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  1. I couldn't resist the temptation to tease Tom.

  2. A week later he received an order to go to the Port at once.

  1. Of course, I had the advantage of knowing the man very well.

  1. The invitation to visit him never came.

  2. What's the point of staying with them any longer?

  3. When he spoke he gave the impression of being both nervous and ill at ease.

. 7. I got permission to borrow the book in order to learn the poem.

  1. He had a habit of sitting up till late at night.

  2. At college I formed a habit of keeping a diary.

  1. He went east in February with the intention of selling out his business and settling in New York.

  2. I had the satisfaction of seeing that Betty was getting more and more ill at ease.

  3. But I always had the fear of doing the wrong thing.

  4. He gave up the pretence of packing.

  5. There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.

15. And of course you have the right to say "no" to any of them. 16.1 haven't any right to ask you at all.

  1. Mother had no desire to go to the kitchen.

  2. He saw her instinctive desire to put each thing in its appointed place.

  3. It rained in the morning and she gave up any hope of visiting the pool.

  4. There is no hope of arranging an interview with him before he sails.

  5. He gave up the idea of telephoning.

  6. The idea of parting never crossed our minds.

  7. I was in despair at the thought of losing the job.

  8. I simply can't bear the thought of not seeing you every day.

  9. Her decision to find work was quite strong.

  10. Paul made no attempt to talk.

  11. I don't think that she would like any attempt on my part to renew the acquaintance.

  12. I made a great effort to be calm.

  13. She saw me looking at her but made no effort to get up.

  14. He had the gift of seeing things as they were.

  15. I set myself the task of trying to find them.

  16. I don't know any decent way of turning down their invitation.

  17. Oh, I generally find ways of amusing myself when I am at home all by myself.

  18. You missed the chance to make him happy.

  19. They rarely got a chance to help their father at work.

  20. I don't often have the chance of going out in the evening.

  21. I'm glad I got this chance of seeing you.

  22. There was no opportunity for them to be alone.

  23. I've taken the opportunity to give Ann my views on the present situa­tion.

  24. I'm glad to have the opportunity of talking to you, Doctor.

Ex. 51.

1. in

6. for

11. for

2. for

7. at

12. in

3. in

8. to

13. at

4. in

9. about

14. for

5. to

10. in

Ex. 52.

  1. I had some difficulty in getting the door open because of the mass of newspapers and letters on the floor inside.

  2. He had never had difficulty in finding jobs and obtaining research grants.

  3. There was no sense in staying in the room all day.

  4. I have reasons for wanting to keep this house.

  5. I knew that my housekeeper would be still away, so there was no point in going to the flat till late at night.

  6. Val had no particular objection to being seen with Helen.

  7. He wanted to hide the embarrassment he felt at making the speech.

  8. There will be no difficulty in arranging this interview.

  9. He was trying to conceal his pleasure at being offered a job.

  1. I had one clear reason for not doing so.

  2. That was one of my reasons for bringing you here this afternoon.

Ex. 53. і

  1. she 5. Herbert 9. any person

  2. Jack 6. the piano 10. me

  3. anything 7. its

  4. his 8. his, my

Ex. 54.

  1. Is there any objection to my seeing him?

  2. I couldn't bear the thought of her being so unhappy and so far away.

  3. Although she was always at the head of her class, there was no ques­tion of her going to college.

  4. His plan included the necessity of Bart's remaining in Europe as maw ager. I

  5. There wasn't much chance of his surviving the operation.

  6. Even now the thought of having talked to her touched him strangely.

  7. Do you think there's any chance of our being believed?

  8. His quick ears caught the sound of a motor boat approaching.

  9. Now there is a real danger of the epidemic spreading wide.

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