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8. Read the text about English weather. Compare it with the Ukrainian climate.

When two English people meet, their first remarks after they greet each other will be about weather. “It’s a lovely morning, isn’t it?” or “Isn’t it hot today?” and the other person will answer, “Yes, the heat will hopefully last till the end of the day; we have never had such a fine summer.”

Or perhaps the day is dull; it is raining a little, the sky is grey, and everyone is wearing a raincoat or carrying an umbrella. As the cars and buses go along the street they splash the water and mud on passers-by. Gradually it gets dark; a thick fog is spreading over London. The lamps are lit in the streets and in the shops and offices; cars and buses put on their lights and can only crawl along.

As one friend meets another he says: “Isn’t it a beastly day?” – “Yes, isn’t it?” – the other answers.

Then winter comes. After a heavy fall of snow the ground is white. There is a hard frost. It is just the day for a good country walk. It is still freezing hard and the ponds are frozen over. There are crowds of people on them sliding and skating, and here is a merry group of schoolboys having a snowball fight. It is very pleasant while the frost lasts.

A few months pass and spring comes. After a short period of rain fine weather usually sets in. A light wind is now blowing and soft white clouds are sailing in the sky. However, the weather in England is changeable particularly in spring. It is sometimes rather cold. The sky is overcast and it often rains. Then people hurry indoors.

9. Complete the following chart about the weather of your region.







10. A) Here are some sayings and expressions about weather in English. Match them with their meanings.

Sayings and expressions


1.Make hay while the sun shines

a.extremely happy

2.Come rain or shine

b.disappeared without trace

3.Every cloud has a silver lining

c.in dreamland and completely unrealistic

4.It never rains but it pours

d.even a difficult situation may have some good aspects

5.A storm in a teacup

e.to take advantage of an opportunity

6.It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good

f.a big fuss made over unimportant matter

7.On cloud nine

g.to save something so that you can use it if bad times come

8.Gone with the wind

h.in any event, whatever happens

9.Saving for a rainy day

i.someone usually profits from every misfortune

10.Head in the clouds

j.troubles don’t come along and one problem will bring others

b) Translate these sayings into your own language.

11. Writing options. Try to make a story on the offered topics.

  1. Why is weather forecast important / not important for you?

  2. Are there any special traditions associated with weather prediction in your country?

  3. Do you like rainy weather / sunny weather?

  4. Speak about the problem of natural disasters of today and their global influence.

  5. How can extreme weather conditions affect the economy and social life in countries?

  6. Can a person influence weather or climate?

  7. Why are sometimes weather forecasts wrong and don’t come true?

  8. When do you think is the perfect weather conditions for you?


“Gosh, it’s raining cats and dogs,” said Fred looking out of the kitchen window.

“I know,” said his mother. “I’ve just stepped in a poodle!”


- Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days?

- Because then the children have to play inside...


The Michaels family owned a small farm in Canada, just yards away from the North Dakota border. Their land had been the subject of a minor dispute between the United States and Canada for generations. Mrs. Michaels, who had just celebrated her ninetieth birthday, lived on the farm with her son and three grandchildren.

One day, her son came into her room holding a letter. “I just got some news, Mom,” he said. “The government has come to an agreement with the people in Washington. They’ve decided that our land is really part of the United States. We have the right to approve or disapprove of the agreement. What do you think?” “What do I think?” his mother said. “Jump at it! Call them right now and tell them we accept! I don’t think I could stand another one of those Canadian winters!”


There’s a technical term for a sunny, warm day followed by two rainy days. It‘s called Monday...


Communication and Technology

The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.

I like my new telephone, my computer works just fine, my calculator is perfect, but Lord, I miss my mind!

A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click.

I had a life once... now I have a computer.

In God we trust, all others we virus scan.


