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Certificate and Rating Requirements

Air traffic control specialists in all specializations are required to possess or obtain a valid Air Traffic Control Specialist Certificate and/or Control Tower Operator Certificate, if appropriate. These certificates require demonstrating knowledge of basic meteorology, base air navigation, standard air traffic control and communications procedures, the types and uses of aid of the air navigation, and regulations governing air traffic. In addition, each air traffic control specialist must possess or obtain a rating for the facility to which assigned. This facility rating requires demonstration of knowledge of the kind and location of radio aids to air navigation, the terrain, the landmarks, the communication systems and circuits, the procedure peculiar to the area covered by the facility. All required certificates and ratings must be obtained, is not already held within uniformly applicable time limits established by agency management.

Physical Requirements

Candidates must be able to pass a physical examination (including normal colour vision). Air traffic control specialists are required to requalify in a physical examination given annually.

Written test and Interview

Applicants must also pass a comprehensive written test and complete a personal interview during which alertness, decisiveness, diction, poise and conciseness of speech are evaluated. Both men and women are employed as air traffic controllers. Few occupations make more rigid physical and mental demands upon employees that of air traffic controllers. Because studies show that the unique skills necessary for successes a controller diminish with age, a maximum age of 30 has been established, without exception, for entry into tower or centre controller position.

Exercise 5.1.2 Answer the questions.

  1. What does an air traffic controller provide for?

  2. What is his function?

  3. What do terminal controllers do?

  4. What do they provide?

  5. What must air traffic controllers be familiar with?

  6. Who provides weather information for specific flights?

  7. What are other functions of air traffic controllers?

  8. What do air traffic control specialists at ACC do?

  9. How many hours a week do the controllers work?

  10. What facilities do they use at work?

  11. What way are their individual duties rotated?

  12. Do they have a rest during working?

  13. What controllers do usually work in semi-darkness?

  14. What Certificates are required for air traffic control specialists?

  15. Describe the demands to obtain these certificates.

  16. What are physical requirements for air traffic control specialists?

  17. Are applicants evaluated by written tests or interviews?

  18. Only men have an opportunity to work as air traffic controllers, don’t they?

  19. What age has been established for air traffic controllers’ successful work?

Exercise 5.1.3 Write T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.

  1. Air traffic control specialist is described as one who provides for the safety.

  2. It is pilots function to direct air traffic.

  3. Terminal controllers control air traffic in the air.

  4. Terminal controllers don’t give pilots taxiing and take off instructions.

  5. Area control centre controller provides separation between landing and departing aircraft.

  6. Terminal controllers transfer control of aircraft to the ACC controller when the aircraft leave their airspace.

  7. Air traffic controllers mustn’t be familiar with the aircraft identification.

  8. They provide information about RW conditions.

  9. Air traffic control specialists at ACC give advice regarding flight conditions while en route between airport.

  10. They provide separation between aircraft on the ground.

  11. Centre controllers and terminal controllers use radar.

  12. ACC controllers provide radar service to pilots.

  13. Controllers transfer control of aircraft to controllers in the same centre.

  14. The controllers work a twenty-four-hour week.

  15. Shift work isn’t necessary for controllers.

  16. The controllers’ individual duties are rotated among the staff about every three hours at busy locations.

  17. Long rest periods provide some relief.

  18. Radar controllers usually work in semi-darkness.

  19. Air traffic control specialists must have special certificates for work.

  20. Each air traffic control specialist must possess or obtain a rating for the facility to which assigned.

  21. Air traffic controllers must pass a physical examination once two years.

  22. Both men and women are employed as ATC controllers.

Exercise 5.1.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Обеспечивать безопасное воздушное движение; как на земле, так и в воздухе;инструкции по рулению и взлету; эшелонирование между приземляющимися и вылетающими судами; опознавательные знаки и местоположение ВС; тип и скорость самолета; местоположение навигационных средств; условие погоды для особых (специальных) рейсов; аварийная ситуация; консультативная служба аэропорта; пропавшие и опоздавшие самолеты; покрытие локатора; потенциальные воздушные конфликтные ситуации; работа по сменам; индивидуальные обязанности распределяются среди рабочего персонала; во время интенсивных полетов; плохие условия полетов; короткие перерывы для отдыха; полутьма; все необходимые сертификаты; нормальное восприятие цвета; ежегодный экзамен по физической подготовке; проверочные письменные тесты; личное интервью; оценивается осознанность речи; требование к физической подготовке и умственной деятельности; на работу берут женщин и мужчин; особые навыки; сокращение по возрасту; без исключений.

