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4. Различные средства выражения эмфазы

  • Прочитайте теорию о средствах выражения эмфазы.

Различные средства выражения эмфазы наиболее частотны для стилей с сильной эмоциональной окрашенностью.

Эмфаза создается как грамматическими, так и лексическими средствами или и теми и другими вместе. При переводе эмфатических конструкций следует пользоваться различными средствами родного языка.

  1. Инверсия – изменение порядка слов в предложении. Например: Up goes unemployment, up go prices, and down tumbles the Labour vote. Сохранение инверсии в русском предложении будет неадекватным, более выразительными в данном случае будут лексические средства (дополнительные слова, более экспрессивные глаголы): Безработица резко увеличилась, цены подскочили, а количество голосов, поданных за лейбористов, катастрофически упало.

  2. Конструкции с предваряющим it обычно также передаются лексически. Например: It is bombs, not Thant’s words which are sabotaging the talks. Бомбы – вот что срывает переговоры, а вовсе не слова Тана.

  3. Усилительные словосочетания и предложения с condensed relative, т.е. с относительными местоимениями в предложениях, являющихся подлежащими, а иногда дополнениями. Пример: Most people see what they want. Большинство людей видят именно то, что хотят увидеть.

  4. Степени сравнения также могут служить средством выражения эмфазы

a) степени сравнения much и little. Пример: Ulanova did more than embellish the art of dance. Уланова внесла в искусство танца не только красоту, а нечто гораздо большее.

b) превосходная степень с предлогом at. Пример: The sun was shining and the Mediterranean was at its bluest. Солнце светило, и Средиземное море было синим-синим.

с) обороты с as … as и прилагательными в положительной степени и местоимениями any, anybody, anything. Пример: Her appearance on the stage has been as exhilarating as anything that has happened since the beginning of the season. Ее появление на сцене было, пожалуй, самым волнующим событием с начала театрального сезона.

  1. Отрицательные эмфатические конструкции

а) отрицательное местоимение no при существительном: He is no linguist. – Он вовсе не лингвист.

b) двойное отрицание – отрицательная частица not и слово с отрицательным префиксом или с отрицательным значением (to fail); два отрицания взаимно исключают друг друга, и предложение является утверждением, однако в нем всегда есть элемент эмфазы, который передается лексически: It is not an unfavorable moment to abolish all military pacts. Сейчас весьма благоприятный момент покончить со всеми военными пактами.

  1. Translate the following emphatic sentences. What means of emphases were used by the authors? How is the adequacy of translation achieved?

  1. «You seem to have got over your mullygrabs (сплин, хандра, тоска)». «I had them… yesterday. Don’t know where they come from». “Don’t I know! Sometimes with me not for the usual reason”.

  2. Not for five minutes could they drag themselves away from this triumph.

  3. “On your marks! Get set.” Bang went Mr. Philbrick’s revolver. Off trotted the boys on another race.

  4. It should have been stuff called eserine. That’s what she usually had, the doctor says.

  5. Well, that’s what we all think about him, anyway.

  6. I think it was then she recognized me.

  7. There was a strong hope that Miss Simmonds’ one eye would survive. It was she who made up the prescription.

  8. “But I expect I’m boring you?” “No, do go on.”

  9. I knew he was going to select one sheet of paper from the sheaf, and this one document would be the exciting, important one… He did extract one long sheet of paper, and hold it up.

  10. “And now I am going to play the organ. After all, my mother does pay five guineas a term extra for me to learn.”

  • Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на различие в употреблении степеней сравнения в русском и английском языках.

  1. That was the room that Nancy liked best in all the house.

  2. The holiday proved to be one of the happier times that Keith and Natalie had ever known. 3. He changed into the Chinese trousers and silk tunic in which he felt most at ease.

  3. The findings of the mission include: the desirability of the countries concerned to meet and discuss early how best to initiate further action.

