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1. Read and translate into Ukrainian the following English phrases:

Civil engineering establishment of higher learning; to plan well in advance; acquire educational qualification; to be a challenge; competitive and challenging environment; educational endeavour; solid background

2. Read and translate into English the following Ukrainian phrases:

Твердження; мати інтелектуальний потенціал; досягати мети; галузь , що користується попитом; наукові факти; сучасні економічні технології; вивчати економіку, як основний предмет; зштовхнутися з проблемою; кінцева, головна мета; перехід до ринку; міцні, спеціальні знання, компетентність; середовище, що пред'являє великі вимоги.

3. Make up sentences using the given words:

1. Establishment, engineering Kyiv , University, and, Architecture, a prominent, of, civil of higher Construction, learning, National.

2. Career, this, by building, could be achieved, a successful, best intellectually- rewarding, objective.

3. Degree, years, requires, is professionally oriented, of, Bachelor, require, and, four, study.

4. Purpose, foreign, the, at, main, of, capable, to train, the, to make, use, teaching, a, language, practical, specialists, university, is, of, it.

5. The, of, sciences, languages, computer, should not be, and, foreign, underestimated, role.

W r I t I n g

3.1. Translate two abstracts in a written form from Text A.

3.2. Write a short summary of Text B.

3.3. Make up theses for rendering Text C.

3.4. Look through Texts A, B, C and make a report about

  • subdivisions of civil engineering

  • a career in civil engineering


Talking Points

1. Find in the texts and present the information about:

construction engineering

environmental engineering

water resources engineering

structural engineering

land surveying

construction surveying

transportation engineering

2. Make up a dialogue using the following questions:

  1. What criteria do you think people use when they choose their future profession?

  2. What has inspired you to choose this profession?

  3. What is your future speciality?

  4. How long does the course of study last in your university?

  5. How do you plan to become a skilled graduate out of a green freshman?

  6. Are computer sciences and foreign languages in the focus of the civil engineering curriculum nowadays?

  7. What subjects do you consider to be the most important for you to gain your professional skills?

  8. Will the knowledge of any foreign language promote your career?

  9. What kinds of companies can employ you?

10.Are people who have civil engineering training in demand in modern society?

Points of view

1. Agree or disagree with the statements using the phrases given in brackets: indeed, of course, certainly, that goes without saying

  1. Civil engineering is a profession concerned with virtually all aspects of the urban environment and the interactions between constructed, natural and human environments.

  2. Environmental engineering is concerned with the collection and management of water as a natural resource.

  3. Civil engineering is traditionally broken into several sub-disciplines.

  4. Surveying equipment, such as levels and theodolites, are used for accurate measurement.

5. The main objective of earthquake engineering is defence against

flooding and erosion.

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