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Listening for Law Students-Polishchuk.doc
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III. Agree or disagree with the statements:

1. There are two main kinds of international law?

2. Private international law concerns the role of foreign laws within a particular country.

3. Public international law deals with relations between states.

4. Public international law had developed in Eastern Europe in the 18-th century.

5. International law was developed in order to provide basic rules to regulate relations between individuals.

6. Most international law was created in the nineteenth century.

7. The League of Nations was set up after World War II.

8. The League of Nations had stopped the tension that led to World War II.

9. International laws are created by agreements among governments.

10. Many international agreements are not binding.

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What are the main kinds of international law?

2. What is the relationship between public international and private international law?

3. When did the need for private international law arise?

4. What organization was set up specially for the purpose of settling disputes between nations? When did it happen?

5. Why did this organization fail to prevent World War II?

V. Match the first part of the sentence (1-5) with the second one (a-e).


Domestic laws are passed by legislative bodies,


deals with relations between states.


Public international law


within a particular country.


The private law concerns the role of foreign laws


most of which have some popular political support.


International law provides basic rules


private and public.


There are two main kinds of international law:


to regulate relations between nations.

VI. Make up a plan of the text.

VII. Retell the text in a written form (in English or Ukrainian). Text 63. Human rights and ukraine

I. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

Human dignity –людська гідність, to ratify – ратифікувати, inviolability – непорушність (недоторканність), privacy of correspondence – таємниця листування, conclusion – завершення, former – колишній, to distinguish –відрізняти, stateless person – особа без громадянства.

II. Listen to the text: Human Rights and Ukraine

On the session of the United Nations that took place in 1948, there was accepted the Overall Declaration of Human Rights. It had the greatest influence on the development of the human rights all over the World.

Besides in the Soviet Union there were signed some more international treaties on the human rights, including Covenant on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Convention on Protection of the Rights of the Child, European Conven­tion on Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. But the interests of the state were above all, even above the life. The Soviet Union even tried not to participate in signing the international legal acts on the Human Rights, but in the case if they had been ratified; all the same they weren't respected.

According to the Ukrainian Constitution, “man and his rights and freedoms shall be supreme value”. Rights and freedoms are declared not only for the citizens of Ukraine, but also for the foreign subjects, and for the stateless persons.

The basic human rights could be divided into three groups. The first is the private rights; the second is political rights and the last one is economic, social and cultural rights. Among the private rights, we could distinguish: the right to life; the right to human dignity; the right to freedom and personal inviolability.

Political, economic, social rights are: the right to private property; the right to elect and be elected to state and local government bodies and to participate in the referendum; the right to the inviolability of private life, personal and family privacy and protection of honour and good name; the right to privacy of correspondence, of telephone conversations and of postal, telegraph and other communications; the right to the inviolability of the home; the right to use native language and to a free choice of the language; the right to freedom of conscience and religion; the freedom of thought and speech.

Ukraine is going on a way of becoming lawful state. In comparison with the former Soviet Union, many new civil rights and freedoms already exist in Ukraine, exist not only on the paper.

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