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Listening for Law Students-Polishchuk.doc
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III. Agree or disagree with the statements:

1. The number of Associate Justices is determined by the United States Congress and is currently set at ten.

2. The United States Senate confirms the nominations of the Associate Justices.

3. The nomination of the Associate Justices is confirmed by the President.

4. Each of the Justices of the Supreme Court has several votes in deciding the cases argued before the court.

5. Sometimes the Chief Justice can have additional influence in a case disposition.

6. The Chief Justice has certain administrative responsibilities that the other Justices do not, but his paid is the same as that of the other Justices.

7. The Chief Justice is always considered the most senior Justice.

8. Traditionally when the Justices are in conference, the justices give their opinions in order of seniority.

9. If there is a knock at the conference room door, the senior justice must answer it.

10. If there is a knock at the conference room door, Justices do not open the door.

IV. Answer the questions:

1. Who are the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court?

2. How many Associate Justices of the Supreme Court are there in the USA?

3. Who nominates the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court?

4. What is the term of the Associate Justices’ service?

5. In what way can the Associate justices have their seniority?

V. Match the first part of the sentence (1-5) with the second one (a-e).


Associate justices have seniority by order of appointment,


by death, resignation or impeachment.


Each of the Justices of the Supreme Court has


and is currently set at eight.


They serve for life and can only be removed


although the Chief Justice is always considered the most senior.


Associate Justices are nominated for service


a single vote in deciding the cases argued before it.


The number of Associate Justices is determined by the US Congress


by the President of the United States.

VI. Make up a plan of the text.

VII. Retell the text in a written form (in English or Ukrainian). Unit 6. Concept of law. Classification of law text 54. What is law?

I. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

To impose – накладати, descriptive – описовий, to enforce – примушувати, definition – визначення, compulsion – примус, assault – напад, faulty – недосконалий.

II. Listen to the text: What is Law?

It is difficult to give a short simple answer to this question. The English word «law» refers to limits upon various forms of behaviour. Some laws are descriptive: they simply describe how people, or even natural phenomena, usually behave, for example, the laws of physics, mathematics, economics, or the law of football. Other laws are pre­scriptive — they prescribe how people ought to behave. For example, the speed limits imposed upon drivers are laws that prescribe how fast we should drive. In all societies, relations between people are regu­lated by prescriptive laws. Some of them are customs — that is, in­formal rules of social and moral behaviour. Some are rules we accept if we belong to particular social institutions, such as religious, educa­tional and cultural groups. And some are precise laws made by nations and enforced against all citizens within their power.

There is no generally agreed definition of the law of a state, though many legal writers have attempted to define law. A simpler definition is that law is a set of rules. Many organi­zations, however, have rules and there are also rules of morality. So what makes law different from these? Rules become law when they are recognised by the majority of people in a country and given gov­ernment backing to enforce them in the country as a whole; in other words, recognised and applied by the state. A rule in an organisation is a private matter and is not in force throughout the community. A moral rule is a matter for people's consciences; it will not be enforced by the government.

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