеты Антонова создали рынок супер тяжелых самолетов в мировой гражданской авиации.

24. «Руслан» и «Мрия» покорили весь мир.

25. Многие страны НАТО приняли решение исследовать АН-124 в своих целях.

26. В настоящее время авиация – одна из главных мировых индустрий.

27. Благодаря авиации многие миллионы людей имеют работу.

28. Тысячи самолетов бороздят воздушное пространство каждый день.

29. Внедрение новейших технологий изменяет подход к УВД.

30. В недалеком будущем диспетчера станут главными менеджерами воздушного пространства.

Exercise 1.1.14 Make up your own sentences using the words and word combinations.

The beginning of air activity; to make controlled flight; own practical experience; to provide controllability in the flight; for the first time; the boom of aviation; to make great contribution; the aerospace exploration pioneers; demonstrative flights; a professionally qualified pilot; a type of an aircraft / helicopter; a multi-engine plane; an aircraft designer; to perform a loop; Design Bureau; to subdue the air world; to make a decision; the involvement of technology; in the foreseeable future.

Exercise 1.1.15 Retell the text.