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When the TL offers no suitable alternatives, partial overlap is acceptable if the omitted detail is unimportant or is implied in the overall TT context, and if the added detail does not clash with the overall ST or TT contexts. Translating `professoressa' as `teacher' or as `lecturer', for example, will in most contexts be harmless and unavoidable.

Partial overlap is unacceptable if the omitted detail is important in the ST but is not implied in the overall context of the TT, or if the added detail clashes with the overall ST or TT contexts. If the TL does not offer suitable alternatives, then only compensation can counteract the omission or addition. So the teacher's gender can be made clear through anaphora (`she' or `her'), and a reference to her workplace can if necessary be inserted into the TT.



Particularizing, generalizing and partially overlapping translation


(i)Make a detailed analysis of examples of particularizing, generalizing and partially overlapping translation in the TT printed opposite the ST.

(ii)Where possible, give a revised TT that is a better translation, and explain your decision.

Contextual information

The ST is from Lampedusa's Il Gattopardo (1958). Sicily is full of political tension, the threat to the Bourbon king and to the established social order growing daily. The political situation, together with the Prince's autocratic presence, can make mealtimes tense and silent affairs. Today, the Prince's mood is not improved by the departure of his beloved nephew Tancredi to join the rebels. However, a conversation with padre Pirrone before lunch helps him to come to terms with the situation to some extent: he is resigned to a future where the lower orders rule the roost. Carolina and Concetta are daughters of the Prince, Paolo a son. The TT was first published in 1960.


Quando la campanella del pranzo li richiamò giù, tutti e due erano rasserenati, tanto dalla comprensione delle congiunture politiche quanto dal superamento di questa comprensione stessa. Un'atmosfera di inconsueta distensione si sparse nella villa. Il pasto di mezzogiorno era quello princi pale della giornata, e andò, 5 grazie a Dio, del tutto liscio. Figurarsi che a Carolina, la figlia ventenne, accadde che uno dei boccoli che le incorniciavano il volto, sorretto a quanto pare


da una malsicura forcina, scivolasse e andasse a finire sul piatto. L'incidente che, un altro giorno, avrebbe potuto essere increscioso, questa volta aumentò soltanto l'allegria: quando il fratello, che era seduto vicino alla ragazza, prese il ricciolo 10 e se lo appuntò al collo, sicché pendeva li come uno scapolare, financo il Principe acconsentì a sorridere. La partenza, la destinazione, gli scopi di Tancredi erano ormai noti a tutti, e ognuno ne parlava, meno Paolo che continuava a mangiare in silenzio. Nessuno del resto era preoccupato, tranne il Principe che però nascondeva l'ansia non grave nelle profondità del suo cuore, e Concetta 15 che era la sola a conservare un'ombra sulla bella fronte. `La ragazza deve avere un sentimentuccio per quel briccone. Sarebbe una bella coppia. Ma temo che Tancredi debba mirar più in alto, intendo dire più in basso.'

(Tomasi di Lampedusa 1963a: 33)


When the bell for luncheon called them downstairs, both had regained their serenity, due to understanding the political scene and to setting that understanding aside. An atmosphere of unusual relaxation had spread over the house. The midday meal was the chief one of the day, and went, God be thanked, 5 quite smoothly. This in spite of one of the ringlets framing the face of the twenty-year-old Carolina, the eldest daughter, dropping into her soup plate because apparently of an ill-secured pin. Another day the incident might have had dreadful consequences, but now it only heightened the gaiety; and when her brother, sitting next to her, took the lock of hair and pinned it on his neckerchief 10 where it hung like a scapular, even the Prince allowed himself a smile. Tancredi's departure, destination and reasons were now known to all, and everyone talked of them, except Paolo who went on eating in silence. No one was really worrying about him, in fact, but the Prince, who showed no signs of the anxiety he still felt deep down, and Concetta who was the only one with a 15 shadow on her pretty forehead. `The girl must have her eye on the young scamp. They'd make a fine couple. But I fear Tancredi will have to aim higher, by which of course I mean lower.'

(Tomasi di Lampedusa 1963b: 40)

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