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6. Словообразовательные суффиксы в формировании и передаче информации

Словообразовательные суффиксы в разных языках далеко не всегда совпадают по своему значению и употреблению. В каждом языке имеются суффиксы чрезвычайно продуктивные, например суффикс существительного -er и суффикс прилагательного -able в английском языке.

При помощи суффикса –er можно образовать существительное, выражающее агент действия, фактически от любого глагола. Например:

He is an accomplished television performer.

Он великолепно выступает по телевидению.

В других контекстах существительному performer соответствует русское существительное исполнитель, которое обычно сочетается с дополнением: исполнитель песен, романсов, музыкальных произведений и т.д. Сочетание телевизионный исполнитель невозможно, так как оно идет вразрез с нормами русского языка. Поэтому при переводе слов, образованных при помощи суффикса –er, часто приходится пользоваться глаголами.

That branch of the family had been reckless marries.

В этой семье мужчины всегда женились опрометчиво.

Суффикс –able тоже является очень продуктивным и образует, в основном, прилагательные от глаголов. В нем обычно присутствует модельное значение, поэтому для его перевода часто используются такие модальные слова, как возможно, невозможно, нельзя и др. Например:

The sea was rough and unswimmable.

Море было бурное, и плыть (через Ла-Манш) было невозможно.

Следует отметить, что вышесказанное не относится к заимствованным французским прилагательным, образованным при помощи этого суффикса, например admirable, irreparable и т.п.

В современном языке при помощи этого суффикса прилагательные иногда образуются и от существительных, например: a knowledgeable person. Но такие случаи более редки.

  • Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

  1. a heavy eater

  2. a music lover

  3. a party-goer

  4. a mouth-breather

  5. a sewer-on of buttons

  6. first-nighter

  7. full-timer

  8. nine-to-fiver

  9. actionable offence

  10. dutable goods

  11. easily calculable losses

  12. do-gooder

  13. to think the unthinkable, to say the unsayable

  14. a put-downable book

  15. an unputdownable book

  • Переведите на русский язык:

  1. The West German ambassador in charge of negotiations around the non-proliferation treaty is a determined non-signer.

  2. I had sized up the Taylor woman as a package-leaver as soon as she joined us.

  3. To be a good comedian you have to be a friend to the audience as well as an entertainer.

  4. A proposal made by a Tory ought to make it a non-runner for Labour.

  5. On the two previous mornings Newman had come to breakfast late; and I didn’t fancy that at any time he was an early riser.

  6. American military draft evaders are given asylum by Sweden defying the US Government displeasure.

  7. “I hope you won’t mind having dinner in the kitchen,” Ann said. “Certainly, not. We’re a generation of kitchen-eaters,” he answered.

  8. “Certainly,” she said, trying to frown – but she was clearly not a frowner.

  9. Heery burst out laughing. In the great bustle of the last days I had forgotten what a good laughter he was.

  10. Austin was a handsome ageing play-boy type, flamboyant dresser with styled iron-grey hair.

  • Переведите на русский язык:

  1. But I’m afraid we should all be mildly surprised if your ingenious friend can really persuade us that we can afford the unaffordable.

  2. If cannabis had been absolutely prohibited 30 or 35 years ago in North Africa, the drug problem would now be manageable.

  3. The songs of the film, old and new, are hummable, and the setting is colorful enough.

  4. London Conservation is an interesting and listenable record.

  5. But the Tories are doing nothing to prevent avoidable tragedies – deaths due to inadequate heating and food – happening this winter.

  6. Through the glasses it was possible to see a series of ridges running laterally across the faces of others; they were quite climbable.

  7. Western politicians were quick to conclude that the process is unstoppable.

  8. To make this house livable one has to put a lot of work into it.

  9. You will find your boss quite an approachable person.

  10. Even today, 25 years later, the image is inescapable.

  • Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на суффиксальные новообразования.

  1. Homer Wells kept his notes in one of Dr. Larch's old medical school notebooks. Larch had been a cramped, sparse note taker — there was plenty of room.

  2. Since 1944 there have been only 10 prosecutions under the act. If it is unenforceable, or at least unenforced, is there any point in replacing it with other legislation?

  3. Yesterday's international plan to set up a science and technology center in Russia (unemployed and eminently brain-drainable former scientists for the use of) has already been anticipated by free market- minded men.

  4. Neil Kinnock has made some good conference speeches but today he needs to make a really special one. Making Labour electable, which happened fairly regular prior to 1979, is his undeniable achievement. But party members and electors are entitled to ask a question: electable to what purpose?

  5. Peregrine Worsthorn, the tower of Kiplingesque conservatism at the Sunday Telegraph, in London, has taken to zapping his American neo-conservative cousins on the subject of hawkishness in foreign policy.

  6. Why are being asked to read some 1,600 pages from the diary of an unknown writer? Who cares about Arthur Crew Inman? During the 1920s he published several volumes of forgettable verse, if the experts he quotes in his dairy are any indication.

  7. As a pagan, I see all life and nature as sacred, yet I live in a society which views the Earth as a plunderable resource.

  8. Is Douglas Fairbanks Jr. the most clubable man of the 20th century? If membership in the world's finest clubs was, by itself, the test of clubability, then Doug could claim preeminence. Clubability, however, presumes much more: the ability to tell spellbinding yarns, to wear suits well, to walk the fine line between being a character and an eccentric, and, above all else, to possess genuine good humour and bullet-proof equanimity.

  9. Let us toast Mel Brook's "The Producers", the world's funniest film about the World worst musical. I sheer quotability "The Producers" gives "Hamlet" sleepless nights.

  10. D.Peploe was not a joiner of clubs or coteries but enjoyed conversations on every imaginable subject, preferably not art.

  11. It is a joy to re-encounter David Levaux's production of "No man's Land" by H.Pinter. Not even the coughers who haunt West End first nights can diminish Pinter's twilit masterpiece.

  12. In an interview with Ray Connolly in "The Times" tomorrow, Blunkett explained that at school he became a stirrer for good causes and led a delegation about the quality of the meals.

  13. One of the reasons I am so impressed with him is that we parish pumpkin politicians do a lot of talking and little doing, but David is a doer and on that account I rate him very high indeed.

  14. Other Arab leaders know that a deal crowning the butcher of Baghdad with saviorhood would increase his momentum and whet his appetite.

  15. He used to buy Arrow shirts, at that time the nec plus ultra (=super) of shirtdom.