Exercise 5.1.5 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and word combinations.

Without problems; work; recommendations; control; outcoming aircraft; incoming aircraft; to pass; to get control; must know; location; weather phenomena; to transmit ATC instructions; dangerous situations; disappearing aircraft; in the air; on way; sometimes available traffic indicates and accidents; at different times; personal obligations; to be distributed among the workness; at rush hour; to work very quickly; bad flying conditions; short breaks for relax; every year; to have an opportunity to work; special practice; special habits of work.

Exercise 5.1.6 State what part of speech the following words belong to.

1. often

a) noun b) adverb c) adjective d) pronoun

2. expeditious

a) adverb b) preposition c) verb d) adjective

3. smoothly

a) noun b) verb c) adjective d) adverb

4. advice

a) noun b) pronoun c) adverb d) preposition

5. transfer

a) conjunction b) verb c) pronoun d) adverb

6. provide

a) noun b) verb c) adverb d) adjective

7. available

a) noun b) verb c) adverb d) adjective

8. enter

a) noun b) adverb c) verb d) conjunction

9. increase

a) noun b) pronoun c) adverb d) verb

10. normally

a) verb b) noun c) adjective d) adverb

11. aid

a) verb b) noun c) adjective d) adverb

12. already

a) verb b) adverb c) adjective d) conjunction

13. physical

a) adverb b) noun c) adjective d) pronoun

14. necessary

a) proposition b) verb c) adverb d) adjective

15. diminish

a) noun b) adverb c) verb d) preposition

Exercise 5.1.7 Match the words and word combinations in column A with those in column B.



  1. provide for the safety

a. инициировать поиски

  1. smoothly

b. специальные рейсы

  1. take off instructions

c. тип и скорость ВС

  1. taxiing instruments

d. опознавание борта

  1. air route traffic control centres

e. эшелонирование

  1. other sources

f. обеспечивать безопасность

  1. separation

g. инструкции по взлету

  1. to transfer control of aircraft

h. центры контролирования полетов по маршруту

  1. aircraft identification

i. нормально

  1. to be familiar with

j. правление агентства

  1. aircraft types and speed

k. пропавшие и опоздавшие борты

  1. the location of navigation aids

l. личные обязанности

  1. specific flights

m. интенсивное движение бортов

  1. emergency situations

n. аварийные ситуации

  1. to imitate researchers

o. инструкции по рулению

  1. missing or overdue aircraft

p. другие источники

  1. adjacent centres

q.передать контроль ВС

  1. individual duties

r. быть знакомым (ознакомленным) с …

  1. traffic stacks up

s. местонахождение навигационных средств

  1. agency management

t. смежные центры

Exercise 5.1.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. An air traffic control specialist provides for the expeditious (route, flow, traffic) of air traffic.

2. They provide separation between landing and departing (airport, flight, aircraft).

3. At busy times, controllers must work (slowly, carefully, rapidly).

4. Controllers transfer control of aircraft to (controllers, pilots, manager) in adjacent centres.

5. The controllers normally work (forty-eight, thirty-six, twenty-four) - hours a week.

6. (Radar, terminal, ACC) controllers usually work in semi-darkness.

7. Air traffic control specialist, are required to requalify in a (mathematical, physical, written) examination.

8. Both men and women are (required, available, employed) as air traffic controllers.

9. Few (occupations, routes, airways) make more rigid physical and mental demands.

10. Studies show that unique (knowledge, facilities, skills) necessary for successes.

Exercise 5.1.9 Fill in the gaps with the related words.

