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  1. I must work very hard this week.

  2. But Martha saw them. She must have told you (about it).

  1. He must get there before eight.

  2. She lit the fire and said: "Do sit down, you must be frozen."

  3. I must wash up all the glasses.

  4. John, turning from the door, noticed that he was standing upon a let­ter which lay on the mat. It must have been delivered some time after his return.

  5. "We are having tea early," said Kate. "You must be starving."

  6. "Oh, you!" he said as he looked up in surprise. He must have forgotten my name.

  7. I did not see Jim but I knew that he must be waiting somewhere.

10. I waited about half an hour, and was just thinking that something must have happened to Kathy when she arrived in a taxi.

11. She looks so pale. She must have been ill. 12.1 must write to them today.

  1. I must do something for him, Jack thought.

  2. "Phil, there was a letter in your book." "Was there?" "You must have forgotten it."

Ex. 21.

  1. I don't want to take the examinations. I shan't probably be in London then.

  2. There had probably never been (must never have been) so much money at his disposal.

  3. Martin was on the other side of the fireplace. I thought that he could not have heard (it was impossible for him to hear) their words.

  4. He must have failed to talk him into going with us.

  5. He probably just hasn't had (must never have had) time for you so far.

  6. They must have missed him at the station.

  7. I tolerated it so long because I thought she loved me in her own way. But, of course, she can't have ever loved (must never have loved) me.

  8. The teacher must have omitted (left out) your name by mistake.

  9. She must be unaware that you are here.

  1. They must have seen nothing of her since the summer.

  2. "Can (could) I talk to you tomorrow morning?" "I probably shall be busy in the morning."

  3. He won't speak English probably.

  4. There must be no one at home now.

  5. "Who is the old man?" "The new president of the company." "Are you joking?" "I'm not joking. You can't have read the papers (must have read no papers)."

Ex. 23.

1. he can't have done

2. you may be








9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

they may have forgotten can it be

he can't have been meaning

he can't have refused

he can't have read

where can you have met

he must have heard

It must have been

he must have been fishing

she must be out

what can you have brought

he may not know

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23. 24.


the news may be broadcast they must have taken no notes can we be he may forget

can something have happened,

the car must be undergoing

you can't possibly get

what can he be doing

it can't have been

she may have been, she may not

have heard

you must have used

15. can he be giving Ex. 24.

1. They must do as they are told.

2.1 suppose I must put on my other shoes for the party.

  1. I can't leave without paying.

  2. They must return all the money.

  3. You might have given them a call to say that you were not coming.

  4. I was so hungry that I might have eaten the whole chicken up.

  5. "Must I take an umbrella?" "Yes. It looks like rain."

  6. Were you able to finish the work?

  7. The situation (Things) couldn't be worse.

  1. Could you come a little later?

  2. Can you have written it yourself?

  3. It can't possibly happen to me.

  4. In my mind I went over the possible occasions when I might have met him.

  5. He may not have wished to speak.

  6. She never spoke of her childhood, and there must have been some reason for it.

  7. But really I can't possibly walk further.

  8. "He can rest in my office," said Mr Bolt.

  9. Norah led the boy to her room. I could hear them talking there.

  10. "You mustn't minimize the danger," he said.

  11. I shall be able to write them tomorrow.

  12. No one could have done more than you did.

  13. Nick was a son that any parent might have been proud of.

  14. I think he has fallen in love with you because he must never have met anyone quite like you.

  15. I don't think I shall go out today. I may just as well sit in the arm­chair at the fire in this weather.

  16. You might have done something about it.

  17. After all, one can't' help admiring a man whose principles are so high.

  1. You can do what you like. 1

  2. "I don't see what else I could have done," he said.

  3. His mother is again in hospital. She must be seriously ill.

  4. There was no one among them to whom I could turn for help.

  5. I can't see how you can have been so foolish.

  6. I couldn't help thinking that Miss Grey had given herself away by saying that.

  7. He moved so quietly that he could not have disturbed the lightest sleeper.

  8. Where are my spectacles? No, they are not here. I must have left them at home.

  9. Must I stay here all day?

  10. He asked if he could depend on me.

  11. He asked if I could take his class for the next period.

  12. When the child is so ill you must feel wretched.

  13. You must get him here with all his stuff.

  14. "This must be unlike your home," said Bart.

  15. I said he could take my car.

  16. I couldn't care less.

  17. She knew what he must be feeling.

  18. He can't be more than three or four years older than you.

  19. The weather may change for the better yet.

  20. She can't be unaware of it.

  21. I won't be able yet to give you a definite answer on Monday.

  22. They may not have come yet.

  23. They may be still investigating the matter.

  24. They may have been at the party but I didn't see them.

  25. Who can have turned the light on in my room?

  26. Your father is very angry. What can you have done again?

  27. It's quite dark. I must have been sleeping a long time.

  28. He will probably give us a call soon.

  29. Can he have told you to come here?

  30. "Where is my key?" "You must have lost it." "I can't have lost it. I may have left it in the pocket of my coat."

Ex. 25.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

can must


may, may must, could must, can could


must, can

10. must, can, can

  1. could

  2. must

  1. can, can

  2. must

  3. can, must

  1. must

  2. must

  3. must

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.


was able

could must must could must could must

  1. must, could

  2. can

  3. must

  4. could

  5. can, can

  1. must

  2. must

  3. must

  4. must

  5. must

  1. might

  2. must

  3. must

Ex. 27.

  1. doesn't have to, does he have to?

  2. didn't have to, did they have to?

  3. shan't have to, shall I have to?

  4. doesn't have to, does she have to?

  5. didn't have to, did he have to?

  6. won't have to, will she have to?

Ex. 28.

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