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Let`s Listen.doc
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What hands do you have? (03:35)

1. Match the adjectives with the underlined phrases in the sentences.

ambitious chatty easy-going diligent idle open organized reserved sensitive unreliable

1. People with long fingers are easily upset.

2. People with short fingers are happy to talk about feelings.

3. People with straight fingers make lots of lists and plans.

4. People with a long index finger work hard.

5. People with a long ring finger don’t do what they say theywill do.

6. People with a thumb that bends back are easy to talk to and talk a lot.

7. People with a thumb that doesn’t bend back don’t talk about feelings and problems.

8. People with a long thumb really want to be successful.

9. People with slim hands are not easily annoyed or worried by things.

10. People with soft hands don’t like work or physical activity.

2. Listen to two friends, Helen and Daniel, talking about the connection between your hands and your personality. Which sentences from above are true for Daniel?

3. What do you think of this way of analyzing people’s personalities?



1. Look at the portraits from the National Portrait Gallery, London.

Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.

1. What can you say about the person’s character from the picture?

2. What job do you think they do?

2. Listen to people discussing these portraits. In which portrait do they say the person:

1. has a kind of intensity to their face?

2. looks like he’s in the world of his own?

3. is trying to make a statement “this is the sort of person I am”?

4. looks intellectual or thoughtful?

5. has something knowing in their eyes, as if they’ve got a secret?

6. is trying to make a point about how ridiculous or absurd their life is?

3. What do the people in the recording say about jobs and character of the people portrayed?

4. Listen again and find English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

мощность, сила; озадаченный; задумчивый; спокойный, уверенный; непослушный, непокорный; занятый наукой, любящий науку; одет просто; производить какое-то впечатление; претензии, притязания; модный, стильный; несочетаемый, несовместимый, неподходящий; потусторонний.

5. Work in pairs. Find on the Internet a portrait of a person you do not know and discuss it with your partner. Here are the examples of language of speculating which you are to use.

I suppose/ reckon/guess he is about…

I’d say he/she looks/doesn’t look…

I wonder what he/she…

I hazard a guess that he/she…

If I had to make a guess, I’d say that…

I’m pretty sure he/she…

There’s something…about him/her.

He/she gives the impression of being…

He/she could be…

It seems like he/she…/It seems to me…

It looks to me as if he/she…

It makes me think (that) may be he/she…

It might suggest (that)…


(video 07:30)

1. What advice is given about the following in the video?

1. Earrings: ______________________________

2. Beards: ______________________________

3. Jewellery: _____________________________

4. Suits: _________________________________

5. Make-up: ______________________________

6. Turtle-necks: ___________________________

7. Hats: __________________________________

8. Tattoos: _______________________________

9. General recommendations: ________________

2. Give English equivalents.

Гвоздик (сережка), неухоженный, нестильный/ немодный, работа в крупной компании, современный (2), поддерживать/ составлять гардероб, выделяться, шикарный/ стильный, скрываемый, нейтрализовать/ сбалансировать.


(video 08:00)

1. What advice is given about the following in the video?

1. Nails: ________________________________

2. Jewellery: _____________________________

3. Shoes: ________________________________

4. Tights/ stockings: _______________________

5. Skirts: ________________________________

6. Jackets: ______________________________

7. Hairstyle: _____________________________

8. General recommendation: _______________

2. Give English equivalents.

Сдержанный, туфли с открытым носком, банальный/простой, входить в моду/ выходить из моды, дополняющий цвет, верхняя одежда, придираться по пустякам, запугивать, соответствовать обстановке, шикарный/ офигенный.


Unit 1. Medicine 3

Unit 2. Travelling 16 Unit 3. Shopping 25

Unit 4. Education 32

Unit 5. London 48

Unit 6. Sport 53

Unit 7. Appearance 64


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