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IV. Choose among “many”, “much”, “few”, “little”, “a few”, “a little” to fill in the blanks in the sentences.

  1. Tom is very popular and has got … friends.

  2. The roads are so slippery, that’s why you can see … traffic.

  3. I can’t drink too … coffee or I don’t fall asleep for a long time.

  4. … shops are opened at night.

  5. Could you lend me … money?

  6. There are only … desks in the auditorium.

  7. … people noticed what was going on at all.

  8. How … books did you borrow from the library last year?

  9. Carie closed her coat quickly and walked … faster.

  10. He accepted willingly my invitation to remain for … days in my apartment.

V. Choose the correct indefinite pronouns.

    1. There is … on the sofa. What can it be?

a) somebody b)some c) something

    1. Does … speak German?

a) any b)anybody c)anything

    1. May I ask you … questions?

  1. little b)a few c)much

    1. She knows ....about it.

a) much b) many c)few

    1. Have gou got at least … news about him?

a) many b) little c) a little

    1. My sister asked … to help her to move to a new flat.

a) something b)somebody c)anybody

    1. These boots are more fashionable that those … .

a)ones b)one c) any

    1. There isn’t … funny in what you are trying to tell me.

a) anyone b)something c)anything

VI. . Complete the dialogue. Use indefinite pronouns.

Nick: Hello, Jane!


Nick: You are not doing anything tonight, are you?


Nick: It’s just that my new next-door neighbours are having a party and they also invited me to go. I thought maybe you’d like to come.


Nick: What’s your idea of a good evening then?


Nick: That’s very boring! Look, the party’s not going to go on late. We’ll stay there for some hours. oh, please come! It’ll be good fun.


Nick: That’s all right. I’ll come over in the car and pick you up. How long will it take you to get ready?


Nick: Okay, see you soon then. Bye.



(The Noun)

Іменник – це повнозначна частина мови, яка означає назви предметів і речовин, живих істот, явищ і абстрактних понять.

A book, chalk, a child, rain, beauty.

Морфологічні характеристики іменника

1. Відмінок


Називний відмінок (The Nominative Case)

Присвійний відмінок (The Possessive (Genіtive) Case)

2. Число (Number)

Однина (The Singular)

Множина (The Plural)

Морфологічний склад іменників

Іменник (Noun)

Прості (Simple Nouns)

a map, a town, milk

Похідні (Derivative

Nouns) a reader, childhood,


Складні (Compound Nouns)

snowball, railroad

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