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One of the most picturesque and oldest parts of London, Greenwich is worth a visit just to experience Greenwich Market and the village atmosphere. It's also where you'll find the Cutty Sark (closed for refurbishment until the end of 2008), the Royal Observatory, home of Greenwich Mean Time and the Meridian, the National Maritime Museum and Queen's House. Catch a performance at Greenwich Theatre or Laban and take the time to enjoy the local delicacy of whitebait at the Trafalgar Tavern. This historic pub was one of Charles Dickens' regular haunts.

b) Tell your groupmates about Greenwich.

12. А) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb from the box below making any necessary changes. You may use each word only once.

to visit

to reward

to attract

to be

to take

to cross

to make

to lie

South Kensington

London is a big city, and getting around all its … 1 can take some time. But not so when … 2 three of London's big museums! The Science Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, and Natural History Museum are all within easy reach of each other and all … 3 free to enter, which … 4 for a joyfully convenient day out.

Just north of the museums … 5 the Royal Albert Hall, the ultimate London concert venue. … 6 over the road, into Hyde Park to … 7 in the Victorian splendour of the Albert Memorial - and after a short five minute walk you'll … 8 with a look around one of London's most popular contemporary art spaces, the Serpentine Gallery.

b) What do you know about the underlined words? Prepare a short 2-minute report on two of the sights.

3. A) Fill the blanks with the words from the box. You need to change the form of the words. You may use each word only once.








Just a few (1)…….. ago, Bankside was home to a (2)…….. power station (now Tate Modern), and derelict Victorian wharf buildings (now Pickfords Wharf, which is (3)…….. with restaurants and eateries). Today the area is a (4)…….. hotspot, with most visitors making their (5)…….. to Tate Modern, London's cathedral to modern art. But while in the area, don't miss Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, Vinopolis (homage to wine), Clink Prison (London's oldest jail) and everyone's favourite horror(6)…….., London Dungeon.

b) Explain the meaning of the words from the box above in English.

14. Translate the text into English:

Туристу на замітку

  • Валюта країни: фунт стерлінгів

  • Мова: англійська

  • Переліт: з Києва до Лондона двічі на день можна долетіти прямим рейсом за 3, 35 години, вартість квитків – від $570. Найбільш економний переліт – з пересадкою у Римі, $484. Проте час у дорозі складе 7 годин.

  • Готелі: від $110

  • Віза: 685 грн.

Якщо вас не зустрічають по приїзді до Лондону, не варто брати таксі. Подорож від аеропорту до готелю коштуватиме вам досить дорого – близько 80 фунтів. Краще спускайтеся у метро. Комфортні вагони з м’якими сидіннями довезуть до будь-якого району англійської столиці всього за пару фунтів!

До речі, щодо проїзду. Якщо ви збираєтеся гуляти містом декілька днів, вигідно у касах метрополітену придбати єдиний проїздний квиток на метро і автобуси, які курсують у першій і другій зонах. Весь Лондон поділено на 6 зон (районів), але головні туристичні маршрути знаходяться саме у перших двох. Схему метро можна бесплатно взяти біля каси, а розклад автобусів висить на кожній зупинці.

Ходити по Лондону пішки – одне задоволення. Тільки завжди беріть з собою парасольку чи теплу кофту. Навіть якщо вранці світить яскраве сонечко, а на небі ні хмаринки, це не означає, що негода пройде стороною. За якість 10 хвилин можуть набігти хмари, подує холодний вітерець і начнеться злива. Такий клімат!

Подивитися усі визначні місця за один день – нереально. Спочатку відвідайте кам’яного адмірала Нельсона на Трафальгарській площі, яку назвали на честь перемоги англійського флоту над ескадою Наполена в 1805 році. Монумент «охороняють» чотири бронзових леви, з якими так полюбляють фотографуватися туристи, засунувши їм до пащі руку чи голову.

На цій же площі знаходиться і Національна галерея. Якщо стати до цієї будівлі спиною, відкриється розкішний вигляд на Біг Бен. Щоб побачити цю відому башту з годиником, слід пройти вниз по вулиці Уайтхол, а на шляху до будівлі парламенту можна завітати на вулицю Даунінг (вона буде справа), де розміщений відомий на весь світ будинок №10 – офіційна резиденція прем’єр-міністра Англії.

Надзвичайно гарна будівля парламенту і башта Біг Бен стоять якраз напроти Вестмінстерського Абатства, яке можна відвідати за 20 фунтів.