1. General

1. Загальна лексика

apparatus / device / equipment

апарат, пристрій / устаткування

means / by means of

засіб, засоби / за допомогою

access / to gain(ed) an access

доступ / отримати доступ

digit / digital

цифра / цифровий

frequency / wave

частота / хвиля

information / datum (pl. data)

iнформація / дані

telephone directory / phone book

телефонний довідник

broadcasting / radio broadcasting, telecasting

передача, трансляція (радіо та телебачення)

user / customer


up-to-date / modern / contemporary


2. Communication related verbs

2. Дієслова комунікаційного спрямування

to communicate(d) / communication

передавати, повідомляти / зв’язок, спілкування

to call(ed) / call

викликати, називати / виклик

to message(d) / message / messaging

повідомляти / повідомлення / обмін повідомленнями, передача повідомлень

to operate(d) / to put (put; put) into operation / to operate on-line

працювати, діяти / вводити в дію / працювати в режимі “он-лайн”

to process(ed) / processing

опрацьовувати (дані) / опрацювання (даних)

to provide(d) / provider / supplier

забезпечувати, постачати / провайдер, постачальник

to receive(d) / receiver

отримувати / приймач, слухавка

to serve(d) / to service(d) / service

слугувати / обслуговувати / обслуговування

to transmit(ted) / transmission / transmitter

передавати / передача / передавач

3. Means of communication

3. Засоби комунікації



daily / weekly / monthly

щоденні / щотижневі / щомісячні

magazine / journal

журнал (розважальний) / науковий

tabloids (small in size, represent popular press) / broadsheets (large in size, represent quality press)

бульварна газета / газета великого формату

news: home / foreign (international) / business / sports / features / radio, TV programs / weather forecast / reviews

новини: вітчизняні / іноземні / ділові / спортивні / «цікавинки» / радіо, ТВ / прогноз погоди / огляд

editor / reporter / journalist / freelancer

редактор / репортер / журналіст / незалежний журналіст

On the Phone


landline / mobile phone

стаціонарний / мобільний

phone number / card / box / directory

телефонний номер / картка / телефон-автомат / довідник

fax machine / answering machine (answerphone)

факс / автовідповідач

directory enquiries

довідкове бюро

phone problems:

line is busy (engaged) / to dial the wrong number / to be out / to leave a message / to call back

телефонні проблеми:

лінія зайнята / набрати невірний номер / вийти / залишити повідомлення / передзвонити ще раз



to plug (ed) in / to turn(ed) on, off / to turn over

включити в розетку / включити прилад, вимкнути / переключити канал

TV set / remote control / TV aerial / satellite dish / cable TV / channel / headset (headphones)

телевізор / пульт дистанційного керування / ТВ антенна / супутникова антенна / кабельне ТВ / канал / навушники

TV programs: soap opera / quiz (game) show / chat show / sitcom / documentary / a series / current affairs / commercials (ads)

ТВ програми: мильна опера / теле-,радіо вікторина / ток-шоу (теледиспут) / «сітком» (комедійна ТВ історія) / документальна / серіал / поточні події / реклама



hardware / software

апаратне / програмне забезпечення

monitor / screen / central processing unit (CPU) / memory / keyboard / mouse / laser printer

монітор / екран / центральний процесор / пам’ять / клавіатура / миша / лазерний принтер

disk / hard disk / flash card (memory stick) / laptop / iPod

диск / жорсткий диск / флешка / настільний комп’ютер / цифровий аудіоплеєр

word processor / spreadsheet / database / graphics

текстовий редактор / електронна таблиця / база даних / креслення

clicking on icons:

to open(ed) a new document / an existing document / to save the data in this document / to print(ed) / to cut (cut; cut) / to copy(ied) / to paste(d)

клацання на іконки:

відкрити новий документ / існуючий документ / зберегти дані у документі / надрукувати / вирізати / скопіювати / вставити (фрагмент тексту)

computer literate / user-friendly

комп’ютерно-освічений / легко користується

Internet (network) / e-mail

Інтернет / електронна пошта

to crash(ed) / to have a bug (virus) / to make a back-up copy

зламатися / мати вірус / зробити копію

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