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S E C T I O N I Texts for Reading, Translation, Discussion

Unit one Civil Engineering

Text A Civil Engineering Profession (1)

Text B Civil Engineering Profession (2)

Text C Civil Engineering Profession (3)

Unit two Civil Engineering as Career

Text A Civil Engineering Subdivisions (1)

Text B Civil Engineering Subdivisions (2)

Text C My Future Speciality

Unit three Computer Systems

Text A What is a Computer & Computer Language

Text B The History of Computer & Computer System

Text C Three Types of Computers

S E C T I O N II Texts for Expanded Reading

Text 1 From the History of Civil Engineering

Text 2 Architecture and History of its development

Text 3 American Society for Civil Engineering

Text 4 ASCE Designations

Text 5 Computer and Town Planning

Text 6 Babbage, Hollerith and the Computer Age

Text 7 The First Computer Revolution

Text 8 Specialized Roles of Computers.

Text 9 Microcomputers. The Second Computer


S E C T I O N III Texts for Topic Discussion:


Text 1 Kyiv National University of Construction and


Text 2 British Universities

Text 3 National Institution with International Perspectives

Text 4 University Education in the USA

Supplementary Texts for Discussion:the system of education in great britain and america


S E C T I O N I Texts for Reading, Translation, Discussion


R e a d I n g Key terms

1. Study key words and their definitions before reading Text a:

engineer 1/ a member of the engineering profession – людина інженерної професії or

2/ someone who operates or maintains certain kinds of equipment, e.g. a railroad locomotive engineer (a technician) – той, хто керує якимось обладнанням/ /машиною чи ремонтує його, наприклад, машиніст потягу (технік)

engineering the practical application of the findings of theoretical science for the benefit of mankind – практичне застосування висновків теоретичної науки для блага людства

civil engineering the branch of engineering that deals with

design and construction of objects that are intended to be stationary галузь інженерної науки і практики, яка пов’язана з проектуванням і будівництвом стаціонарних об’єктів – (e.g. buildings and houses, dams, tunnels, bridges, canals, sanitation systems, also the stationary parts of transportation systems – highways, airports, port facilities, and roadbeds for railroads)

structural engineering subdivision of civil engineering dealing

with permanent structures – підрозділ будівельної галузі, пов’язаний з довгочасними конструкціями

hydraulic engineering subdivision of civil engineering dealing

with the flow of water and other fluids

підрозділ будівельної галузі, пов’язаний

з течією води та інших рідин

environmental/sanitary subdivision of civil engineering engineering which deals with water supply,

water purification and sewer systems

підрозділ будівельної галузі, пов’язаний з водопостачанням, водоочищенням і водовідведенням

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