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Грамматические трудности при переводе.doc
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Известную трудность при переводе составляет употребление в английском языке вместе 1) двух глаголов, 2) двух существительных, 3) глагола и существительного, 4) глагола и прилагательного (в качестве предикатива) с разными предлогами, относящимися к одному и тому же члену предложения. Например:

1) The comments on, and criticism of, the article, provide considerable food for thought.

2) He is perpetually closeted with, and pouring his whole confidence into the bosom of, a stranger.

3) He denied any suggestion that he was connected with, or was responsible for, the absence of the main witness at the trial.

Это явление тесно связано с исчезновением флексий в английском языке.

Следует обратить внимание на своеобразную пунктуацию, которая указывает на синтаксические связи между членами предложения, но в то же время нередко сбивает с толку начинающих переводчиков. Им кажется странным, что запятая отделяет предлог от дополнения.

В сочетании двух глаголов один может иметь прямое, а другой – предложное дополнение. Например:

He would not have fallen in love with and married a plain girl.

В данном случае эквивалент глагола - фразеологическое сочетание – требует предложного дополнения, а второй глагол – прямого.

При переводе редко можно обойтись одним дополнением, обычно приходится вводить другое в соответствующем падеже.

Приведенные выше примеры можно перевести следующим образом:

1) Комментарии и критические замечания к этой статье дают значительную пищу для размышлений.

В этом случае можно ограничиться одним дополнением, так как оба существительных требуют дополнения в одном и том же падеже.

2) Он вечно запирается в комнате с каким-то незнакомцем и изливает ему свою душу.

Первое дополнение, выраженное существительным, стоит в творительном падеже, второе, выраженное местоимением, - в дательном.

3) Он отвергал все предположения, что имеет какое-либо отношение к неявке в суд главного свидетеля или несет за это какую-то ответственность.

В этом переводе наблюдается та же закономерность.

Сюда же можно отнести и такой случай, когда в английском языке оба глагола требуют прямого дополнения, а соответствующие им русские глаголы требуют дополнения в разных падежах.

They love and trust him. Они любят его и доверяют ему.

  • Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:

  1. The central figure of John O’Hara’s novel is Robert Yancey Lucas, playwright, a man of talent, wholly dedicated to and driven by his art.

  2. He called for, and got, sympathy in the way most of us could never do.

  3. Au revoir, my dearest. I shall be thinking of you all the time. Thinking of and writing to you.

  4. For years the Tories have fomented and played on religious and other differences in Northern Ireland to maintain their rule alongside the use of force and repressive legislation.

  5. The UN Charter says that all international differences must be settled by peaceful means, and not by threats of, or resort to force.

  6. All the experiences which learners have both in and out of school and which contribute to the desired terminal behaviour are included in the term curriculum.

  7. "Do not reject these changes!" said a white South African businessman whom I genuinely like and respect and expect to have as a friend.

  8. I remember talking with and being charmed by Che Guevara a few years ago.

  9. After a quarter century in this city (Washington, D.C.) as editor, reporter and columnist, he knew, was respected by and had access to almost every major figure of our era.

  10. Hated by some, envied by many, feared by his competitors, Dr. Rosenbach was nevertheless able to exert his charm on all, no matter what their status in society.

  • Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на разное глагольное управление:

  1. "I'd thought you were a Christian, Charlie Cool. My idea of a Christian does not include laughing at and encouraging a poor mad woman."

  2. Nothing in his /L. Carroll's/ diaries or his letters suggests that his interest in the scores of little girls he told stories to, played with at the seaside, and loved to take very formally to the theatre, when mothers allowed this, was other than innocent.

  3. There was a manly vigour in his tone that convinced me he was wrestling with, and triumphing over, the great sorrow that had so nearly wrecked his life.

  4. At present nearly 200,000 American engineers and scientists spend all their time making weapons, which is a comment on, and perhaps explanation for, the usual statement that more scientists are now alive than since Adam and Eve.

  5. It is well to remember that Willy Brandt and Georges Pompidou did not like and trust each other.

  6. "Oh," she said, "I am so frightened and so sceptical of big undertakings."

  7. You'd never had taken him for a little white-headed snipe that the girls used to order about and make fun of.

  8. He denied any suggestion that he was connected with, or was responsible for, the absence of the main witness at the trial.

  9. Light, colour and significance do not exist in isolation. They modify, or are manifested by objects.

  10. The van was the one really big luxury I gave myself. It had a special fitting in the back compartment, a camp bed you could let down and sleep in.

  11. It stopped being a dream, it began to be what I pretended was really going to happen (of course, I thought it was only pretending) so I thought of ways and means–all the things I would have to arrange and think about and how I’d do it and all.