  4. In general they went to dine at one of the better restaurants in Montparnasse.

  5. But that which 1 liked best is that section of which the artery is the Boulevard du Montparnasse.

  6. She congratulated me, some-what ironically perhaps, on my acquaintance with the more disreputable parts of Paris.

  7. Peter crossed to the telephone beside the nearer bed.

  8. Among the more important decisions was the resolution on solidarity with that country.

  9. My friend Wyman Holt is a professor of English literature in one of the smaller universities of the Middle West.

  10. Fortunately, just when things were blackest, the war broke out.

  • "That's it," he said, "you young people, you all stick together; you all think you know best!"

    • В следующих предложениях укажите наречия степени, которые представляются избыточными или не совместимыми по смыслу с определяемым словом с точки зрения русского языка.

    1. She's quite the best dancer I know.

    2. Christine realised suddenly how very tired she was.

    3. Think of something not quite so expensive.

    4. "Are you staying here?" he asked. "Only for a very few days."

    5. Hans and Peter are quite the noisiest boys that I know.

    6. But they had come on a very different errand.

    7. Al lived then at Gorney's Hotel, which was not quite the worst hotel in Gibbsville.

    8. I've talked with her quite a few times.

    9. You've spoken a little too much tonight.

    10. Isn't it rich to hear her? How very original she is!

    11. I want you to give his reports your very best attention.

    12. It's a bit too much.

    13. Isn't the telephone working? How very trying.

    14. She is a darling, he thought, and so very dense.

    15. We're Matthew's very oldest friends.

    16. She was interested to see how very disagreeable and ill-dressed many of the women visitors seemed.

    17. But he had been a little too quick at this point.

    18. "How very kind," she murmured.

    19. In the end she found herself obliged to give quite a little lecture.

    • Переведите на русский язык.

    1. The form of symphonic movements, complex though they became, still bears the mark of the folksong form.

    2. Hard is the path of sportsmen chosen to represent Britain at the Olympic Games. They have to contend with a Government too mean to finance a team.

    3. Sharp and sustained was the reaction of the Labour Movement to Welfare budget cuts by the State Legislature in the State of New York.

    4. It is the British people who would have to pay the increased prices which would result from British entry into the Market, just it is they who have to bear a huge NATO military burden.

    5. It was 18 years after Cook’s voyage that the new continent was settled.

    6. It is not the British people who are being defended by the spending of $2,400 million a year on arms, but the interests of the City of London and the firms with big investments overseas.

    7. It was one of London’s most famous citizens, Dr. Samuel Johnson, who said “When a man is tired of London he is tired of life.”

    8. The distant hum of the street traffic was at its faintest.

    9. It’s a measly little place … you’ll see it at its worst.

    10. He tried as well as any man could, but he failed.

    11. His chef was as good as any in Paris and you could be sure at his table of having set before you the earliest delicacies of the season.

    12. What is needed now is a straight increase in the present scales of unemployment and sickness pay which the House of Commons could put through quickly without delay.

    • Переведите следующие предложения.

    1. The class conflict is not new. The measures taken by the Government are not new. But what is new, and is opening a new political situation in Britain, is the character of contradiction now revealed.

    2. No man can suffer too much, and no man can fall too soon, if he suffers or if he falls in defense of the liberties and constitution of his country.

    3. They passed no village bigger than a hamlet and no inn better than an alehouse, but Harry was urgent to stop at one of them and seek better horses.

    4. Nobody expected romance to last forever. But it took your breath away to see how quickly marriage cured you of it. Nothing like marriage to take your stars out of your eyes.

    5. All foreign troops should be withdrawn from South East Asia. This fact cannot be stated too often and too clearly.

    6. If ever you are anywhere in the province of Bourgogne, don’t fail to visit the inn called “At the Sign of the Reine Pedoque.”

    7. “A Forsyte,” replied young Jolyon, “is not an uncommon animal.”

    8. Soames with his set lips and square chin was not unlike a bulldog.

    9. Not until 15 years later soon after his death, did Bartoc at last have a real popular success.

    10. He leant his lanky but not ungraceful figure against a bench and glanced a shade defiantly at his visitor.

    11. Her dark hair was parted and fell in loose but not unstudied waves.

    12. Swiftly the doctor lifted his eyes and gave Claude a penetrating but not unkindly glare.

    13. Her immediate suggestion was, not unnaturally, that the money had been stolen by one of Frl. Kost’s customers.