Наступна зупинка на шляху огляду визначних місць – фортеця Тауер. Дістатися туди можна на автобусі, а можна і на річному трамвайчику (7,5 фунта). Виявляється, Тауер був першою королівською резиденцією, а з XIII по XVIII століття – зоопарком. Потім сюди саджали політичних діячів. Зараз у фортеці – скарбниця Британської Корони, середньовічний палац, музей знаряддя катувань. Єкскурсія фортецею коштує 11 фунтів.

Палаців, що належать королівській родині, у Лондоні багато. Але обов’язково слід подивитися два найгарніших та найвідоміших. Це Букінгемський палац, в якому живе королева, і Кенсінгтонський палац, який вважався резиденцією принцеси Діани.

Єдине розчарування - Букінгемський палац показують народу не з того боку, з якого ми бачимо його у книгах чи журналах. І усередину туристів не пускають – приватна власність! Проте, щоранку о 10.00 можна безкоштовно спостерігати зміну караулу - теж гідне видовище.

Палац принцеси Діани перетворили на музей. І відкрили там магазин сувенірів, де можна купити альбоми і книги про Діану і всю королевську родину.

.15. a) Study this dialogue. Role-play between a hotel receptionist and a visitor

Hotel receptionist:

Hello, sir. Can I help you?


Hello, I wonder if you can. I’d like to have some information about nice places around here because I am going to spend the day in the city and I don’t know exactly where I could go.

Hotel receptionist:

Well, you may take a guided tour in a double-decker round London. The bus comes every half an hour from Trafalgar Square. Why not visit the Tower of London, Kew Gardens, the National Gallery, Westminster Abbey then have a welcome rest from sightseeing in one of London’s pubs and have a wonderful evening in Royal Opera House.


O’key. How can I get to Trafalgar Square?

Hotel receptionist:

Very easy. If you leave the hotel and make a left turn you’ll see a bus stop round the corner. Take a bus and on the way you have to change buses.


Oh, no. I think I might get lost if I have to change. Is there any other way I can get there?

Hotel receptionist:

Actually, the underground. But first buy a ticket at a booking-office or obtain it from a slot machine. Be careful using an escalator to the platform or a lift. Have you got a schematic map?


Not yet. I’ve just arrived. I don’t think I’ll go by underground. I might hire a taxi.

Hotel receptionist:

O’key. A taxi stand is outside the main hotel doors, over there on your left. But taxis are far too expensive for any but very rich.


Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you. By the way can you show me the way to the nearest call box? I’ve been walking around here and can’t see any anywhere. I promised my wife to call her up as soon as I arrived.

Hotel receptionist:

No problem. Go straight along up the street and you’ll see the post office nearby.


Thanks a lot.

Hotel receptionist:

Thank you. Have a nice day!

b) In pairs think of a similar situation. Make use of the advice given in exercise 14. Prepare your own dialogue and present it to the class.


16. Read the advice and write an article (200 -230 words) to a tourist guide giving recommendations to those who are going to visit London. Make use of the advice given in ex. 14 too. Use the phrases, conveying probability, advisability, possibility, uncertainty, doubt, wish etc.

Wherever you might

It looks as if

It’s doubtful that

If I were you, I would

If smb had done smth

I wish I

It is advisable that

The plan is that


But for smth

It’s urgent that

It is possible that

It’s odd that

Smb fears that/lest

It is curious that

If only

If smb did smth

Whenever you may

  • If you are going to London for the day by train, try to buy a rail ticket that also includes travel on London buses and the underground. You will save a fortune on fares!

  • If you do not need your passport and other valuables, leave them at home. Like every other big city, London has pickpockets. They work wherever there are crowds – especially on the underground. Wear a money belt!

  • Try not to take £10 or £20 notes. It is safer to take ₤5 notes. Check your change in shops as soon as you are given it.

  • Change money before you go to London. It will save time.

  • Avoid “exchange bureaux” when you want to change money. A bank will probably be cheaper. Barclays, Lloyds, Midlands, National Westminster, Bank of Scotland, etc.

  • If you want to know what shows are on, where, and how much tickets cost, buy a copy of “Time Out” magazine at the bookshop in the station where you arrive.

  • If you want to buy a ticket to a play, concert, or show, ask about “standby seats” or “student standby seats”. These are cheaper but are usually only available on the day of the performance.