  1. An air traffic control specialist is often _____ as one who provides for the safe of air traffic.

a) describable b) description c) described

  1. Terminal controllers ______ pilots taxiing and take-off instructions.

a) given b) gave c) give

  1. They provide _____ between landing and departing aircraft.

a) separation b) separate c) separable

  1. Air traffic controllers must be familiar with the aircraft _____ and position.

a) identical b) identify c) identification

  1. They provide information about weather conditions for _____ flight.

a) specific b) specifically c) specification

  1. They provide separation between aircraft _____ into or out of airport.

a) operation b) operation c) operate

  1. ACC Centre controllers use radar to track the progress of all _____ flights.

a) instrumental b) instrument c) instruments

  1. These _____ duties are rotated among the staff.

a) individually b) individual c) individualization

  1. Controllers must work _____ .

a) rapid b) rapidity c) rapidly

  1. The certificates require _____ knowledge of basic meteorology.

a) demonstrating b) demonstration c) demonstrate

Exercise 5.1.10 Make up sentences using the given words.

  1. controllers/ control/ air/ terminal/ traffic/ airports/ at

  2. give/ terminal/ controllers/ pilots/ take-off/ instructions/ taxiing

  3. between/ landing/ provide/ they/ separation/ departing/ landing/ and/ aircraft

  4. transfer/ they/ aircraft/ of/ the/ to/ ACC/ controller

  5. positions/ traffic/ controller/ air/ be/ must/ familiar/ the/ with/ identification/ aircraft/ and

  6. weather/ provide/ they/ about/ information/ conditions/ flights/ specific/ for

  7. provide/ they/ advisory/ airport/ service

  8. searches/ they/ initiate/ missing/ for/ overdue/ or/ aircraft

  9. ACC/ traffic/ air/ specialists/ control/ aircraft/ give/ instructions

  10. provide/ separation/ they/ aircraft/ between/ flying/ along/ airways/ the

  11. use/ radar/ centre/ controllers

  12. rapidly/ must/ work/ controllers

  13. semi-darkness/ work/ in/ usually/ controllers/ radar

  14. relief/ brief/ rest/ some/ provide

  15. must/ obtained/ be/ all/ certificates/ required/ ratings/ and

  16. examination/ candidates/ be/ must/ able/ pass/ to/ a/ physical

  17. also/ must/ applicant/ comprehensive/ a/ test/ written

  18. controllers/ men/ both/ as/ women/ air/ traffic/ employed/ are

  19. occupations/ few/ more/ make/ physical/ rigid/ mental/ and/ demands

  20. control/ transfer/ controllers/ aircraft/ to/ of/ controllers/ centres/ adjacent/ in

Exercise 5.1.11 Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Специалиста УВД часто характеризуют как специалиста, обеспечивающего безопасность полетов.

  2. Диспетчер контролирует движение в аэропорту и дает инструкции пилотам по рулению и взлету.

  3. Они обеспечивают эшелонирование между прибывающими и вылетающими судами.

  4. Они передают управление самолетом диспетчеру Контроля, когда ВС покидает их воздушное пространство.

  5. Диспетчер ОВД обязан быть ознакомлен с идентификацией и местоположением ВС, находящегося под его контролем.

  6. Диспетчеры передают управление ВС диспетчерам – смежникам.

  7. Диспетчер обычно работает тридцать шесть часов в неделю.

  8. Работа по сменам – необходима.

  9. В загруженные часы диспетчеры должны работать очень быстро.

  10. Краткие перерывы дают возможность немного расслабиться, но они не всегда возможны.

  11. Специалистам ОВД всех направлений необходимо иметь действительный сертификат специалиста УВД.

  12. Кандидаты на рабочее место диспетчера сдают письменный обзорный тест и индивидуальное интервью.

  13. Диспетчерами могут работать как мужчины так и женщины.

  14. Диспетчеры обычно работают с компьютерами, телефоном, освещением, обеспечивающим ОВД и др. устройствами для коммуникации.

  15. Диспетчеры «Круга» обычно работают в полутемное время суток.

Exercise 5.1.12 Make up your own sentences using the words and word combinations.

Terminal controllers; ATC specialist; provide for; function; in the ground and in the air; taxiing and take-off instructions; air traffic clearances; own observations; information from the meteorological office; air route traffic control centres; flight service station; other sources; separation between landing and departing aircraft; airspace; adjacent facilities; aircraft identification; aircraft position; aircraft types and speed; location and navigational aids and landmarks; information about weather conditions; specific flights; emergency situations; provide airport advisory service; initiate searchers; missing or overdue aircraft; while en route; manual procedures; instrument flights; radar coverage; workload; other devices for communication; to work rapidly; some relief; knowledge of basic meteorology.

Exercise 5.1.13 Retell the text.