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1. Read and translate into Ukrainian the following English phrases:

Mainframe computer, memory capacity, to perform calculations, to process information, input-output devices, software and hardware, to solve equations, analog computer, digital computer, external world, character of a text.

2. Read and translate into English the following Ukrainian phrases:

Як наслідок, універсальна обчислювальна машина, цифровий комп’ютер, розв’язувати рівняння, аналоговий комп’ютер, програмне та апаратне забезпечення, символ тексту, обсяг пам’яті, пристрої вводу-виводу, зовнішній світ.

3. Make up sentences using the given words:

1. Through, analog, performs, the, varying, interaction, an, computer,

physical, of, continuously, quantities, calculations.

2. In, similar, calculus, analog, and, computers, specialize, problems,

mathematical, differential.

3. Be, main, special-purpose, and, all, classified, computers, may,

two, general-purpose, into, types, analog.

4. Computers, is, digital, of, the, one, computer, the, electronic, types, of.

5. To, analog, designed, in, variable, continuously, which, computer,

the, vary, data, the, quantities, is, process.


3.1. Translate two abstracts in a written form.

3.2. Write 10 questions to Text A.

3.3. Make up thesis for rendering Text B.

3.4. Write a short summary of Text C.

3.5. Look through Texts A, B, C and make a report about the computer system.


Talking Points

1. Find in the text and present the information about:

    1. The analogue computers

    2. The digital computers

    3. The first generation computers

    4. The second generation computers

    5. The third generation computers

    6. The fourth generation computers

    7. The first higher-level computer languages

2. Comment in English on the following issues:

  • Kомп'ютери відрізняються один від одного

  • Kомп'ютери загального призначення

  • Mінікомп’ютери це швидкі комп'ютери

  • Aналоговий комп’ютер працює з інформацією, що

представлена величинами, які безперервно регулюються

  • Цифрові комп’ютери можуть бути запрограмовані для

виконання різних завдань

  • Перші дві комп’ютерні мови були розроблені комісіями

  • Напрямок розвитку комп”ютерів п”ятого покоління є ще


3. Make up a dialogue using the following questions:

1. What is the largest type of a computer?

  1. What are microcomputers commonly called?

  2. What term is used for a set of instructions telling the

computer what to do?

  1. What is the CPU?

  2. What name is given to devices connected to the CPU?

  3. What is the VDU?

  4. What are four types of computers?

  5. Where are analog computers used?

  6. What are the most significant features of digital computers?

  7. What does the hybrid computer offer?

Points of view

1. Agree or disagree with the statements using the following

phrases: indeed, of course, certainly, that goes without saying.

  1. Computer languages have been and continue to be developed.

  2. The analog computer operates on discrete numbers.

  3. Microcomputers are faster than mainframes.

  4. Digital computers employ autopilots.

  5. The modern digital computer is made up of four components.

6. Analog computer is capable of solving ordinary differential equations.

2. Discuss the information about:

  • Oброблення інформації

  • Bведення інформації

  • Виведення інформації

  • Зберігання інформації

  • Символ інформації

  • Комп’ютерні мови

  • Комп’ютерна система

  • Типи комп’ютерів

3. Make an overview of the problems:

  • Digital, analog and hybrid computers differ from one another.

  • The digital computer works with data.

  • The first generation computers were produced in 1940s.

  • Transistors were invented in 1956.

  • The second generation computer were smaller.

  • With the invention of the chip the third generation of computers

were produced.

  • The fourth generation of computers are characterized by the

fundamental components.

  • Computers are used nowadays for many different kinds of work.

  • The application of computers is becoming more widespread.

  • During the 1960s computer languages were modified and improved

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