  • Plan your visit to London before you arrive! If you don’t, you will waste hours and risk being crushed in the crowds on the underground!

  • London traffic is very busy! This can make taxis expensive.

  • The tube is quicker than the bus, but you don’t see as much!

  • If you haven’t got much money, take your own sandwiches and drink, as food can be quite expensive.

  • You will have a very cheap day in London if you visit art galleries and museums. In Britain, they are usually free to everyone every day of the week.

  • If you want to have a very frustrating day in London, join the queues at Madame Tussauds and the other most popular places. There is more to London than wax figures and Buckingham Palace! Good luck!

17. a/ Read about Top 10 London Attractions. Then close the book and speak in turn to remember as much information about these attractions as you can.

London is home to countless historical and modern attractions, from the London Eye to the National Gallery and Tower of London. With free admission to many top attractions, there's no better place to soak up some culture. Take your pick from the most popular London attractions. They are listed below in order of popularity based on visitor numbers in 2007 or latest available numbers in the case of the London Eye (2005) & Madame Tussuads (2000).

British Museum

The imposing British Museum exhibits the works of man from prehistoric to modern times with collections drawn from all around the world. Famous objects include the Rosetta Stone, sculptures from the Parthenon and the Portland Vase.

Tate Modern

The impressive Tate Modern is Britain's national museum of modern art. Housed in the former Bankside Power Station on the banks of the River Thames, the gallery displays major works by Matisse and Picasso as well as contemporary work, exhibitions and installations.

National Gallery

The National Gallery houses one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world. With paintings ranging from 1250 to 1900, the collection includes work by Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Gainsborough, Turner, Cezanne and Van Gogh.

Natural History Museum

As well as the permanent dinosaur exhibition, the Natural History Museum boasts a collection of the biggest, tallest and rarest animals in the world. Don't miss the life-sized model of the Blue Whale, the 40 million year old spider, the earthquake simulator and an elephant bird egg.

The London Eye

The London Eye is a major feature of London's skyline. It is the world's highest observation wheel and offers passengers spectacular views of over 55 of London's most famous landmarks - all in just 30 minutes.

Science Museum

See, touch and experience the major scientific advances of the last 300 years at the largest museum of its kind in the world. The Science Museum has over 40 galleries and 2000 hands-on exhibits, step into the future in the Wellcome Wing, visit the IMAX cinema and virtual reality simulator.

The Victoria & Albert Museum

The V&A celebrates all things art and design, and is home to 3,000 years worth of amazing artefacts from many of the world's richest cultures. See their amazing collection of ceramics, furniture, fashion, glass, jewellery, photographs, sculpture, textiles and paintings.

Madame Tussauds

At Madame Tussauds, you'll come face-to-face with some of the world’s most famous faces. From Shakespeare to the Dali Lama you'll meet history and politics' most influential figures; sing along with Kylie; strike a penalty with Rooney or receive a once-in-a-lifetime audience with Her Majesty the Queen.

The Tower of London

Take a free guided tour with one of the Yeoman Warders around one of the most famous fortified buildings in the world. Discover its 900 year history as a royal palace and fortress, prison and place of execution, mint, arsenal, menagerie and jewel house.

National Maritime Museum

One of the greatest maritime museums of the world containing models, displays, paintings and trophies from every continent of the world. Children find plenty to engage them in the All Hands gallery and have a go on the professional ship simulator.

b/ Choose two of them to write a 5 minute report on.


The best way to get to know a city - even the one you grew up in - is by seeing it on foot. Make use of the prompts of three exciting walks to show just how varied London is. Prepare a five-minute talk to present it in your group.

Walk 1: Architectural Marvels

Start out from the awe-inspiring cathedral …, built in ….

Walk down … with its …, once the homes of … .

Perhaps the most magnificent of these are the … which now houses ... .

At the end of the street you'll find … wide variety of ... .

Walk through, buying … on the way.

Walk 2: A breath of fresh air

Not so much a walk as a pleasant stroll, … park is our next destination.

If you're lucky enough to be there … .

As you walk along the shaded paths, you'll also be able to … .

At whatever time of year the park is a… .

So sit down on one of the benches facing the glorious … .

Walk 3: The art of the city

The walk takes you from … and its imposing …, through a series of … to … .

The … houses an impressive collection of works by …, but … also have plenty to offer.

Stop for a coffee in … .

You'll probably need to put your feet up, but we know you will have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know London in this way!

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