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Let`s Listen.doc
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4. What accommodation possibilities would you be interested in? Why? Discuss you ideas in class. Transport problems (03:25)

1. Try to guess the meanings of the word combinations and then discuss your ideas in class.

the growth of cities

an urban planner

human history

combined cities

Tokyo residents

transport problems

developing countries

suburban railway lines

circular line

the city centre

subway lines

rail travel

urban expressways

train travel

travel by car

city centre parking

parking spaces

train lines

mega cities

rail system

to develop a transport infrastructure

a means of transport

bring pollution

construction of new roads

destroy the fabric of a city

divide communities

lead to the building of new types of housing

integrated transport systems

hand pulled rickshaws

to built overhead rail systems

underground subway lines

2. While you listen, decide whether the following sentences are true or false.

1. Sue Shaw is an expert on how to protect the environment.

2. Masako Ito lives in Tokyo.

3. Today the Tokyo Bay Area has a population of 18 million.

4. New roads have solved Tokyo’s transport problems.

5. There are high charges for cars to use the city’s expressways.

6. Travel by car is faster than travel by rail.

7. Tokyo’s transport infrastructure is a useful model for developing countries.

8. Cities in developing countries should not rely on cars to solve their transport problems.

3. Listen again and complete the information while listening.

For the first time in human history more people now live in __________ than in than in the _________. Today Tokyo is the world’s __________ сonurbation.

The combined cities of the Tokyo Bay Area now have a population of __________ million.

Tokyo has many, many suburban __________ lines.

These lines bring __________ to the Yamamote line, the __________ line around the city centre, and to the city’s 12 __________ lines.

__________ __________ seems to be the answer ...

There are expensive tolls on the city’s urban __________.

__________ travel is one and a half times faster than _________ _____ __________ and city centre __________ is very expensive.

Before you can buy a car in Tokyo you must prove that you have a place to __________ it.

__________ __________ can cost as much as apartments to rent ...

New __________ are built in Tokyo but priority is given to new ________ lines.

The future mega cities must do all they can to stop the car from becoming the main __________ of transport.

Cars bring __________ and the construction of new roads can destroy the fabric of a city.

New roads divide communities and lead to the building of new types of __________ – usually high apartment blocks..

Integrated _______ systems that take into consideration local factors are the answer.

In Calcutta hand pulled __________ are being included in the plans for the transport system, alongside buses and __________.

Bangkok and Manila have built __________ rail systems.

Overhead rail systems are __________ and __________ to build than expensive __________ ___________ lines.

For the future mega cities the message is forget about __________ .

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